Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 490,238
- 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025

Scott Ruthven
Is it possible to add pictures to the searchable database for players who dont have images??
I'm managing Sheffield FC with a LLM database and have found a few of the players who dont have images for them.
EG : 90040200 - Darryl Winter
There's a forum for the Cutout Faces megapack where you can contribute requests and missing images, as well as improvements over current ones:
Be sure to read the Tutorials and Guides for cutters thread, there are some standards set out to make sure that the images in the megapack are of best possible quality.
Some things thing I should mention is that the megapack standard is a 250*250px image size (see this cutout request for an example), or 180px where the source image is too low quality, and that you should always look for the best possible source image for your cutouts: I found this larger source image from the Rossington Main website, opening the profile image in a new tab and removing "&h=240&w=240&t=square&o=jpg" from the end of the URL to get a larger size version.
From there, you can crop the image to the area around the face, and then use to get rid of the background, which will give you a high quality result.
You can use the request forum to upload the image for somebody to cut
Until the new site is up and running in the coming days, it would be appreciated if pack-makers host their files not just on sortitoutsi, but also on an external mirror site (e.g. mediafire, sendspace, mega, hostr) so that these users are also able to download your work
In the meantime, I'm attaching a file including all packs with this issue so that users can get their hands on them
Tagging @Eltarian @rekooner2 @geordie1981 @moondog777 @E.B.S. @12345cieza @schweigi @MMXX @HRiddick in view of the fact you have recently released packs and in case you intend to do so in the near future too
Thank you, very much
We have a request forum here. The way it works is that you find the source images and request them for the community to cut.
This thread gives you some hints to find the best possible sources for your requests. Please make sure that you read the rules for making requests and avoid requesting small, low-quality images
We always aim to have the torrent out a few days before the beta of the game is available, and this year is the same. I can't commit to a definite date, but it'll probably be in the next couple of weeks or so, I would imagine...
Please post individual cuts in the request forum not in the facepacks thread.
Side Splitting Pass
Yes. Glad you posted as I thought I was doing something wrong.
Is there any way of doing this without the Resource Archiver? Don't think the new one comes out until the full release of the game
Side Splitting Pass
Yes. The Resource Archiver seems unable to extract any files from the FM 2021 beta.
I'm using the Resource Archiver from FM 2019 which worked fine on last years beta.
I used these panels in FM20 and they seem to be working a treat on FM21!
Would they be installed in the skins folder or in a panels folder?
panels folder 👍
Not sure if this is the place to be, but a small issue in the Cut Out Face pack. Jarni Koorman (player at TOP OSS) has the wrong png-file. File 1 is the real Jarni, File 2 is a screenshot of his face in the game.
Kind regards, Brent
Any idea of installation destination? Chucked them in them in:
/Users/name/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2021
And also:
/Users/name/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Football Manager 2021/data/game
With no joy.
(Mac btw)
They should go in the following folder:
/Users/name/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2021/panels
Yeah, that's where I put them first...Not working in Windowed or Full-screen. (and have reloaded and uncached) Any ideas?
EDIT - Got them working! Switched to a downloaded skin and put the panels within the panels folder included with the skin. 🙂
And my question is, where can i find the request form after the changes? Im so confused!
There's a contribute button at the top of the forum. Go there and first use the search function to see if he's done already and if not, use the upload image button to request the source 👍
Thanks in advance