Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 489,095
  • 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

18 years ago
4 hours ago
As you have now all realised, the new forum is finally up and running.

You will have noticed the new look of the cut-out request section, which we hope will make it easier to see requests at a glance.

If you have any feature requests or suggestions on how to improve this, or you come upon any sections which are not working as intended, then please post here to bring it to the site owner's attention. Please be constructive, specific and if necessary provide screenshots. Make it easy for him to help the community 😉

In the meantime, I'm highlighting below some of the new features:

Person submission page
The whole submission history of a single person is now in one place, including those images inside pack requests. This allows the community not only to see the image being produced or submitted, but also if it's been requested or cut before or if there is already a pending request for it, for example.

New filtering options
Previously, we had missing, improvement, teampack, facepack for request category and being made, completed, waiting and rejected for request status. Now we have the below:
"source": a request image
"game-ready": an uploaded cut
"In pack": this is the image which is included in the megapack. It may differ from the one uploaded to the forums because of some minor edits I might have made to it afterwards.
"disabled": this image has been rejected by a moderator, probably because it's not considered good enough
"approved": submission has been accepted
"pending": awaiting to be dealt with
"draft": in case a moderator considers a submission (particularly a game ready image)
"deleted": there seems to be an overlap with disabled

In conjunction with the person submission page, the above means that the previous possibility to search for teampacks/mixpacks is no longer possible. You can still make a request for them, and they will also be inserted in each individual person's submission page, you just cannot search for them. Older teampack and mixpack requests can be found on this page, but the option to move to the next page is currently hidden and will be hopefully resolved soon.
18 years ago
1 day ago
Can I ask two things? where is the megapack search tool, and where is in individual face thread for impovement requests?
18 years ago
4 hours ago
Can I ask two things? where is the megapack search tool, and where is in individual face thread for impovement requests?

If you use the search tool on the submissions forum, you should be able to find the person you're looking for by typing his name and surname. His cut-out history is then found in the ensuing page.

There has not been an individual face thread for improvement requests since the forum before last. If you want to upload a request, click the upload image button. You can change the image type depending on if it's a source image to be cut or a game-ready image.
8 years ago
1 day ago
Hi, I'm sorry but this new look is horrible, I can´t find nothing easily, for example I saw a Badajoz faces pack somewhere. Where the hell is there now ?
18 years ago
4 hours ago
Hi, I'm sorry but this new look is horrible, I can´t find nothing easily, for example I saw a Badajoz faces pack somewhere. Where the hell is there now ?

You can find it here. All the old facepacks are available for download here as usual from the facepack release thread.
17 years ago
3 days ago
New look is terrific. Great job guys.
14 years ago
55 minutes ago
I'm finding it hard to see if a team request is completed or not. On the old site it was very clear when the request had been made (switched from waiting to complete).

This is the best possible explanation of my problem.

To be honest cut out section looks very confusing.Filter is also not the greatest.Too many status options,and just two type.In comparing to the previous one,that's poor.When you open the list with requests you don't even have clear vision what's done or not.
Two lists (activity one) and (submission one) in one window, don't see the point
If you click on cut out previous versions,you'll see also requested images from all previous packs,wich are "active" even they have been done long time ago or what ever.If you open main submission part of the forum,and don't include filters you'll have to take a look on bunch of unecessary images (all images: cutouts/sources,individual/teampacks),almost all images that have been ever posted to the site.We can't even check out our requests (I also need my Serbian requests to have visiable,to be able to track the progress of them).Without something closer to previous forum (with improvements/missing/teampacks , facepack release thread separated from main request thread) this will be a complete mess,without any order,and I'm affraid people will loose their nervs with filtering,waiting their requests to be done,etc.
Forum is beautiful,fast,some nice visions,but on the other hand,that's just too much make-up but not practic,like I said at this point this is way too confusing.
18 years ago
3 hours ago
Thanks for the responses, can you try and be a bit more assertive in saying "it should be like X instead" rather than "I'm finding the current X confusing".

For instance you said too many statuses? What statuses would you like?

I've read your paragraph a number of times and it's hard to pick out the individual changes that need making.

Maybe you could provide a list of pages and what you want on each page e.g:

1) A page showing only pending submissions
2) A page showing my submissions
3) A page showing only recently completed submissions
4) A page showing submissions which are being "worked on"

Or perhaps you could give me a bullet point flow of how you would like to work e.g:

1) Log into sortitoutsi
2) View pending submissions
3) Download an image
4) Click "I'm working on this"
5) Cut the image
6) Log back into sortitoutsi
7) Search for the submission I downloaded
8) Upload the image
9) Remove "I'm working on this"
10) Notify mons about the new image

That's just a random pseudo example, i'm sure you could explain better.

Whatever is easiest for you, but please try and explain what do want more than what you don't want.

All of this can be fixed, it just needs time. You were all invited to test and give feedback on 18th July but unfortunately very little was given in the 3.5 months since and mons basically said people weren't going to spend any time on the test site and the only option was to put it live and have people complain, which is where we're at now!
14 years ago
55 minutes ago
Thanks for the responses, can you try and be a bit more assertive in saying "it should be like X instead" rather than "I'm finding the current X confusing".

For instance you said too many statuses? What statuses would you like?

I've read your paragraph a number of times and it's hard to pick out the individual changes that need making.

Maybe you could provide a list of pages and what you want on each page e.g:

1) A page showing only pending submissions
2) A page showing my submissions
3) A page showing only recently completed submissions
4) A page showing submissions which are being "worked on"

Or perhaps you could give me a bullet point flow of how you would like to work e.g:

1) Log into sortitoutsi
2) View pending submissions
3) Download an image
4) Click "I'm working on this"
5) Cut the image
6) Log back into sortitoutsi
7) Search for the submission I downloaded
8) Upload the image
9) Remove "I'm working on this"
10) Notify mons about the new image

That's just a random pseudo example, i'm sure you could explain better.

Whatever is easiest for you, but please try and explain what do want more than what you don't want.

All of this can be fixed, it just needs time. You were all invited to test and give feedback on 18th July but unfortunately very little was given in the 3.5 months since and mons basically said people weren't going to spend any time on the test site and the only option was to put it live and have people complain, which is where we're at now!

Sorry if you've got me wrong mate,but for example I wanted to complete request few minutes ago,and I was completaly lost with that.At final,requested one stayed undone,and cut out gone as my own completed.
I just can't handle myself with all this (or I'm simply too dumb for it).I would be the happiest if I saw same cut out section as it was,but in this new look.But ofc,that's impossible.
I know how much time,nerves,money etc you've spend on this,and I'm truly appreciate that,and only can say cap down mate!

Edit:Now I see it as completed by me as two separated images.It was much better and easier for me when we had simply each request for it self,as it was on previous forum.Good thing about this is that we can avoid double requests.
18 years ago
3 hours ago
One of the main things I wanted to solve is that I'd often see someone make a request then you would reply with a comment with a better source than the one provided.

I don't think you're being stupid or not understanding how it works, I think perhaps it just doesn't work the way it should right now and needs changing.

I'll look to make some improvements most notably a way to upload a cut directly to the original source image.
14 years ago
55 minutes ago
One of the main things I wanted to solve is that I'd often see someone make a request then you would reply with a comment with a better source than the one provided.

I don't think you're being stupid or not understanding how it works, I think perhaps it just doesn't work the way it should right now and needs changing.

I'll look to make some improvements most notably a way to upload a cut directly to the original source image.

I know,but from this angle finding better sources looks like piece of cake in comparing to finding what should I do here ...I know it's first day,so I'm hoping it get better step by step.
It would be good to have separated individual requests (improvements/missing) from teampacks.Or if I'm not much wrong we don't have them anymore or I still didn't figure it out.
Also I've found my requests 😀
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Please restore the old version of Cut-Out Player Faces Searching which can easily find out the different history of Faces. For example 3.0, 3.1, 3.2.....

The old version also contains the Referee Faces in the pack which not include in the new searching database.

Many thanks to the planning and maintaining of the new forum, but please can still keep some Great old functions of the old version forum.

Best regards
14 years ago
1 hour ago
One of the main things I wanted to solve is that I'd often see someone make a request then you would reply with a comment with a better source than the one provided.

I don't think you're being stupid or not understanding how it works, I think perhaps it just doesn't work the way it should right now and needs changing.

I'll look to make some improvements most notably a way to upload a cut directly to the original source image.

Hi Footy! I'll write here, in no particular order, some comments and suggestions (even something that I already reported in the old site) about what we could do to improve this section. As I already said this is a peculiar part of the forum and probably it should have features that other ones don't need. I do understand why many of the cutters/requesters/mods of this section look disoriented by the enormous amount of changes compared to the old version of the foum, as I felt a little confused myself at first.

- You have to imagine this section as a big yard, where we work on source images to transform them in 250x250 cuts ready to be implemented in the MP. We basically need something immediate and simple. Let's analyze a bit the current "Contribute/Submissions" page...
As Mons helped me realize, this should be the meaning of the filters present under Status (correct me if I'm wrong, Footygamer):

"In pack": it will show cuts that are/will be included in the megapack
"disabled": images rejected by a moderator
"approved": the submission has been accepted
"pending": awaiting to be dealt with
"draft": I really have no clue what this category stands for
"deleted": images completely deleted from the site?

Plus now we have the two "Type" filters, called "source" and "game ready". Some of these options were not there on the old site and aren't so useful for us cutters/requesters. If I may suggest some changes, I'd organize all those filters sorta like the way it was before. We basically need three statuses:


Personally I feel we could get rid of the "In Pack" filter because if those are images that are in the MP, as cutters/requesters we don't need to see them among the requests and we could easily find these cuts using the Search FMDB feature.
Same for "draft" and "deleted" (I guess "disabled" will be the equivalent of the old "rejected" filter, so that one would be enough and make the "deleted" filter redundant)
I'd remove the "approvation" mechanism too: before we hadn't anything like that, because 99% of the cuts submitted were alright and the mods were able to go easily through the completed recent requests and reject the few wrong ones.
Actually before we did have something similar to "Game ready" and it was called "completed": maybe we could simply change "game ready" to "completed", put it among the Status filters, so that we could delete the Type filters, as "Source" would remain the only option available.

- The Type filters could be used to select "missing", "improvements" images and "teampacks" requests, like it happened in the old version (or maybe we can create a new title for these filters. I know that now you can notice which request is missing or an improvement simply by seeing if there's an iconface near their name in the requests, but it'd be great to have an option to display only missing or only improvements. For teampacks you'll probably want to put this link among the type filters (or whatever we gonna call it), like shown in the screenshot below:

- As Baja already reported it's now difficult to understand when a pack is completed. Before, when a teampack request was completed a post would be automatically created in the "Facepacks Release thread". Would it be possible to add this feature again?

- I cannot stress it enough: could you please sort the History of a player/staff member by most recent and not by oldest post like it's now. I know it might sound strange, but what us cutters and requesters like to see before are the most recent cuts and sources, not the other way around.

- Before we had a limit of 3 requests pending per user, but it seems this limit is now gone. Do you plan to reintroduce it?

- I also agree with this mons' request (if you want the approvation mechanism to stay): When a game-ready image is produced after a source image has been requested, and the game-ready source has been approved, would it be possible to automatically change the status of the source image accordingly? Would save a hell of a time on moderation if you didn't need to do it twice for every single game-ready image produced for a request...

- Also, even if not strictly related to the cut-out section, I'd be glad if you could take a look at what I suggested in the old forum, here and here.

Obviously these are only my ideas/suggestions and I'd be glad to discuss them with you and anyone in general, to decide if they'd be real quality of life improvements or not.
Sorry for this wall of text and thanks as usual for all your work! 😉
Bobby Bronson
5 years ago
2 days ago

the new look is cool ... but it needs a little time to dive in, i guess 😉

on question on the updates:
will there be no 'sortitoutsi_cutout_megapack_13.00_changes' this time?

sorry for the dumb question and thanks in advance!

yours truly
18 years ago
4 hours ago

the new look is cool ... but it needs a little time to dive in, i guess 😉

on question on the updates:
will there be no 'sortitoutsi_cutout_megapack_13.00_changes' this time?

sorry for the dumb question and thanks in advance!

yours truly

It's there, it's just a question that Footygamer needs to tweak some coding for it to appear. Just be patient and you'll get to enjoy it, don't worry 🙂
Bobby Bronson
5 years ago
2 days ago
It's there, it's just a question that Footygamer needs to tweak some coding for it to appear. Just be patient and you'll get to enjoy it, don't worry 🙂

okay, thank you =)
14 years ago
55 minutes ago
Hi Footy! I'll write here, in no particular order, some comments and suggestions (even something that I already reported in the old site) about what we could do to improve this section. As I already said this is a peculiar part of the forum and probably it should have features that other ones don't need. I do understand why many of the cutters/requesters/mods of this section look disoriented by the enormous amount of changes compared to the old version of the foum, as I felt a little confused myself at first.

- You have to imagine this section as a big yard, where we work on source images to transform them in 250x250 cuts ready to be implemented in the MP. We basically need something immediate and simple. Let's analyze a bit the current "Contribute/Submissions" page...
As Mons helped me realize, this should be the meaning of the filters present under Status (correct me if I'm wrong, Footygamer):

"In pack": it will show cuts that are/will be included in the megapack
"disabled": images rejected by a moderator
"approved": the submission has been accepted
"pending": awaiting to be dealt with
"draft": I really have no clue what this category stands for
"deleted": images completely deleted from the site?

Plus now we have the two "Type" filters, called "source" and "game ready". Some of these options were not there on the old site and aren't so useful for us cutters/requesters. If I may suggest some changes, I'd organize all those filters sorta like the way it was before. We basically need three statuses:


Personally I feel we could get rid of the "In Pack" filter because if those are images that are in the MP, as cutters/requesters we don't need to see them among the requests and we could easily find these cuts using the Search FMDB feature.
Same for "draft" and "deleted" (I guess "disabled" will be the equivalent of the old "rejected" filter, so that one would be enough and make the "deleted" filter redundant)
I'd remove the "approvation" mechanism too: before we hadn't anything like that, because 99% of the cuts submitted were alright and the mods were able to go easily through the completed recent requests and reject the few wrong ones.
Actually before we did have something similar to "Game ready" and it was called "completed": maybe we could simply change "game ready" to "completed", put it among the Status filters, so that we could delete the Type filters, as "Source" would remain the only option available.

- The Type filters could be used to select "missing", "improvements" images and "teampacks" requests, like it happened in the old version (or maybe we can create a new title for these filters. I know that now you can notice which request is missing or an improvement simply by seeing if there's an iconface near their name in the requests, but it'd be great to have an option to display only missing or only improvements. For teampacks you'll probably want to put this link among the type filters (or whatever we gonna call it), like shown in the screenshot below:

- As Baja already reported it's now difficult to understand when a pack is completed. Before, when a teampack request was completed a post would be automatically created in the "Facepacks Release thread". Would it be possible to add this feature again?

- I cannot stress it enough: could you please sort the History of a player/staff member by most recent and not by oldest post like it's now. I know it might sound strange, but what us cutters and requesters like to see before are the most recent cuts and sources, not the other way around.

- Before we had a limit of 3 requests pending per user, but it seems this limit is now gone. Do you plan to reintroduce it?

- I also agree with this mons' request (if you want the approvation mechanism to stay): When a game-ready image is produced after a source image has been requested, and the game-ready source has been approved, would it be possible to automatically change the status of the source image accordingly? Would save a hell of a time on moderation if you didn't need to do it twice for every single game-ready image produced for a request...

- Also, even if not strictly related to the cut-out section, I'd be glad if you could take a look at what I suggested in the old forum, here and here.

Obviously these are only my ideas/suggestions and I'd be glad to discuss them with you and anyone in general, to decide if they'd be real quality of life improvements or not.
Sorry for this wall of text and thanks as usual for all your work! 😉

You've translated some of my mind on the best way...

At first this is not critic,it's just an observation after last 24h.
Still think that the main thing wich needs to be fixed is separation of individual requests from teampacks.
I've opened submission part and there's a full list of cuts,wich includes done cuts from teampacks,so if I want to check undone,without filters I'll need "days" with changing pages.
After that I've done filter with sources.
Then this list came out,but from this is completaly unclear what is done and what is not done.Like I said complete confusion.Since some of these are done and some of these are not done.
You need to make a whole bunch of filters,wich takes too much time and nervs to finally get something wich is probably not what you wanted to see at first place.
I'm still completaly lost in request section...
18 years ago
1 day ago
If you use the search tool on the submissions forum, you should be able to find the person you're looking for by typing his name and surname. His cut-out history is then found in the ensuing page.

There has not been an individual face thread for improvement requests since the forum before last. If you want to upload a request, click the upload image button. You can change the image type depending on if it's a source image to be cut or a game-ready image.

Thanks Mons, that was actually what i was looking for on both points, cheers
14 years ago
3 days ago
Hello, guys.
The new look of the site is cool, but there is few things that I didn't understand alone with the new Cut-Out Section.
I agree with the previous posts that there are too many statuses in the Request (Contribution).
I'm too new in this section to give an experienced opinion like Baja, Ernesttico and etc.
The previous statuses were obvious and clear and it was easy for me to addapt to them. Now I'm lost when it gets to understand if a request is completed or not.

Some questions and difficulties that I found when I tried to get use to the current view:
1) If I'm understanding it right when a source is approved then it's a valid request. Then I make an cut out and I have to upload it as a game ready image. Does this approved source gets a new status or how someone can understand that other contributor already has made this source to a game ready image? May be all these statuses will be more clear if someone gives an example with a timeline of a request to a game ready image - explained statuses after every taken action.
1) I couldn't use the filters to find the oldest active (pending) requests. In the last month I tried to contribute with completing some of the oldest request. I even checked "I'm working on this" on the old site in one Team pack request and now I can't find it.
2) Is there a maximum of 20 images when uploading a game ready pack? I tried to upload a pack of 28 images and then I downloaded it and it was containing only 20 images.
3) In the timeline of a player may be it will be easier if the newest image is shown first. It was better before when it was showing in which pack was included the image.
4) Previously I searched a team and I was able to see all the cut outs in it. Is it possible now?
17 years ago
2 days ago
This new look will take a lot of getting used to...

I used to look through the outstanding cuts and focus on those 'missing' images where I could add to the megapack
rather than cutting an 'improvement' picture where the shirt may be a different colour but its essentially the same image
Could having the missing pictures marked (or filter-able) be something that may be re-introduced?
14 years ago
55 minutes ago
One more thing.On previous site,you could post an image for player/staff wich is not active in current FM db (now marked as extinct in db,but active in some previous FM db,as FM18,19,etc.).We could just put his name and UID manualy,and he will go in.Same goes to guys who are added recently in db,since I'm a researcher and I'm getting UIDs a lot before most of the people,Mons knows what I'm talking about.Now we can't do that.Ofc,we can post them in NO-ID,or alternative thread,but that's not quite correct...
14 years ago
1 hour ago
Another suggestion: could we please add the UID of a player/staff member in his/her profile, like it was in the requests on the old version of the site?
16 years ago
4 hours ago
can understand ,how to download latest changes in cut -out megapack..maybe some link
18 years ago
4 hours ago
You've translated some of my mind on the best way...

At first this is not critic,it's just an observation after last 24h.
Still think that the main thing wich needs to be fixed is separation of individual requests from teampacks.
I've opened submission part and there's a full list of cuts,wich includes done cuts from teampacks,so if I want to check undone,without filters I'll need "days" with changing pages.
After that I've done filter with sources.
Then this list came out,but from this is completaly unclear what is done and what is not done.Like I said complete confusion.Since some of these are done and some of these are not done.
You need to make a whole bunch of filters,wich takes too much time and nervs to finally get something wich is probably not what you wanted to see at first place.
I'm still completaly lost in request section...

Ignore for the time being the difference between individual requests and packs.

If an image is tagged as 'source', that means it's uncut. If it's tagged as game ready, it means it's a completed cut. It's that simple. So if any image is tagged as game ready when it's not a 250x250 (or 180x180) image with transparent background, then it should be rejected as it's not a game ready image.

So if you want to find uncut images to work on, you need to filter by pending sources. That's it.

Hello, guys.
The new look of the site is cool, but there is few things that I didn't understand alone with the new Cut-Out Section.
I agree with the previous posts that there are too many statuses in the Request (Contribution).
I'm too new in this section to give an experienced opinion like Baja, Ernesttico and etc.
The previous statuses were obvious and clear and it was easy for me to addapt to them. Now I'm lost when it gets to understand if a request is completed or not.

Some questions and difficulties that I found when I tried to get use to the current view:
1) If I'm understanding it right when a source is approved then it's a valid request. Then I make an cut out and I have to upload it as a game ready image. Does this approved source gets a new status or how someone can understand that other contributor already has made this source to a game ready image? May be all these statuses will be more clear if someone gives an example with a timeline of a request to a game ready image - explained statuses after every taken action.
2) I couldn't use the filters to find the oldest active (pending) requests. In the last month I tried to contribute with completing some of the oldest request. I even checked "I'm working on this" on the old site in one Team pack request and now I can't find it.
3) Is there a maximum of 20 images when uploading a game ready pack? I tried to upload a pack of 28 images and then I downloaded it and it was containing only 20 images.
4) In the timeline of a player may be it will be easier if the newest image is shown first. It was better before when it was showing in which pack was included the image.
5) Previously I searched a team and I was able to see all the cut outs in it. Is it possible now?

1) I'd love to have the time to do some kind of more detailed explanation with flowcharts etc, but unfortunately I don't 😢 Everybody will have to learn by trial and error. It's not that hard, trust me.
2) Like I said to Baja above, just filter by pending sources and all uncut images will be displayed 🙂
3) There is currently a bug with the upload system where larger files cannot be uploaded. It's not related to the amount of images but filesize. The way you split your Glentoran pack is a good interim solution until this issue is fixed.
4) This is a feature request which has been mentioned before, one which I completely agree with, and which we're hopeful that Footygamer will get round to doing in the near future.
5) Hmm, if you use the search > FM database tool at the top, can you not navigate to the club you want to? Or is this not what you mean?

This new look will take a lot of getting used to...

I used to look through the outstanding cuts and focus on those 'missing' images where I could add to the megapack
rather than cutting an 'improvement' picture where the shirt may be a different colour but its essentially the same image
Could having the missing pictures marked (or filter-able) be something that may be re-introduced?

We're trying to move away a bit from whether an image is missing or improvement, and that it's more important if it's a good request or not. Besides, one can spot at a glance which is a missing image request and which is an improvement request, simply by seeing if there's an iconface near their name, like this. It's also much easier to moderate and to see everything at one go. If you wanted to see at a glance which pending sources are uncut, just filter by pending requests and those which don't have an iconface are missing 😉

One more thing.On previous site,you could post an image for player/staff wich is not active in current FM db (now marked as extinct in db,but active in some previous FM db,as FM18,19,etc.).We could just put his name and UID manualy,and he will go in.Same goes to guys who are added recently in db,since I'm a researcher and I'm getting UIDs a lot before most of the people,Mons knows what I'm talking about.Now we can't do that.Ofc,we can post them in NO-ID,or alternative thread,but that's not quite correct...

Hmmm, yes this is a good point. It's not an immediate need, though, let's be honest. I'm sure footygamer has many more urgent issues to deal with, but it's definitely something which needs to be tackled at some point.

Another suggestion: could we please add the UID of a player/staff member in his/her profile, like it was in the requests on the old version of the site?

You can find a person's UID by using the search tool but it'd certainly be a quality-of-life addition to have it immediately accessible.

can understand ,how to download latest changes in cut -out megapack..maybe some link

As outlined elsewhere, this is being worked on, and will hopefully be live soon 🙂

In general, guys, what we used to do before is most probably still there, but most of the time it's just placed somewhere else 😉 And if it isn't, I'm sure Footygamer will do his best to facilitate any feature requests in due course :ok_hand:
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
Is there any way to search out the Referee Faces in the Database which not include in the searching site

Thanks so much
Hovis Dexter
10 years ago
12 hours ago
I like the new layout it looks fresh. I'd like to ask what is probably a really stupid question but, anyway, here it is. Every day there are new cut out faces available to download in response to various request. Am I correct in assuming that all of these new cut outs are included in the next download of the latest changes?
18 years ago
4 hours ago
Is there any way to search out the Referee Faces in the Database which not include in the searching site

Thanks so much

That may be a feature request for the future, but I'll be frank and admit it's not the highest priority.

I like the new layout it looks fresh. I'd like to ask what is probably a really stupid question but, anyway, here it is. Every day there are new cut out faces available to download in response to various request. Am I correct in assuming that all of these new cut outs are included in the next download of the latest changes?

Each update pack will indeed include all the missing images uploaded since the previous one and all improvement images deemed as actual improvements, yes 🙂
Hovis Dexter
10 years ago
12 hours ago
Thanks very much. I thought it may have been a stupid question but it's been bugging me for a while
14 years ago
1 hour ago
5) Hmm, if you use the search > FM database tool at the top, can you not navigate to the club you want to? Or is this not what you mean?

Actually, mons, I think t.marinov was referring to another kind of search that seem to be disappeared. Besides the standard Search DB there was another one called Search Cut-out (or something similar). If you put there the ID of a team, you’d get all the cuts of players and staff in a grid and in full res (250X250), ordered in alphabetical order.
Now if you click on a team profile you get a simple list of all players/staff with a mini profile pic (and that was something already present before). It’d be great to have that kind of search/view again (I think someone already reported it in the “Issues” thread, but I’m not completely sure).
14 years ago
1 hour ago
Actually, mons, I think t.marinov was referring to another kind of search that seem to be disappeared. Besides the standard Search DB there was another one called Search Cut-out (or something similar). If you put there the ID of a team, you’d get all the cuts of players and staff in a grid and in full res (250X250), ordered in alphabetical order.
Now if you click on a team profile you get a simple list of all players/staff with a mini profile pic (and that was something already present before). It’d be great to have that kind of search/view again (I think someone already reported it in the “Issues” thread, but I’m not completely sure).

Mons and t.marinov, forget what I said before. Footy added that feature back (btw, thanks a lot, Footy). Here's a link to the Atalanta squad, for example. The Search Cut Outs is now on the blue sidebar. 🙂

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