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I think having about 25 shots off target probably had something to do with it. Shooting practice for your lot in the week.
As for the red card, you could easily make a case for Hogg to be sent off too because he plants his foot on Ayews knee. Reminds me a bit of the Pogba red vs Arsenal earlier in the season.
King Luis
Aye, they really are awful and dire to watch too. Somehow they're not in the relegation zone (5 wins all season!) but their upcoming fixtures look tough so they could well be soon.
Still fancy Palace to get out of it. I thought they were virtually safe not long ago but there seems to be some life in them at least which is more you can say for Southampton.
Number 1
Certainly, judging by his failure to score or really look like scoring, Guido Carillo is not the answer to their problems. But one would agree with Pellegrino's assessment that they gave up.
It might well be that because he's got them to the FA Cup Quarters, that's keeping him in post - maybe even moreso if they beat Wigan next week to reach the semis. But they have a terrible run-in and struggle to score, and in a straight fight, I'd have Palace as likelier to keep their heads above water at present.
King Luis
Number 1
In a further development, they have sacked their manager.
Most of their fans seem bemused and irritated that it didn't happen sooner, judging by relevant Twitter hashtags.
Number 1
Not that I can boast that quickly, given we're not over the line just yet, but I think the ball's in our court to wrap this up.
You should be absolutely fine now. Stoke, Southampton and Huddersfield are struggling, two from those three I'd say. I know Palace are only two points above the drop zone but they should be fine..
Number 1
Stoke's defensive problems means I don't think they'll manage it, and that's even before Shaqiri apparently slagged off his teammates' quality, thus indicating dressing room tension. I don't think anyone of the 4 above is safe yet, although Swansea's form is probably good enough. If Huddersfield beat Brighton next week, that does alter the picture a little as the Seagulls have an appalling run-in.
Wijnaldum should bully Rooney in the centre
It should have been from the first half alone. Fair play to United, SAF would have been proud of that turn around.
Number 1
I thought Mustafi was poor in the Arsenal-Southampton game last week, so helpful for us he essentially again repeated his brain fades when it came to low crossing.
Still annoying the coverage. - On the radio on the game 5Live kept referring to everything negative as Newcastle and everything positive as Benitez. - Benitez was still manager when we went on a length losing streak. He deserves tremendous praise for the run of form after Christmas - but with that he's also accountable for poorer results.
England need to take Mo Diame to the World Cup!
Can't believe Arsenal have only won 3 away games all season
Eric Portapotty
I'm scared guys.
Number 1
Its been a while since I checked the works of Nostradamus, but isn't Wenger quitting one of the harbingers of the apocalypse?
Glad they're going down like
Definitely. Great manager who changed so much.
Absolutely hated him, Henry and Vieira back in the day, but that rivalry gave me great childhood memories.
Eric Portapotty
Back at you bro, your had a bunch of utter fucking cunts as well
King Luis
Spurs have had more penalties at Anfield this season than we've had, its like officials are so keen to be seen to be fair that they just don't award pens at Anfield even when they're clear cut.
Still, if we go down, we go down. I don't want to say I'm not fussed, but it's one of those where, as disappointed as I'd be, I'd also appreciate just how much we've achieved this season. We'd be in a great position to build, even if we lost Wagner, and I think we'll have plans for whatever division we're in. We're keeping Lössl and Hadergjonaj (one of the achievements of the fans this season has been getting his name into a coherent song), even if we lost players we'd have a massive war chest to rebuild again. The Championship is one hell of a league, mind you, and if this is goodbye then at least we're taking some incredible memories with us - particularly the day we outfought, outplayed and quite deservedly beat Manchester United.