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Alian62 over on the Sigames forum has discovered a hidden stadium editor within FM21, it is very limited but could be a game changer, original thread here: https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/551501-stadium-editor
I've had a play around with it and managed the following so far:
Somerset Park: I have removed the corners at the main stand, changed the main stand from a terrace to seats, changed the stand opposite the main stand to a terrace and removed it's roof
Cappielow Park: I have made both goal end stands terraces, changed the main stand from a terrace to seats and removed the corners
Tommy Hughes
Holy crap, this is huge. Cannot remember how long I've wished for actual customised stadiums for added personality.
This looks utterly fantastic. Here's hoping a community effort springs up, where people contribute their changes to a master file of stadium changes 🙂
Totally agreed, I always thought it was nonsense that SI didn't try and get the stadiums as close as possible, claiming licensing reasons. I personally use FMRTE who have a decent stadium editor function within it. It cost a couple of pounds but you can do all this stuff and works perfectly fine.
Link here. I am in no way affiliated with this product but thought i would just share it with the community ……………..
Changing Stadium 3D appearance - FMRTE - FMRTE
it looks like FMRTE has same options as this method but with a much more user friendly layout. However, the obvious benefit of this method is changes will be applied to all new games while with FMRTE changes will only work within 1 game
Bielsa is a legend
Another major enhancement, to add to the adboards, Flut skin and Daz8s pressers.
sI must not recognise their own poor attempt at a game
Tommy Hughes
Indeed, there's so much potential to unlock here. I can't fathom why SI advertise improved visuals each year and yet won't spend much effort on this side of visual match experience. Maybe they suppose people won't care, similarily to what it comes to the match sounds.
A further trial this time with Hamilton Accies, 1 side stand removed and the goal ends switched giving Hamilton their 2-sided stadium
Bielsa is a legend
They don’t have the quality of coder that the community has?
I think both of you are extremely harsh on SI. Keep in mind that there are legal and licensing issues as to why stadiums cannot be displayed in exactly the same way they are irl. FIFA pays money to display the Bernabeu, Wembley, Stade de France etc.
There is already research data in place, and hence the options now made visible in the first post, in order to roughly approximate a stadium's look. Further customisation is, I would assume, quite problematic to program as well. What if a stand is half-tiered and half-covered, for example? How can you design a customisable system which can cater for all eventualities?
That said, an official stadium editor to allow such user customisation would be awfully nice and would allow for a more immersive experience.
hello rabcp
maybe you know what to do to hear the sounds of the club's fans during the match, as it was in the previous games?
Bielsa is a legend
The latest game has sold 1.6m copies at say £30 that’s over 40m pounds, the game is basically now just an annual update
they need to start trying harder
they know this, as any negative comment on the SI forum is deleted
It might be that SI are/where developing a stadium editor within the main editor and It’s not been released as it’s not finished yet.
To be fair to SI while their customer service Isn’t great some of the abuse they get on a daily basis on their forums is unacceptable (not by anyone posting on here)
I have no idea, I have never used sounds within FM
Surely you don't think it's simplistic as that, though? You know that's not 40m profit. There's rent, staff costs, licensing, production and distribution costs, payments due to Epic Games and Steam, and a whole lot more I can't even think of right now. A good chunk of those games sold will also be sold during sales periods at a lesser cost. Besides, the latest accounts I can find for SI are for 2019 which say it generated $20.07 million in sales (USD), which is in the region of £15m, so that's already a considerable difference from the amount you state. I don't think it's reasonable to assume SI are rolling in it in the way you seem to infer.
Even if it was just the annual update you say it is, it's still fantastic value for money at £30. 2.50 quid per month for a year is absolute peanuts for the amount of time you spend on FM. And I completely disagree with your assessment it's an annual update anyway. Try and play FM19 and the difference is clear. My cousin still is on his FM19 save and the difference I see is not negligible. It's not a revolution but the amount of changes are substantial and far from purely cosmetic. In a way, I think SI suffer from their success. What game-changing element can they possibly introduce at this stage? It's always going to be changes under the hood or reworking of existing modules, which aren't as sexy and eye-catching.
There is plenty which can be improved in FM, but I find a lot of the criticism of SI on what are ultimately extremely minor elements baffling, frankly.
Anyways, rant over and I won't comment any more on this here as it's not in any way related to what is a fantastic potential future mod 🙂
Bielsa is a legend
Yes I run a £130m P &L so know the difference between revenue, EBITDA. And the ultimate being cash.
their customer service is dreadful
this is an annual update, not a newly developed game
rant over 😉
I have decided to add stadium edits to the adboard patch, they now have thier own thread here: https://sortitoutsi.net/content/58086/stadium-edits-fm21
SI have their faults, and the game could be better, but they're not EA at least 😉
Besides, where they drop the ball, talented community members take the task and give us great additional content.
@rabcp will this work for FM22 or will it need an update? Thanks
The FM21 file will need converted to the FM22 database providing SI have not blocked access to the hidden part of the database the file edits
Ok. Will wait for the full game to be released and see.. thanks
hi mate, do you know if the current file will work with FM22 now the game has been released? many thanks as always
It doesnt work, the changes fail when loaded into the FM22 editor so I'll need to start again for the beginning
Bloody annoying! Is it a time consuming change? let me know if you need help
It can be depending on what needs changed, it’s a case of trial and error to see what changes work too, however in 90 mins I have completed the EPL which has involved adding corners to Brentford’s stadium, adding a roof to a corner of Leeds stadium, moving the players tunnels at the Etihad and Old Trafford and adding 2 corners to Vicarage Road.
Hello my frends I want to ask you the file is working whit the new edition of FM editor 22 ?
just wondering, is there a version for this that works in fm24?
KRis Nunn
i followed the first guide, but its not working the same, trying to get a stadium with just one stand but i can get it to work at all
Can you try this one?
Dr Naysay
This worked bud, thanks that is brilliant.