Added 85 NEW injuries, and reworked 90% of injuries

With 114 injuries in FM, on the surface there seems to be quite a bit of depth. But looking closer, many things are unrealistic.
Blisters are treated by physios, pulled wrist ligaments take only a day or two to recover from, injury amount is only 70% of real life, and goalkeepers are invincible.

This file attempts to add a whole new layer of depth and strategy to your game:
* Learn to rotate your squad better
* Plan matches and training ahead of time, to prevent injuries to a star player
* Keep quality backup Goalkeepers on hand, in case your starting Goalkeeper is injured
* Use the Medical Center to keep an eye on players with high injury risk
* Make sure you have the best physios available
* Balance training, recovery, rehab, and rest
* Let your Club Doctor do his job, and plan for the financial hit
* Fully scout prospective players to weed out those susceptible to injuries
* Decide whether to bring in more loans/backup/youth players, for a squad capable of handling an injury crisis
* Determine if you should dump out of a cup early, so your thin squad can focus on the most important competitions

and so on..

1.0 Features

85 new injuries, added based on research
Added a new grading system for some injuries
Many injuries in real life are classified by grade.
I = the most minor, a sprain or bruise
II = more severe, likely some ripping or tearing
III = the worst, complete tear
Now, your Club Physio will tell you the "grade" or severity of the injury. For example, is it strained, partially torn, or completely torn?
OPTIONAL: Increased injuries to be near 100% of the amount in real life (compared to the 70% of default FM)

Added correct Classifications and Sub-Classifications for all injuries
Changed ratio of injuries to be more day-to-day and less major
Made injury lengths much more accurate
Example: Pulling your wrist ligaments in real life takes roughly 2-4 weeks to recover from. FM had it set at 1-3 days, but now it takes 2-4 weeks.
Added Realistic Causes
Example: Sprained knee ligaments were only turning, sprinting, jumping. Now, they can also be caused by impact or a bad tackle or wear and tear.
Added Realistic Treatment Options
> Reduced excessive physio use
Example: Way too many injuries are unrealistically treated by a physio. Why is a cold or a cut hand treated by a physio?
> Reduced amount of injuries able to use injection
Example: In real life, recommended treatment for a bruised thigh is Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and Rehab. It is a minor injury. Doctors say "You may also use a protective device." Yet, FM prescribes either an injection or physio.
> More injuries allow players to play with protective equipment
Example: Continuing with the bruised thigh - protective equipment is a much better option than injection.
More medically and anatomically accurate names for injuries
Example: A "broken lower arm" is now a "fractured humerus".
Fixed inaccurate seasonal injuries
Example: Shin splints no longer only occur in summer...
Removed unrealistic injuries
Example: A stubbed toe, that is treated by physio, but you can't use protective equipment? how many times does stubbed toe leave you unable to walk or run?)
Removed duplicate "different" injuries (IE: a broken toe(45 minimum days) and a fractured toe(15 minimum days, but everything else almost the same

Increased Goalkeeper injury possibility
Goalkeepers can now get 47 new injury types
Fixed injuries with blank Goalkeeper Percentage assigning too many injuries to Goalkeepers

Further Testing:
Goalkeeper injuries are increased, but still vary greatly, and may need to be increased more. The idea is that you should need 2 keepers on your squad at all times, as you regularly use your backup. If this is not the case, let me know.

Same issue with Central Defenders, refining how many get injured.

Injuries as a whole may need to be increased, as currently English Premier League teams have 10 - 1 players injured, and my tests show 8-1.

The Reduced Frequency version may need less injuries still.

Because everyone will have their own idea of a correct amount of injuries, setup a test save similar to the one you will actually play. Run it for a few hours, or even overnight, while you sleep. Take a look at the league you want to play in. Go to Stats > Injury Table. See how many players are out for each team, and for how long. Does it look right to you? Feedback is welcome!

How to Use The File:

Place in Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2020\editor data folder. Start a new save. When selecting the database(before Advanced Setup), be sure to select the checkbox to enable this file.


Many thanks to majesticeternity from the SI forums for allowing me to share here.
11 years ago
1 month ago
Sounds really good.

I assume there is no way to apply it to an existing save?
14 years ago
9 hours ago
Sounds really good.

I assume there is no way to apply it to an existing save?

No sadly not, will need a new save game to show in game.
Rich B
18 years ago
3 weeks ago
Absolutely made up this is out now. It improved fm19 immensely. I always complained about how players are injured so much in real life. Even if it’s a knock and playing with the aid of a course of injections.
Superb work.
Cannot wait to get started with this.
Thanks so much for this
14 years ago
13 hours ago
which folder do we put this into? is it in the editor data like the derbies folder?
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
2 hours ago
which folder do we put this into? is it in the editor data like the derbies folder?

Yes, that's right.
14 years ago
13 hours ago
can you let me know what differences using this file we would see in the game? thanks!
10 years ago
6 months ago

It includes the file that reduces the frequency of too many game injuries, right?
Deleted Account #1228603
It includes the file that reduces the frequency of too many game injuries, right?

Rich B
18 years ago
3 weeks ago
Why would you want to reduce the amount of injuries? I used to work with some premier league players and they very often said it’s a rarity any player isn’t playing with some form of a knock, niggle which means they aren’t 100% fit and often require an injection or some form of painkiller.
Plus reducing injuries only makes the game even easier.
More injuries more frequently for realism I say

Happy gaming everyone
14 years ago
9 hours ago
It includes the file that reduces the frequency of too many game injuries, right?

Yes there's two files, both are the same but one of them reduces the amount.
6 years ago
3 years ago
i would like to reduce only bullshit injuries from happening, i can understand that someone is getting hurt in the middle of december while playing 90 mins every 3 days in England, but i just can't stand my players getting 4 month injuries in a pre season friendly or even random set piece traning session, how can you break your foot while practicing free kicks for fuck sake. but i assume its impossible to make it work this way, yet still really nice update i will try it out thanks for your work !
8 years ago
4 months ago
i would like to reduce only bullshit injuries from happening, i can understand that someone is getting hurt in the middle of december while playing 90 mins every 3 days in England, but i just can't stand my players getting 4 month injuries in a pre season friendly or even random set piece traning session, how can you break your foot while practicing free kicks for fuck sake. but i assume its impossible to make it work this way, yet still really nice update i will try it out thanks for your work !

Yes, it's impossible to make it work that way, only SI can. I did increase the in-match probability of injuries versus training, to try and reduce the fact that most injuries are in-training.

But just a note on what you said - I agree, there should be a "hierarchy" of matches/training having more or less risk for injury, but you can see here that players often do get injured in pre-season. They are out of shape/on poor US pitches/on a new team and unused to their training, etc. So pre-season injuries are very real and probable.

The break your foot 1 out of 10 times practicing free kicks yea..not right.
8 years ago
2 weeks ago
Están en español? xq me aparecen en inglés y yo el juego lo uso en español, se puede corregir eso?
8 years ago
4 months ago
Están en español? xq me aparecen en inglés y yo el juego lo uso en español, se puede corregir eso?

Necesita ser traducido al español. Utiliza el Editor FM20.
11 years ago
1 month ago
Yes, it's impossible to make it work that way, only SI can. I did increase the in-match probability of injuries versus training, to try and reduce the fact that most injuries are in-training.

But just a note on what you said - I agree, there should be a "hierarchy" of matches/training having more or less risk for injury, but you can see here that players often do get injured in pre-season. They are out of shape/on poor US pitches/on a new team and unused to their training, etc. So pre-season injuries are very real and probable.

The break your foot 1 out of 10 times practicing free kicks yea..not right.

To be fair, nearly snapped the ligaments in my ankle by stepping on a curb yesterday. Bet you could do a bit more damage in a training session!
Rich B
18 years ago
3 weeks ago
To be fair, nearly snapped the ligaments in my ankle by stepping on a curb yesterday. Bet you could do a bit more damage in a training session!

I used to know a few ex premier league players. They used to say a player plays most of the season carrying some form of a knock or injury.
The intensity of professional training sessions must carry a higher increase of injuries. Plus freak injuries happen all the time. Dare England fans forget the dreaded metatarsal injury 🤦🏻‍♂️
Or a certain human version of Shrek getting injured from being sparked out at a gathering.
Plus the more injuries make for a bigger challenge

8 years ago
2 weeks ago
Necesita ser traducido al español. Utiliza el Editor FM20.

El "in-game" o el que viene por fuera?
8 years ago
4 months ago
El "in-game" o el que viene por fuera?

el que viene por fuera. Steam > Tools > Football Manager 2020 Editor.
10 years ago
7 hours ago
Does anyone know if this works with the FM Touch 2020 (ios) version? I manage to get a lot of stuff working via the file sharing - iTunes link up.

Pitch texture, player/staff pics, skin, logos and kits 2d and 3d. Realistic injuries would be a good addition too.

Cheers in advance for any info.
FM Bard
10 years ago
2 days ago
I'm playing with Valez in the Argentine league. I'm uncertain if some leagues are more physical.

I enjoy the wider variety of injuries and more realistic injuries. I just feel I should point out to anyone downloading this and starting a save that it may prove challenging, I realise not everyone enjoys that.

I literally can't get through a game without losing a player more often two to injury. Lots of injuries in training, lots of injuries 2-3 weeks or longer. Squad rotation has almost become a luxury I don't have because there's nobody left standing to rotate.

I actually dread pressing the continue button because invariably I'll get several injury notifications. The Specialist is just counting the money........
17 years ago
2 months ago
I have played until January 5th.
4 fractures, 1 partially torn ACL and 1 partially torn gracilis...
I have more major injuries than minor or slight combined.
How much will the reduced file reduce the injuries?
6 years ago
4 months ago
this is not reduced injuries !!
17 years ago
2 months ago
It says realistic injuries, I would say that 4 fractures in 5 months is not realistic.
I played my next game today so add another fractured ankle to that list..

@archonn one of the files says it's reduced.
I wonder how it compares to vanilla and the main file.
9 years ago
3 weeks ago
In the game is written in English, but I would like it in Italian ... How do I do it?
18 years ago
6 hours ago
In the game is written in English, but I would like it in Italian ... How do I do it?

You'll have to open the editor and change them all yourself, and do this before starting a save game...
9 years ago
3 weeks ago
You'll have to open the editor and change them all yourself, and do this before starting a save game...

how do i open the file editor? with which program?
18 years ago
6 hours ago
how do i open the file editor? with which program?

Open Steam. In the menu in top-left (Store > Library > Community > User), go to Library. Choose Games and then click Tools. Find Football Manager 2020 Editor, right click on it and install it.

Once you do, open it, load the editor data file, make the changes you want, then change it and start a new game
FM Bard
10 years ago
2 days ago
4 seasons of this and I'm just about to abort my save. It's absolutely exhausting, the injuries are insane in quantity and severity. There seems to be a particular bias towards injuries for wide players, defensive and offensive. I literally have 3-4 players in each wide position and I'm deep into using reserves.

This is a great idea for additional immersion but as it currently stands its unbalanced and has the potential to ruin a save. Hopefully, it gets addressed.
6 years ago
4 months ago
we dont want many standart injuries .. we want max 3 players injury and 1 of them injury maybe 6 months maybe more than 6 months .. it will be more realistic ...

i want to say ... you can check yourself : ((more than 1.000.000 euro per year contract players)) ( like 1200 player ) when game start (100 of them normal injury less than 2 weeks) (15-20 of them more than 6 months injury)....

original game after 3-4 years can see ((more than 1.000.000 euro per year contract players)) (like 1400 player) but nobody injury more than 6 months .. this is not realistic ... (80 of them normal injury less than 2 weeks) .. and 0 of them more than 6 months injury). nobody injury about 1400 player.. this is big unrealistic...

your pack after 3-4 years .. you can see ((more than 1.000.000 euro per year contract players) ( like 1400 player) = 150 of them is normal injury(less than 2 weeks) = this is little big high ( my view must be 120) ... and only 2 of them more than 6 months injury ... this is also so unrealistic....
18 years ago
6 hours ago
we dont want many standart injuries .. we want max 3 players injury and 1 of them injury maybe 6 months maybe more than 6 months .. it will be more realistic ...

i want to say ... you can check yourself : ((more than 1.000.000 euro per year contract players)) ( like 1200 player ) when game start (100 of them normal injury less than 2 weeks) (15-20 of them more than 6 months injury)....

original game after 3-4 years can see ((more than 1.000.000 euro per year contract players)) (like 1400 player) but nobody injury more than 6 months .. this is not realistic ... (80 of them normal injury less than 2 weeks) .. and 0 of them more than 6 months injury). nobody injury about 1400 player.. this is big unrealistic...

your pack after 3-4 years .. you can see ((more than 1.000.000 euro per year contract players) ( like 1400 player) = 150 of them is normal injury(less than 2 weeks) = this is little big high ( my view must be 120) ... and only 2 of them more than 6 months injury ... this is also so unrealistic....

This is just what you'd like and doesn't really have anything to do with real life. If you feel so strongly about it and willing to do more than just criticise, why not edit the injuries yourself?

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