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These will be in the July pack along with an alternative (cut) version of the League Cup logo. I prefer the styles matching though, as below.
France Ligue 1 (16), Ligue 2 (17) and Coupe de la Ligue (1301408):
La Liga Santander : https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-x0MxxTRSZks/W7EpGsZWL_I/AAAAAAABSIQ/S_nyU4z7HZ0iMKsb9IQkpy_PnluJeXx9ACLcBGAs/s1600/LaLiga%2BSantander.png
La Liga Smartbank : https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-18YEF5JKgkQ/XUJCGTR0GbI/AAAAAAABVtU/pkjQ3_NIEOQ_iN-RAuPAWYcyeOaLwU-LgCLcBGAs/s1600/LaLiga%2BSmartBank.png
Scottish Premiership : https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_csfJ6clCBo/WVggwJppo8I/AAAAAAABLG4/X9YMG1mNia8Jy1KX4IY9eJ4F_f0gGbnngCLcBGAs/s1600/Ladbrokes%2BPremiership.png
Coupe De France : https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RtexPImcMlo/W52u4SahTuI/AAAAAAABR34/qCe2RD_C7Ec4IEibhQznBHK-_HBFkddZgCLcBGAs/s1600/Coupe%2Bde%2BFrance.png
Liga NOS : https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0TF-hZ4FqqQ/WVUiF1jlLTI/AAAAAAABKgY/Csu8ZpkFBNwNw2jDMcvsD0i9NZrXYDYvwCLcBGAs/s1600/Liga%2BNOS.png
Liga Pro : https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jyVJPqMAl94/W_2Ol5iarhI/AAAAAAABTVg/oU_s36ATfRoXr-4v0vVmJ519pwo02tIdgCLcBGAs/s1600/Ledman%2BLigaPro.png
Ukrainian Premier League : https://4.bp.blogspot.com/b2Jm2iqFQxg/WVjk2Zse7sI/AAAAAAABLJs/vOTt1OT7IWwPH3IbqDdO9cKO_2yMIIPBQCLcBGAs/s1600/Ukrainian%2BPremier%2BLeague.png
Serie A Brazil : https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HMKOxGCu8CI/XgO67eQV70I/AAAAAAABW_M/11EtNogS_NYyPMgyu-dlzYTzJf7QAGctQCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/BRA.png
Serie B Brazil : https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rK0InEUTYVE/WWQItqpr55I/AAAAAAABMls/zdpBvGAtQsoygEAV9zF2yir08SqQCdRkQCLcBGAs/s1600/Brasileirao%2BSerie%2BB.PNG
Serie C Brazil : https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-L38dEMwcEis/WWQGH7uDMCI/AAAAAAABMlc/Boy3T9ae-sw0FSVMNyI5Y9CtjZ1K3QLiACLcBGAs/s1600/Brasileirao%2BSerie%2BC.PNG
Copa Do Brasil :
Eredivisie : https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DxRxXqWkmMQ/WU_F5nHQ_MI/AAAAAAABJuc/_7O0I6NHtjwgQ4-T_DyXs0O7hF-_D2VEgCLcBGAs/s1600/Eredivisie%2Bv2.PNG
KNVB Beker : https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9bw_n49fPq4/XYLEhe_gooI/AAAAAAABWCY/P9Jh1_tZEukWYsSHMce74uJi2e4j2_lXgCLcBGAsYHQ/s1600/TOTO%2BKNVB%2BBeker.png
Josh Hart
I guess what I'm trying to ask and say is, is there any clear instructions on how to download and extract this specific logo pack and why can I see small logos but the normal sizes aren't there. I've even cleared cache and reloaded the game.
Sports Interactive/Graphics, or Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2020/graphics? (or whichever FM version you are using)
Otherwise, I have no idea on the specific issue you're having as it's not quite clear to me how you have extracted the pack and update. There's no need to individually move files unless you are using more than one logo type, in which case you're pretty much on your own because different packs may have different file structures.
For these, all you need to do is extract the megapack into your logos folder, and for the update, extract into the same logos folder (it will overwrite any old logos with the updated ones). For FM20, you should have Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2020/graphics/logos and then 5 folders (clubs, continental competitions, continents, national competitions, nations) each with normal and small folders within them (clubs and nations are first split into continents, then each continent has the normal and small folders).
If everything is in the correct place and you're still having an issue, can you post a screenshot of the folders so I can see where they are?
Josh Hart
Here's all the zip files I downloaded, logos part 1-4 and update 1-2, I only unzipped from part 4 and update 1 & 2.
Here's where I extracted the zip files too. Sports Interactive > Football Manager 2019 > graphics > logos > normal or small.
I did this because within the zip folders there was a choice of normal and small so naturally I assumed I needed both and I would need corresponding folders to match within the graphics sub folder.
I went into preferences, interface and reloaded the skins and made sure what had to be ticked and unticked, was.
When loading into the game this is what badges I'll see, generic and custom. You'll see the league table shows correct logos but other areas don't.
Are you sure those are FMV logos? The file structure doesn't look right. Standard logos appear to have those zip filenames and approximate sizes if you download using the Mediafire link - is it the standard pack that you've downloaded?
Many thanks for these, some of the competition logos are a bit outdated...
I have done these and will include them in the July pack being released next week. Let me know if you want them sooner and I'll zip them and upload them, they just won't be in the folders already so you'll have to move them into the correct country folders yourself.
Caribbean Club Championship (45020033)
Caribbean Club Shield (82081964)
North American League (219740)
Leagues Cup (51078102)
Great improvement. Cabo Verde (Nations, Africa, 12):
July update: 2000 new or updated club and competition logos: Here.
Extract into your logos folder and replace existing files when prompted. For those using a different file structure to the megapack, new files may need to be loaded more carefully.
Full contents:
Argentina full update
Peru major update
Europe - playable leagues refresh
South America - playable leagues refresh
Plus various smaller updates including all requests from this thread to this point
New Iceland selection (shirt) badge (Europe, 774):
I think this is the better look, pure white logos don't work well in this style, so an outline or shape around the image is needed if it doesn't naturally exist in a different colour.
The association logo as an alternative is here, and will be included in the next update as well to avoid being lost:
Mine is fine - does everything else show ok so far as you can tell?
Logos (UID 29) in case you want to try replacing them (no idea what the issue would be so long as they are correctly there):
Everything else shows. What I might do is redownload everything and try again and see what happens.
Strange. Do you have any other logos packs that might be interfering (can't imagine so if everything else is fine). If you haven't got to redownloading yet, try just the Netherlands pack on it's own to save you all of it - Netherlands.rar
Redownloaded, same problem.
Used your Netherlands.rar file above ... it appears.
That's weird, maybe some licensing thing - I used to get the same with the Dutch national team on previous versions. I got the same issue as you when I removed the comp files and replaced them with those from the July update. The only difference is the config file wasn't included in the update, just the changed logos. I can't see how that would cause the issue if the config file is already in the game folder as it will just overwrite the changed logos. I'll include the full folder in the next update just in case others have the same issue though. Thanks for spotting it
The club website looks to favour this version, with more blue (I'll put both in the update pack):
Thank you.
With alt Prva Liga logo:
Rangers (Scotland, 1570):