sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs
The Backgrounds Megapack was originally made up of aerial shots of stadiums taken from Google Maps and Google Earth, but is now also containing Competitions, Player and Fan Backgrounds, as well as beautiful City Images.
- 94,242
- 2025.03 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

thank you
Works on any edition of the game… long as you use a skin that supports backgrounds…..Flut for example
Hi i have got some photos of my local ground that im using, how do i add them in please? its a tier 10 club
Are they in the default database or have you add them your self?
i would need to add myself, team is mousehole afc id 31042431
edit. there is a background with club logo in the centre but nothing else in the pack
Well we have a submission page HERE
You submit city pictures (team city background) under club name or id (I have added a city pic here)
Stadiums are submitted by stadium name or id.
Any submission must be .jpg and the following size:
city pics : 800x480
stadium inside : 800x480
stadium background (if possible a view from the air) : 1920x1080
uploaded to pics, hope they ok!
What happens next? Do you add an update or wait till you have a load before releasing am update?
You somehow haven't completed your upload of the pictures. Please try again.
We release a update approximately once every month. So you you just have to wait and then download and apply the update 👍
ok thanks, ive done it this time.
also, i see that the mousehole team city pic is uploaded & says its in the mega pack, ive downloaded the complete pack, but not seeing it in my game after reloading cleared cache etcetc. do i need a different config or something? please help. many thanks
Two things.
1: 2000084296
2: ok thanks
Mousehole AFC does not have a stadium in the default database. So that is why you can't upload the stadium pics. I've made this folder that you can just put anywhere in your graphics folder and then the stadiums should show. I've also deleted your submissions.
many thanks
Don't know if this is the right place to this, but Frank Onyeka (ID: 27129125) ha the wrong background picture.. The player on the background picture for Onyeka is Bruninho, who is not in danish football anymore…
Fixed (will be part of next update) :
Right this is driving me mad, every time I try to upload a ‘person’ background its telling me - Person Background must be at least 1920 x 1080 px
This happens whatever size the picture is?
This is the picture I'm trying to upload.
Scrap that, managed to sort it by making the picture exactly that size.
Well, same question here but for the Backgrounds Megapack. It's not clear on the download page, Megapack are updated with the lastest patch each times or not ? I mean, i have to download Megapack 22gb torrent on the download page (in reality it's a 35.90gb torrent) + 01 ; 02 ; 03 patch (Megapack is named .00 so i think patch .00 doesn't have to be download in any way, right ? ), or simply download Megapack and i'm up to date ?
I see Qvordrup answer in page 13 but it's not clear to me. He said torrent have to be updated but in a second answer he said 22gb Megapack are up to date… I mean, torrent Megapack is exactly 35.90gb here… I'm lost or idiot sorry guys.
It's the first time i will use it, i generally use the Daz ones.
Edit : Screen of the torrent downloaded folder today (35.90gb) in attachments.
Yes you are are right it is a bit confusing sorry. This project is relativ new and changes have been made over the past six month.
but luckily the solution is rather simple :
step one: download the torrent (35,9 gb) version 2021.00 and place it in your graphics folder.
step two: download and apply all the updates (2021.01,2021.02, and 2021.03).
step three: delete the “team_backgrounds” folder as it is absolute and no longer used.
That is all you have to do right now, and after that all you have to do is to download and apply any future updates.
But it´s enough if i download the complete pack to be up to date, isn´t?
Thanks, I totally understand right now. I think your simple and easy to understand explanation here, should be added on the download page (at least for the Megapack one).
Thanks again, and thanks for this Megapack. 😉
Yes. If you are premium member (like you are), all you have to do is download the full pack. It is always updated and contains all the latest updates, and after that all you have to do is to download and apply any future updates 👍
John Nicolette
Are direct downloads for members not possible for the archived files? I'm on FM19 and was trying to download 2019.00 and the direct link does nothing. The site says I downloaded 2018 first file in February this month but it is nowhere on my system. I looked at the mirror site and sorry no, I won't be downloading from there.
@Footygamer this one is for you 👍
Angelo Tanzi
Hello, can't find link to 2021.02 and 2021.03 ?
Hey man i need your help, i ve done all steps sucessfully updated folders, but when i tried to overwrite my config file bugged may u please send me the right one after updates?
Just use the config file from 2021.03
Otherwise here is the latest config file: