Mohammed Jasser - Submissions - Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack



Simon Lukas
5 years ago
2 years ago
I didn`t find a better picture of him, but one can imagine what he looks like.
If Anyone can fin a better pic, please go for it.
18 years ago
23 minutes ago
I didn`t find a better picture of him, but one can imagine what he looks like.
If Anyone can fin a better pic, please go for it.

If you can't find a large enough image, then it's best that you make a mental note and try to find a better source at some point in the future, because sources like this are no good at all
Simon Lukas
5 years ago
2 years ago
If you can't find a large enough image, then it's best that you make a mental note and try to find a better source at some point in the future, because sources like this are no good at all

I just noticed in my game that he was missing in Fifa World Cup 2022 in Qatar - and he is the goalkeeper of qatar at that point/tournament.
So it might be worth to have him in.

regarding "mental note":
I thought I could use this forum as a reminder, so I don`t have to write it down separately AND others are given the opportunity to fullfill that request. Is that wrong thought?
Because I finished my research concerning him -> I didn`t find a better pic (using my skills and techniques).
Besides, I had a mental crashdown/bleeding in brain in 2015, so please be kind with me
Greetings from Germany mate!
18 years ago
23 minutes ago
I just noticed in my game that he was missing in Fifa World Cup 2022 in Qatar - and he is the goalkeeper of qatar at that point/tournament.
So it might be worth to have him in.

regarding "mental note":
I thought I could use this forum as a reminder, so I don`t have to write it down separately AND others are given the opportunity to fullfill that request. Is that wrong thought?
Because I finished my research concerning him -> I didn`t find a better pic (using my skills and techniques).
Besides, I had a mental crashdown/bleeding in brain in 2015, so please be kind with me
Greetings from Germany mate!

In general our philosophy is that it's better to have a bad cut in the megapack than no cut at all. But that source is simply too tiny. I've cut it below if you want to use it, but as I'm sure you can see, it's really no good at all as it's so blurry that it's just little more than a jumble of colours

This forum is primarily intended to provide a good source for our cutters to work on. As moderators, we try to filter only those requests which are worth our cutters spending time on. As you can see, we have a lot of pending requests and so it makes sense that cutters' precious time is used as productively as possible

If you'd like to find a better source for a player, you could use this thread to request assistance. The likes of Baja, Side Splitting Pass and weeniehutjr, and others, are especially good at locating better sources when none seem available. No idea how they do it, but God bless them for managing to Before posting yesterday, I had a quick look online for a better source for this person but I didn't manage to find one either

I meant no disrespect when I used the expression "mental note" and I truly hope you're on the mend now. In the past, I've had occasions where I'd have liked to have a cut for a player only to find now sources, but I then found something when I looked months later, and I just wanted to suggest that possibility for you, though it came out rather clumsily
Simon Lukas
5 years ago
2 years ago
I did not take it personally mons, no offense mate!

Then I would suggest for your website a separately section for people, who just want to name and identify a missing player - without providing an image themselfes.
1) Research & Identify person - as a reminder, not to include that "placeholder" dump pic into the game
2) Finding better picture of identified person to include to the pack

Some people like (or can) identify only - but they want to help as well.
Others are graphics nerds that can do the cutting in a handstroke, as quick as a fox!

Or a section for "hard-to-find cases" or the "Sherlock section" - giving people an anchorpoint to start from.

Just some crazy ideas....

from germany

6 years ago
14 hours ago
I did not take it personally mons, no offense mate!

Then I would suggest for your website a separately section for people, who just want to name and identify a missing player - without providing an image themselfes.
1) Research & Identify person - as a reminder, not to include that "placeholder" dump pic into the game
2) Finding better picture of identified person to include to the pack

Some people like (or can) identify only - but they want to help as well.
Others are graphics nerds that can do the cutting in a handstroke, as quick as a fox!

Or a section for "hard-to-find cases" or the "Sherlock section" - giving people an anchorpoint to start from.

Just some crazy ideas....

from germany

I think this thread that mons linked above it what you're describing

I tried looking for a better photo of the player but I wasn't able to find one. He has seemingly been without a club since summer 2018 as well so I assume he has retired from football, as well.
Simon Lukas
5 years ago
2 years ago
Yes, but this is a thread, it doesn`t have the comfort of just adding or naming an identified player without much forther a do.
But I will try my luck there.

Besides, you could be right with his retirement, but this would be seldom. How could I guess that.

It was not the most important request I made here, I have to point it out.
On the other hand, it would be nice to have some recent qatar player`s pics for the upcoming World Cup in Qatar in 2022. At a point in the future...