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Drop me a PM - I may have a possible solution for you 👍
I am working on a version for FM21, first I need to reposition the static ads within stadiums as they move when new stadium models are introduced. The below image shows the process I potentially need to go through for 59 clubs which is quite time consuming.
Keep in mind due to a long overdue bug fix by SI the first video ad will display as black before the normal ones kick in
I currently have no W.I.P list
What issues are you having?
You are using the wrong xml file, switch to the clubs xml file
where do I find it and where does it go
Within the ‘football manager 2021/ads’ folder there are two additional folders, one called ‘clubs’ and the other ‘no clubs’ copy the xml file from the ‘clubs’ folder to the ‘football manager 2021/ads’ folder
from which folder?
in the odner no club?
West Walton
You asked what issiues I have, so I'll try to be as specific as I can here.
My specs
Mac, MacOS Catalina 10.15.7
Graphics folder
I extract first 1,0 and then 1,1 1,2 1,3 and 1,4 to the following directory:
/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2021/graphics/pictures
XML-folder and files
I follow the same steps with extracting 1,1 up to 1,4 to the following directory:
/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2021/ads
I then copy the XML-file from the clubs folder and paste it in the ads folder
Steam folder
I follow the same steps with extracting 1,0 up to 1,4 and paste the "simatchviewer_uncompressed" folder to:
/Users/myname/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Football Manager 2021/data
In the game
I have unticked "using skin cache" and "clicking on ad board takes you to owners website" and then reloads the skin. I have also tried to clear the cache.
- When I hold the option key merging the files, it says that I cant merge because there are aldready a file named desktop.ini
- In the Football Manager 2021 folder, the following folders starts with a big letter (Caches, Preferences, Temporary) but not the other folders. Could that trouble something with the XML-file?
- I have attached a picture of how the adboards looks in game
West Walton
I almost got it to work with the 1,0 version.
It shows up for all teams in the Bundesliga other then my own team, Stuttgart :/
I attached some pictures here.
Bielsa is a legend
I eventually got it to work
You need to keep over copying the xml file and also I just copied the video file to steam each time for the 6 updates, works fine now, even got a @mons seal of approval. He is a legend
I suggested to him the same solution which worked for you, but @West Walton was a bit hesitant. We'll see...
Bielsa is a legend
It’s on a link somewhere in the thread, there are 4 updates and 2 minor ones, CL etc
There are links in the first post.
West Walton
Bielsa is a legend
Bielsa is a legend
tried moving from origin to new, but not showing
so for example
<!-- Leeds United ads -->
<record id="3226" path="video_ads/generic/kappa blue" animated="true"/>
<record id="3227" path="video_ads/generic/32red" animated="true"/>
<record id="3228" path="video_ads/england/clubs/leeds/burflex" animated="true"/>
<record id="3229" path="video_ads/generic/ladbrokes" animated="true"/>
<record id="3230" path="video_ads/england/generic/skybet" animated="true"/>
<record id="3231" path="video_ads/england/generic/ginsters" animated="true"/>
<record id="3232" path="video_ads/england/generic/wickes" animated="true"/>
<record id="3233" path="video_ads/generic/skysports" animated="true"/>
<record id="3234" path="video_ads/generic/utilita" animated="true"/>
These are new ones:-
<record id="85" path="video_ads/england/generic/adidas" animated="true"/>
<record id="7193" path="video_ads/england/generic/qnb" animated="true"/>
<record id="89" path="video_ads/england/generic/hisense" animated="true"/>
<record id="98" path="video_ads/england/generic/qatar" animated="true"/>
you have only done half the work, you then need to find this piece of code in the xml file:
<!-- Leeds, rabcp -->
<list id="671">
<integer value="20000"/>
<integer value="3226"/>
<integer value="3227"/>
<integer value="3228"/>
<integer value="3229"/>
<integer value="3230"/>
<integer value="3231"/>....
and assign your new ads in here too, which would give you
<!-- Leeds, rabcp -->
<list id="671">
<integer value="85"/>
<integer value="7193"/>
<integer value="89"/>
<integer value="98"/>
<integer value="3226"/>
<integer value="3227"/>
<integer value="3228"/>
<integer value="3229"/>
<integer value="3230"/>
<integer value="3231"/>....
also ensure that the ID's you have assigned each adboard too are free
Bielsa is a legend
The Portugal video ads are from last season so they are not wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy outdated 🙄
Video ads are on top, Static ones...... nope. I will sent you a link with a zip with some ads i made still doing some.
Optimus i no longer a company for at least 6 years. I will send you some static ads if you want.
Sorry, two questions ...
is it possible insert video ads in Blundell Park, Grimsby? Or the format of this stadium does not allow it?
And what does it means 20000 as integer value?
Thank you
Hi mate, any idea when the updated version for FM21 might be available? thanks
Tommy Hughes
As they mentioned in the same post you replied to, it's quite a big job updating the placement of the FM 21 stadiums' ad boards, so it could take a while. Fortunately, the ad boards can be installed and updated without having to start a a new save, so until it's ready we'll have the next best thing, the current FM 20 version of adboards, at our disposal.
Bielsa is a legend
Thanks for your help, I have added loads of videos to Elland Road, makes such a difference.
Not managed to change the statics yet though