FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 26 Apr 2024
  • 9,252 Changes
  • 137 Contributors
  • FM24.3

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This page is here as a historical reference only.

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8 years ago
1 hour ago
Everything that was heard over the last 24 hours was confirmed. Karim Ansarifard and Panayiotis Tachtsides leave Olympiacos and continue their career in England.

In particular, the two players move from the "red-white" to Nottingham Forest and will now be fighting under the instructions of Aitor Karanka on the Championship grounds.

The English team, owned by Vangelis Marinakis, has this year's goal to claim the rise in the Premier League, and with the addition of the international Iranian offensive and the Greek media, it is further strengthened. please enabled this thank you.
8 years ago
1 hour ago
Everything that was heard over the last 24 hours was confirmed. Karim Ansarifard and Panayiotis Tachtsides leave Olympiacos and continue their career in England.

In particular, the two players move from the "red-white" to Nottingham Forest and will now be fighting under the instructions of Aitor Karanka on the Championship grounds.

The English team, owned by Vangelis Marinakis, has this year's goal to claim the rise in the Premier League, and with the addition of the international Iranian offensive and the Greek media, it is further strengthened. please enabled this thank you.
8 years ago
1 hour ago
Everything that was heard over the last 24 hours was confirmed. Karim Ansarifard and Panayiotis Tachtsides leave Olympiacos and continue their career in England.

In particular, the two players move from the "red-white" to Nottingham Forest and will now be fighting under the instructions of Aitor Karanka on the Championship grounds.

The English team, owned by Vangelis Marinakis, has this year's goal to claim the rise in the Premier League, and with the addition of the international Iranian offensive and the Greek media, it is further strengthened.
8 years ago
1 hour ago
On 2 September 2018, Hajisafi returned to Tractor Sazi with 3 years contract.
11 years ago
2 years ago
fix your source link
8 years ago
1 hour ago
As Olympiacos player should now be Echan Chatzisafi! Late in the evening of December 27, had announced the developments in the Iranian International Battle Case, transferring information from the player's home where they talked about a definitive agreement between all sides.

And the afternoon of Friday (29/12) came the confirmation from the Piraeus side! Hatzisafi is now a player in Olympiakos and the official announcement will come in the next few days.

Panionios is expected to reap an amount of between 500 and 600 thousand euros, while Hatzisafi will sign his contract on a 3.5 year contract, compared to 400 thousand euros a year.
Ehsan HajsafiEhsan Hajsafi has been transferred to FSV FrankfurtFSV Frankfurt.
Ehsan HajsafiEhsan Hajsafi now has a contract of £1k per week until 29th June 2017.
Submitted by bigpole 02 Sep 2015 09:39:59 (bigpole Submissions)