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Shouldn't be skiving off work then should you?
Mr Willy
Harsh. Had Norovirus and was off for 2 days. Didnt even know about it until I got my pay slip!
You're paid per hour am I right? I think generally if you are paid per hour/part time then you dont get paid sick pay.
Just dont understand it? Is it better for me to go into work ill then?!
Might have been statutory sick pay? That only kicks in after a week I think.
Thats the problem working with big companies, you are just a number.
Slashman X
Says the guy whose prominent features on this site are a 3 and a 7
Okay, with that statement I think we can conclude that British employment law officially sucks.
Can't change my name simply to Kev because someone has that already.
Is that some sort of income insurance?
Is it called Flick Shoot? If it is I cannot stop playing it. That and "Darts Night" on iPhone. Both free.
Phoenix Arrow
It's fine. The problem really is just terminology. Being transwhatever is a very broad term and there aren't really any specific terms and if there were, noone would really care.
So it's like. If you take the word footballer. You could call someone who plays Sunday league a footballe or it could just be a term saved for professionals. But playing Sunday league isn't the same thing as playing for Man Utd and so you wouldn't call a Sunday league player a footballer, they'd be a person who plays football.
The same is true for being trans. Someone who was born as a male who takes x amount of tablets a day, goes to support sessions and shits herself everytime she has to talk to someone she doesn't know in case they go "HEY YOU'RE A DUDE AREN'T YOU?" could be called a tranny but then so could someone who likes going out at night wearing a bra because it gives him a hard on. The difference people don't differentiate between the tw so a lot of people assume it's some weird fetish and that's where the stigma comes from.
That and because queers..
Imagine what coal consumption increases look like for industrial revolution Britain. It's a pretty pointless graph, Chine has undergone massive amounts of infrastructure building over the last ten years, in order to become a modern country.
Phoenix Arrow
Reason being coal is cheaper. Sim City taught me that.
Mr Willy
Says the classical liberal.
What pisses me off at work is that my mate has been promoted to supervisor, going from £4.98 an hour to £6.40, because of the amount of sucking up he's been doing. We've been working pretty much the same number of hours for two months each, yet he's always getting a little extra over-time, gets treated with respect, doesn't get bollocked, and now will earn £1.42 per hour more than me, even though the actual supervising work he needs to do is open up and close on Saturday and Sundays, takes about half an hour each time. It's fucking bullshit. I'm speaking to my manager about it, but I bet he'll give some phony excuse.
The person who had the job before was asked to leave for stealing; they already had the job lined up for him anyway. I'm not the one who's been overlooked either, two other people are pissed off about it.
Mr Willy
Do sharks have fins?
Telegram Sam
Maybe he's just a better employee than you?
As much as it rains in Australia
Telegram Sam
Only joking, that's fucked, the worst thing is when you wake up and you can't remember shit.
Telegram Sam
Worst was after I had knee surgery and they took the needle our the back of my hand. Got up, was ok, then started feeling really bad. Managed to get over to near a chain, spun round and fainted into it. Was touch and go if I was going to be able to go home for a bit.
Also, TS, its AIDS, definitely AIDS.