This is the match engine file modified for reality and adding much more interest in fm.

It changes everything in match, such as passing, moving, attacking, defending, 1 on 1, kill passing, buildup, one two passing, pressing, attacking moving, attacking switching, defending switching and so on. You won't see dumb and stupid playing anymore that all of FM series always had. All of moving and playing will be realistic or understandable at least.

All tactics can be played much better in match as real football playing or as you have imagined what you wanna watch in matches, which you wanted to see from this game and didn't know even this could be done in FM.
If you are football fan, it’s wasting of life not using this. With this one, I assure you don’t need to buy next series of Football Manager before SI done for much far better AI and match engine.

You can see short gif here:

More gif here:

While this is a free patch and will be more patches, if you wish to donate as way of thanking me for my time and my team you can do so by the link below.

How to apply: close football manager 2020. unzip and replace json file in this location. Then open again.
(No need to start new game. It applies on all save games)

Steam: Local disk:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Epic games: :/Program Files/Epic Games/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac steam: Library/application support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2020/data/simatch/physics
Mac epic games: Users/Shared/Epic Games/FootballManager2020/data/simatch/physics

Caution: Because this file fixes match engine, you might need to fix tactics. strongly recommended to modify your tactics (current latest patch version: v6)
Here is discord channel that you can freely download all developer's test engine and complete engine patches, also can read and talk freely all over the world with translation bot, though you are not good at English. I wrote how to use and it has great quality of translation. Also if you are developer or who knows the coding, here are people who are analying the match engines, welcome to join us. After joining, give private message to manager in channel.
And PS. If someone is interested in retexture of graphic files, please let us know after joining discord channel.
5 years ago
4 years ago
Does the patch improve central attacking play and movement of lone strikers?

It changes all players physical behaviors. Such as, acceleration, deceleration, turning speeds, delays, diving, walking speed, jogging speed, max sprint speed, ball distribution and the potential/theoretical possibilities of those sort of things.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Um, wow, this is brilliant. I just don't know what to say. Where has this been?

Only one game in but impressed. I'll play some more tonight and if there's interest I can do a high quality youtube video with some highlights showcasing some of the differences.
5 years ago
4 years ago
Um, wow, this is brilliant. I just don't know what to say. Where has this been?

Only one game in but impressed. I'll play some more tonight and if there's interest I can do a high quality youtube video with some highlights showcasing some of the differences.

I have seen a few YouTube videos already, but something with commentary, could possibly be something of use in the description for billgates, as a good showcase. Send him a PM, or make it anyway if you want to
7 years ago
2 months ago
After placing the MOD when I go to the matches that were made before the MOD and click to view the goals of the match, the goals are completely random from different plays and players. Does anyone know why? other people have seen this same problem.
5 years ago
4 years ago
After placing the MOD when I go to the matches that were made before the MOD and click to view the goals of the match, the goals are completely random from different plays and players. Does anyone know why? other people have seen this same problem.

It should actually specifically not do that, and only work from the next game.

I haven't seen it, and I'm copying and delting different versions of the mod all the time, so this is indeed odd.

Am i to understand you correct, that you know more people with this issue?
7 years ago
2 months ago
It should actually specifically not do that, and only work from the next game.

I haven't seen it, and I'm copying and delting different versions of the mod all the time, so this is indeed odd.

Am i to understand you correct, that you know more people with this issue?

Yes, some people reported in an FM group on Facebook that gathers Brazilians.

I believe that most people still didn't realize it, yesterday I finished a season and when I went to review the most beautiful goal chosen by a player on my team, the move was just a play without a goal

It is strange behavior, but the statistics are not affected.

One member also commented that if you remove the MOD everything goes back to normal as before, but the games played with the MOD present the problem and the replays of the goals are random.
5 years ago
4 years ago
Yes, some people reported in an FM group on Facebook that gathers Brazilians.

I believe that most people still didn't realize it, yesterday I finished a season and when I went to review the most beautiful goal chosen by a player on my team, the move was just a play without a goal

It is strange behavior, but the statistics are not affected.

One member also commented that if you remove the MOD everything goes back to normal as before, but the games played with the MOD present the problem and the replays of the goals are random.

Alright. Can't say I have any idea what make this happen. But I'll try and recreate the issue on my own, and see if this can be fixed, or if billgates know something from the Korean forums.
7 years ago
2 months ago
Alright. Can't say I have any idea what make this happen. But I'll try and recreate the issue on my own, and see if this can be fixed, or if billgates know something from the Korean forums.

Thanks, I have no idea also in what context this problem is generated.

Thinking here now ... the original file remains in the folder with the name at the end _old could it cause any problems that he was there?
14 years ago
2 months ago
I think the issue with past goals, for example goals of the week only show a problem if the goals are from a calendar date pre-mod install. I noticed it too but after playing a couple of months ingame the goals of the week are back to normal and you can view them as goals and not something random from the match.
5 years ago
4 years ago
Thanks, I have no idea also in what context this problem is generated.

Thinking here now ... the original file remains in the folder with the name at the end _old could it cause any problems that he was there?

Possibly, since the game would try to load any file named physical_constraints

But it could be something else entirely too.
7 years ago
2 months ago
Possibly, since the game would try to load any file named physical_constraints

But it could be something else entirely too.

I did a test, removed the file and opened the game, but the problem continues🤷🏻‍♂️
4 years ago
1 year ago
@Billgates How could you add strings to the file, your file has some strings that doesnt in original file? I mean you just guessed that it should be a valid string?

Yes. Just guessed and tried. It doesn’t take much time to modify as txt and watch then watch the matches. And also not only what I’ve added but also all of words and even words not in json file worked somehow. But I won’t add more words. This is so hard to test alone without any reward.
4 years ago
1 year ago
I posted about match engine patch on SI forum. Here you can see screenshot I’ve wrote and what message I got, in English though it’s Korean website:
5 years ago
2 weeks ago
I posted about match engine patch on SI forum and it got deleted Here you can see screenshot I’ve wrote and what message I got, in English though it’s Korean website:

I don't recommend posting in SI's forums, because there is extreme censorship, users are paid to write positively about FM (astroturfers or shills) and everything is done to present FM to the outside world as a perfect game without any flaws.

Even some users who focus on the tactical part of the forum pretend that their input has some deeper meaning, ignoring the fact that the state of the ME does not even allow tactics to work as intended. It is nothing but hypocrisy and denial.

Since I am open-minded, I have tested your file. The results are actually more realistic (even if there are still a little too few goals on average; you should aim for 2.6-3.2 goals per match in the top league, it's currently at about 2.3-2.5 from what I've seen, but still better than SI's work). Many teams are still playing a bit too risky (high number of misplaced passes in the range from 70-79% from some decent teams), but the possession percentages are worlds better than SI's work. I respect your effort, because I once reworked and improved EA's disastrous Simsettings.ini and Managerai.ini files myself and encountered disastrous bugs on the part of the programmers. I am not one hundred percent convinced of your work, but I can imagine that more is hardly possible because SI's regressive product doesn't allow much more. In any case it is noticeably better than the original json file. Therefore: Good work.

Just because people somehow got a job and get paid for it doesn't mean they are good at it. And most of the time, unfortunately, a large team of programmers will produce nonsense because there will always be mercenaries, and, in the end, a team can only be as good as their worst link.
4 years ago
1 year ago
I don't recommend posting in SI's forums, because there is extreme censorship, users are paid to write positively about FM (astroturfers or shills) and everything is done to present FM to the outside world as a perfect game without any flaws.

Even some users who focus on the tactical part of the forum pretend that their input has some deeper meaning, ignoring the fact that the state of the ME does not even allow tactics to work as intended. It is nothing but hypocrisy and denial.

Since I am open-minded, I have tested your file. The results are actually more realistic (even if there are still a little too few goals on average; you should aim for 2.6-3.2 goals per match in the top league, it's currently at about 2.3-2.5 from what I've seen, but still better than SI's work). Many teams are still playing a bit too risky (high number of misplaced passes in the range from 70-79% from some decent teams), but the possession percentages are worlds better than SI's work. I respect your effort, because I once reworked and improved EA's disastrous Simsettings.ini and Managerai.ini files myself and encountered disastrous bugs on the part of the programmers. I am not one hundred percent convinced of your work, but I can imagine that more is hardly possible because SI's regressive product doesn't allow much more. In any case it is noticeably better than the original json file. Therefore: Good work.

Just because people somehow got a job and get paid for it doesn't mean they are good at it. And most of the time, unfortunately, a large team of programmers will produce nonsense because there will always be mercenaries, and, in the end, a team can only be as good as their worst link.

Everyone knows it. And I think you also know why I posted this file. If I wanted for myself, I would do something more
14 years ago
1 month ago
To these that say at SI forums that the json doesn't affect anything... watch this video from minute 5:20 for some fun after it was heavily edited to show it's power.
4 years ago
1 year ago
It would be good to see videos of the difference between the standard ME and this version.
13 years ago
1 month ago
It crashed ? Not the best endorsement ???
11 years ago
6 months ago
Thanks for the hard work! is there a new version coming out soon, just want to try a new save with it.
5 years ago
2 weeks ago

This is such a pathetic display by SI. They indirectly admit that they do not even check if users have the same IP address.

They did the same with my first account on their site. I upvoted someone and agreed to it in one of my first comments and never used foul language. Suddenly I was banned.

I think it's good that there is now this shitstorm, because the moderation in this forum is out of touch with the real world and I have rarely seen a more hypocritical behaviour, which is so obsessed with censorship and arrogance. These moderators and developers deserve every shitstorm possible for their agenda of non-communication and censorship. As the saying goes: Someone reaps what he sows.
4 years ago
1 year ago
i really dont get all of far as i see SI jus don't anyone to mess with their product...just take it has they give you are leave it, which is poor, since everywhere else game devs works with the fan community...the only result will be a better product...personally i dont think they need to release a 'new' games every year that has only a few different features where they could just let you pay for a downlable yearly update.

i tried the mod, haven't spent much time with it yet but am looking forward to. i always watch my games on full match and this mod really makes the movement lifelike. Really dont get Neil Brock comment about making the play unrealistic when their original engine is a joke, players always passing to none etc. i wasn't able to get what i call realistic scores unitl i instant resulted a few matches on this mod...

thanks @Billgates, does seem to work on FM Touch too...looking forward to many full matches.

It works in FMT as I heard. In android, you can find folders with the end of simatch-physics. In ios, I think possible but not sure. And maybe people need some tools I think, like ifunbox or somehow
7 years ago
1 year ago
Thank you so much for this mod and working to improve the quality of the FM ME. How soon should I expect an updated version of the json file?
luca cesar
12 years ago
1 month ago
I posted about match engine patch on SI forum. Here you can see screenshot I’ve wrote and what message I got, in English though it’s Korean website:

Always that "Please have some respect to the people who worked countless hours!" excuse. Like, obviously, any game there was many people who worked countless hours in it, but for some reason SI thinks that this fact alone means you can not make an harsh critic on their game, imagine if EA moderators said the same thing every time someone said that their game is shit.
5 years ago
4 years ago
Thank you so much for this mod and working to improve the quality of the FM ME. How soon should I expect an updated version of the json file?

Soon. Billgates want a few more small changes to the numbers done, but version 7 is really close. It is not a major patch, just overall making the feeling of flow, and realisme better.

@Thiago Soares dos Santos is also helping with testing now, and we are fiddling a lot with the coding, trying different stuff, to open up for potential new or better patches in the future.

4 years ago
1 year ago
Soon. Billgates want a few more small changes to the numbers done, but version 7 is really close. It is not a major patch, just overall making the feeling of flow, and realisme better.

@Thiago Soares dos Santos is also helping with testing now, and we are fiddling a lot with the coding, trying different stuff, to open up for potential new or better patches in the future.
im really hoping SI ain’t stupid enough to stop this happening on the new game because it’s probably the only reason I’d buy it.
7 years ago
1 year ago
Soon. Billgates want a few more small changes to the numbers done, but version 7 is really close. It is not a major patch, just overall making the feeling of flow, and realisme better.

@Thiago Soares dos Santos is also helping with testing now, and we are fiddling a lot with the coding, trying different stuff, to open up for potential new or better patches in the future.

I understand perfectly well that this is the physics of the engine and the thinking of the players is correct. I play now on the current version and I am very happy with how the game works with this mod.
10 years ago
1 month ago
After reading this thread and the thread on the official SI forums I have decided not to buy FM21 and will instead be relying on patches like this one and editor data I like making myself. Thanks Billgates and RellomQ for your work here!
5 years ago
4 years ago
After reading this thread and the thread on the official SI forums I have decided not to buy FM21 and will instead be relying on patches like this one and editor data I like making myself. Thanks Billgates and RellomQ for your work here!

This is mostly Billgates work, and some other guys from the Korean forums before him. They opened up for this opportunity, and should get all the credit.

Also, this could be patched by SI, and we still don't know what changes comes with FM21. But i'm in the same ballpark as you, as it looks now. Modders, skinners and the community as whole, is making the game go from average to excellent. But most people will buy FM21, and therefore will modding move on too, with or without possibilities to changes in ME files working in FM21. I surly hope they do, but SI's replies could suggest they wont.

im really hoping SI ain’t stupid enough to stop this happening on the new game because it’s probably the only reason I’d buy it.

I just hope they listen to the community. They might not tell us, but this should impact them, and what they work on. These are simple changes, and they made the game better for thousands of players, if not hundreds of thousand in a week or two.

They tell us, that it "alter the balance of play, outside normal life permitteres."

That is the main concern of theirs. And it is completet BS. Both inside the engine and in the simulation. I have gone through at least 5 seasons in two different saves by now, both lower leauges and Primer league mixed. Everything points to the contrary to me. It feels more realistic, 100% for sure in the 3D engine, and also in the results, season stats and points on the tables. So I call BS on SI yet again, and got no idea where this should be unrealistic and out of normal life permitters ... for sure not compared to the normal, witch looks like something that flows worse then Cykling manger 2005. And that is harsh on Cykling Manager 2005.
12 years ago
2 months ago
5 years ago
4 years ago

Yes and no.

This is version 6 string with what we think changes our problem.
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 375, // 1s - 4 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 750, // 0.3s - 1.2 slices
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 250, // 0.625s - 2.5 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 750, // 0.275s - 1.1 slices

This is version 7 string
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 875, // 1s - 4 slices
"theoretical_average_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 1250, // 1s - 4 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_do": 3500, // 0.3s - 1.2 slices
"theoretical_min_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 1000, // 0.625s - 2.5 slices
"theoretical_max_potential_delay_for_force_opponent_to_lose_ball_receive": 2000, // 0.275s - 1.1 slices

So billgates have added a new average to the string, and the numbers are increased, but the increased numbers to delay is more complex and got to do with other changes too. But so far, would I say the idiotic behavior of them kicking the ball out at odd times, is reduced, but not gone. To be honest, many of the stupid behaviors, is not something that will probably ever be fixed completely by psychical ME changes, but at least we can smoothen the edges.

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