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So, i hadn't got around to downloading the player faces for 2019 before now so done it today. I've saved the file in the correct place and refreshed the cache but they still dont show up on the game. I'm on a mac, i dont have any issues getting the kits or badges to show up, just the faces. Any reason why, i've not had a problem with this on older versions of the game with the face packs?
I have no idea why you didn't post it in the dedicated technical support thread
Can you make sure that
(a) you have all 225k+ cutouts in place
(b) you have a config file in the faces folder
(c) you don't have another facepack file possibly conflicting with the faces?
If all the above are correct, then could you post a screenshot of your megapack folder so I can maybe see what could be the issue?
just download the most recent update/s to your older files
Hi, sorry for not posting in the correct place.
ok i've deleted the previous copy of the download and downloaded again (the mega pack) but still no show for the faces, do i need to unpack the main folder into a new folder and call it faces maybe? yes there is a config file in the faces and icon folders.
see attached, this is on the main drive in my documents folder where fm2019 is stored. Has Steam got anything else stored on the drive that might be stoping this, i've not used steam for this game before.
many thanks for your help.
Hi, unable to use previous copy as it was on an old drive, this is a new drive and a fresh install of the game this week. previous drive died and i cant find a copy of the old mega pack in my archive save files.
The location you've installed it looks fine, so that's not the issue
I don't think Steam is the issue either.
Can I have a screenshot of what's inside the faces folder? Ideally also one showing how many files are in there and the total folder size
way too many pics to grab in one screen grab, but here you go.
and the faces
The second screenshot in your first post shows that the faces folder is only 336.4MB. It looks like you did not download the full megapack, but possibly only an update pack. Going from the faces in the screenshot in your second post, it looks like you downloaded just the 11.08 update pack.
You need to download the full 11.08 megapack, and the total file size should be just under 12GB
Ok sorted, I did download the full mega pack and the update at the same time, obviously the update completed download and install first. Also it looks like i have a bit of an issue with my rar. unpacker and my virus software, took an age to unpack and then looks like it scanned every image file as it moved them to the graphics folder.
Anyhow, all sorted now, many thanks for your help
For future reference, I suggest using winrar to extract the files
All's well that ends well