18 years ago
11 hours ago
Use this thread to report issues encountered when navigating the site.
18 years ago
11 hours ago
For instance, on the previous version of the forum, if you were at the bottom (or in the middle) of a long discussion and mouse scrolled upwards, the breadcrumbs for the discussion dropped down into view. This was particularly helpful to navigate, but it is no longer working in that way. Can it be brought back?
18 years ago
11 hours ago
Notifications are duplicated and there is no way of telling which are unread and which aren't as they are all bolded irrespectively. There also doesn't seem to be a mark all as unread button 😉 Oh, and you receive a notification even when you post a message yourself in a subscribed thread, and there doesn't seem to be any way to change this in the subscription page. Or at least I can't spot it :doh:

All private messages received remain displayed as unread in the notification bar at the top, even if they have been read.

User status (staff, premium, moderator etc) isn't displayed near their posts.

One for the staff this: When a request on the cut-out forum is moderated, and the page updates itself to reflect the change, would it be possible to take you back to the same place you were previously at in the page? If there are a number of moderations to be done, you have to scroll back down multiple times, which isn't ideal.

Another moderation issue is that individual posts cannot be moved to a different thread.
18 years ago
11 hours ago
I can't seem to download this file. As an aside, making the download button more prominent (white text on a blue background maybe?) might be a good idea too :ok_hand:
14 years ago
1 day ago
Thanks for opening this thread, mons! It'll surely be easier to report all issues we can spot in these first days.
I'll copy here my message of a little issue me and mons have spotted.

If I go here I see all pending source images, as it should be, but if I go to page 2, 3 or whatever, all the filters disappear and I get all the images in the results (as you can see it'll show even approved, game ready and disabled images). Can you please fix it? Thanks!
10 years ago
3 months ago
I don't see the SS kits forum anymore
18 years ago
5 months ago
I just went to download latest changes to the facepack and it's doing weird things to my download history.

I didn't download any of those files today, but I did log-in at that time today.
18 years ago
5 months ago
You can also see excerpts/summaries of posts in private areas too. But I can't send a PM with details because I get a 500 error.
17 years ago
10 hours ago
I can't find any of the torrents for the metallic logo megapack.
9 years ago
4 hours ago
Sorry if this has been discussed in a previous post but where is the real name licence fix for FM20?

Just trying to get used to the new page, so it's probably about somewhere but yet to find it.

17 years ago
10 hours ago
I really like the list in the OP. Please don't just delete the issues that are fixed, just report them as fixed.

If the list could show:

1) acknowledged problems

2) problems being worked at

3) fixed problems

So people can see and follow the process 🙂

I think that would be very beneficial for all parties involved.
11 years ago
12 hours ago
How to find cut-out face referee from database on new site ?
18 years ago
11 hours ago
I really like the list in the OP. Please don't just delete the issues that are fixed, just report them as fixed.

If the list could show:

1) acknowledged problems

2) problems being worked at

3) fixed problems

So people can see and follow the process 🙂

I think that would be very beneficial for all parties involved.

Good idea, will do. I'll add anything reported up to now myself.

Fellow staff members, feel free to help out by adding into the OP any issues outlined in this thread.
jason barrett
4 years ago
1 year ago
Hi I’m new to this what is OP how do I find it on the website thankyou
15 years ago
18 hours ago
Sorry to be so negative but I generally dislike the whole thing now.
Is it because I am used to the old version....probably
Will I get used to it....?
18 years ago
11 hours ago
I don't see the SS kits forum anymore

This is it now.

Sorry if this has been discussed in a previous post but where is the real name licence fix for FM20?

Just trying to get used to the new page, so it's probably about somewhere but yet to find it.


It's here. I've pinned it to the top of the General FM discussion forum. If there are any other items you can't find, try using the search tool and search posts function in the action bar at the top.

Hi I’m new to this what is OP how do I find it on the website thankyou

OP is internet shorthand for opening post, i.e. the first post of the thread 😉

Sorry to be so negative but I generally dislike the whole thing now.
Is it because I am used to the old version....probably
Will I get used to it....?

I've been here long enough to remember when the previous site changeover happened and I was less enthused by it than this one. And I think we all agree the previous look served its function, no? So give it a chance, and if there's anything particularly unintuitive or illogical or which could be improved, now is the time to provide constructive feedback so that it can be improved or amended 😉
10 years ago
3 weeks ago
Please add the referee Cut-Out Face to the database search, Thanks so much!
17 years ago
3 weeks ago
mons, SS discussions completely gone, you can only see the downloads section of it, but the whole SS forum (official thread, templates, wip etc) is empty.

new site looks fresh and modern, I only wish it wasn't so white but maybe it's just me and my eyes 😉

(Also while writing this I noticed emojis are missing from reply toolbar)
10 years ago
5 hours ago
Its something wrong with transfer update... If the player was loaned and for example now he is transfered permanently to another club the the loan cannot be canceled from this player profile... Check it out, please.
Day Tripper
14 years ago
8 hours ago
All the SS kit and 3D discussion threads have disappeared?
17 years ago
2 days ago
All the SS kit and 3D discussion threads have disappeared?

3D kits was fine, only not SS kits discussion 😢
Side Splitting Pass
15 years ago
3 years ago
Is there a size limit on uploads? I've just tried to upload a 14mb team request pack and got a 'Payload too large' error. The size limit on the old site was 99.9mb.
17 years ago
2 days ago
Is there a size limit on uploads? I've just tried to upload a 14mb team request pack and got a 'Payload too large' error. The size limit on the old site was 99.9mb.

Same here, i trying upload SS download new pack tho
16 years ago
9 hours ago
How do I complete a request? I have this selected as working on I cut the image, posted it by upload image, it posted as game ready pending. And the request i still pending and showing I'm working on it. Doesn't it upgrade as completed automatically or should it be completed different way?
Side Splitting Pass
15 years ago
3 years ago
How do I complete a request? I have this selected as working on I cut the image, posted it by upload image, it posted as game ready pending. And the request i still pending and showing I'm working on it. Doesn't it upgrade as completed automatically or should it be completed different way?

I think your completed cut-out will show as pending until mons or another mod appoves it (or whatever technical term they are using now).

Just noticed that the emoji's are gone too. 😢
17 years ago
2 days ago
All the SS kit and 3D discussion threads have disappeared?

3D kits are fine, i have sorted SS kits done. im happy now 😀

let me know any missing thread ok 🙂
15 years ago
1 hour ago
looks like if you are quoted in a thread there is no longer any notification
16 years ago
9 hours ago
I think your completed cut-out will show as pending until mons or another mod appoves it (or whatever technical term they are using now).

Just noticed that the emoji's are gone too. 😢

Looks like it the case. Only it's adding them extra work. At least until approving game ready image also marks request as completed. Less work for mods and more clear for users.
18 years ago
11 hours ago
Is there a size limit on uploads? I've just tried to upload a 14mb team request pack and got a 'Payload too large' error. The size limit on the old site was 99.9mb.

I've raised it as an issue in the OP.

How do I complete a request? I have this selected as working on I cut the image, posted it by upload image, it posted as game ready pending. And the request i still pending and showing I'm working on it. Doesn't it upgrade as completed automatically or should it be completed different way?

SSP is correct 👍
18 years ago
11 hours ago
Looks like it the case. Only it's adding them extra work. At least until approving game ready image also marks request as completed. Less work for mods and more clear for users.

That is one of the feature requests added above to the list in fact :ok_hand:

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