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I have attached a photo of my Graphics folder. As you can see I have been adding kit packs as and when.
It is looking messy and unorganised. Can I simply move all of my kit folders into the folder named kits?
Short answer: Yes
Longer answer: In terms of custom graphics, anything within Documents / Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2020 / graphics is read by the game, so you can sort everything out in any way you deem fit as long as it's within that path. Not sure why you've renamed the graphics folder in caps though, leave it in lower case
Thanks again, all sorted now
So if I want to add the new player faces to my faces pack do I just put it in this faces folder ?
Is there a way I can tell what is the last pack I downloaded ? I think it was the 22nd December pack?
Each cutout faces update pack contains a faces and an iconfaces folder. If you paste the 2 folders from the download into your sortitoutsi FACES folder, then you will be prompted if you want to overwrite files, which you click OK/Accept to.
If you go to the update pack download page, it will tell you which files you have downloaded and when
Excellent , thanks again. Also from what I recall I have to untick the "use cache to increase speed" box if uploading a folder?
You need to have that unticked every time you're modifying the contents of your graphics folder, yeah.
Please read carefully what I wrote: If you paste the 2 folders from the download into your sortitoutsi FACES folder, then you will be prompted if you want to overwrite files, which you click OK/Accept to.
You copied the sortitoutsi folder in there, not the faces and iconfaces folder
Thanks again. I will do this again.
I am at present clearing the cache and this has taken 3 minutes so far. Problem is as you are well aware I am hopeless at this, but I will get there in the end. However I have new kits for the French Ligue 1 and they are still showing the old ones ...
What do you mean by clearing the cache?
In the Advanced Preferences screen at the bottom, I click on the RESET tab at the bottom and chose clear cache. I do this before I reload the skin?? Have I got this wrong?
No need for that and I genuinely can't understand where you got that from. We only spoke about un/ticking the "use caching to decrease page loading time" box. It's visible in your screenshot, and it's set correctly, but below's a screenshot of what exactly I mean.
Yeah clearly I am getting confused. I got it from here
Hmm, I didn't know about them; I'll have to change those as they are from a previous version of the game.
Does it all work now?
Nope ;-)
Mate you are a star though, I will persist.
I think its the way I have set my folders up?
I use the kits as an example.......how does it no which folder to access??
The problem is my understaning of files and how they are accessed is very basic
Do I have to COPY the new kits to KITS - CLUBS - ARGENTINA folder to overwrite the old ones? Sorry again if this is basic
Yes I have done this and it has worked......I do not think I have done it correctly but it works ;-)
What's inside the 1. SS kits, 2. Fb kits and 3. 3D kits? Looks to me like it's an old version of my kit folder structure that you got from somewhere.
If you've got kits of the same teams in separate folders, then the game will only "read" one of them. I suspect you have older versions of kitpacks in those 3 folders, thus rendering the newer packs you have downloaded redundant.
I'll speak to you via PM shortly
Yes I think I understand now.
The only mistake I made for the Argentina league is I copied the individual strips across , not the new folder.
I have copied the new bundesliga kit file to the German kits folder and this has worked
I think my files are a mess but they work now I think ;-)
That's my FM18 kits folder. That means all the kits you have in there are from the season before last.