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I have fast download speed and usually things take a matter of minutes to download.
Today i'm trying to download the Cutout megapack (Usually takes about 30minutes), but for some reason today it's saying 8hours. Not really decent paying for premium if speeds are this slow?
Yep. Done the usual to check it's not the wifi, and I've done a test and my download speed is as normal.
That's why i was just wondering if it is something on the Website's side?
I honestly don't know how to help you with the download speed. When I had that problem, I just started the download and waited the hours (or days) I had to.
One tip I can give though, is that google chrome have a "continue" button. So when your download stops, just press it and the download will continue from where it stopped
PM me if you can't download at all and I can set up a temporary solution
EDIT: Torrenting has fixed it. 13 MB/s now vs 280KB/s downloading from the website
Grant MacDonald
Having the same issue, unfortunately. Trying to download the full megapack at a speed of 300 K/bs. This is the first time I've ever encountered this. Tried to restart my system, browser etc, even cleared my cache, but to no avail.
I've checked and it only seems to be a problem for the larger megapacks, as I tried to download something that was just 1 GB and I was getting over 5mb/s and for the cutout megapack, I'm getting 300kb/s
Hopefully this resolves it
Thank you mate, I've started it today and it's downloading at 4+MB a second, so now it's showing as only 40 Minutes to download. Thank you for the speedy resolution!
adam owens
I don’t want the premium subscription (Please refund).
I was unaware I was still subscribed and loved the game when I played it but I no longer play it, I have tried to cancel through PayPal but it won’t let me, my email address is [email protected]
Many thanks,
(Didn’t mean to post in slow downloads speed forum, sorry)
what file are you downloading?
syakir zainol
never happened before
I have 220 mbps download speed. New gaming laptop over a grand and i could download 3 20gb packs and it took 20/30mins now i am trying to download a logo pack again and its downloading at about 5-50 kbps per second although i still have 220 mbps elsewhere is this me or this website im stuck?
I have 220 mbps download speed. New gaming lap although i still have 220 mbps elsewhere is this me or this website im stuck?
I have 220 mbps download speed. New gaming lap although i still have 220 mbps elsewhere is this me or this website im stuck?
Hi Max
not getting any issues downloaded in about 40 seconds , and please in future 1 post is enough😉, clear cache of browser you are using and retry download
Yes no sure what happened there. Thanks for the quick response. I have done that somehow it’s at 4.8 mb/s but before It downloaded extremely quick so not sure then
Just for proof this was last night. no idea what’s going on
I think the fact that you posted 3 times in a row suggests some sort of issue is happening somewhere 😀
From your screenshots the TCM Logos were coming from a different server to Cut Outs, i've just made sure they're coming a specific server, can you tell me if you see improvement?
Elias Chraibi
I also paid the £10 so I could download it (cutout mega pack) quick and directly but am getting download speeds of up to 300kb/s tops. My internet is fine, so I think it’s the servers from this website that’s restricting low download speeds so they don’t overload them. Am I the only one experiencing it at this time?
update: a few hours further and the download simply failed at around 35% and can’t be resumed so I have to start all over
Try downloading the files using incognito mode (or equivalent) since there have been instances where some browser extensions are throttling download speed.
any further issues read this thread