Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
By Phoenix Arrow | Permalink | On 22 March 2013 - 03:53 AM
It doesn't kick you out if your internet goes down by the way. Basically, all the saved games are on a cloud so you need to be connected to load and save. That's about it.

It does if it's down for 20 mins
18 years ago
2 months ago
By Slashman X | Permalink | On 22 March 2013 - 10:14 AM
It does if it's down for 20 mins

It's much more than that.

I had no connection to the server on release weekend and I could play of for at least 2 hours before it finally shut me down.
14 years ago
11 months ago
I just don't like the fact the area for your city is miniscule. Once it's full up there's really not much you can do apart from bulldozing and refitting to eke out what little space there is left. I have no interest in running two or more cities. From my perspective if you want an authentic Sim City experience then you should get Sim City 4 and use mods, because Sim City 5 is not going to provide longevity.
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
By Fantastic | Permalink | On 23 March 2013 - 08:00 AM
I just don't like the fact the area for your city is miniscule. Once it's full up there's really not much you can do apart from bulldozing and refitting to eke out what little space there is left. I have no interest in running two or more cities. From my perspective if you want an authentic Sim City experience then you should get Sim City 4 and use mods, because Sim City 5 is not going to provide longevity.

Well, the thing that annoys me is that you have your city and then there's a massive gap between the cities. Apart from everything else, it looks really dumb on the zoomed out screen. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to build on the strip in between or why you can't have more than just the highway linking up the cities. The number of times the one highway exit has been totally blocked up with cars is stupid. My town has a ferry, a train station and an airport but there's still tailbacks for miles on the motorway.
14 years ago
11 months ago
I've paid a decent amount of attention to the development, release and appraisal of the game and for me the only reason to buy it is if you are specifically looking for a city building game where you have to work with other people in order to get the most out of the product.

Personally I've only found true enjoyment out of strategy games when it is just me doing what I want when I want. I don't like having pace dictated to me, nor do I like to have to rely upon people for my enjoyment.
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
2 weeks ago
I would say that the gameplay is far as city building goes is more enjoyable in this game. The way transport systems, utilities and emergency services work makes much more sense than it did in Sim City 4. I also enjoy how to get feedback from the Sims. I mean, the same feedback was there in Sim City 4 but you had to analyse layers and shit like that to get it and the advisors made stuff up. This was is immediately obvious. You see a bunch of sick people chilling you, see that your hospital is at capacity and build some more waiting rooms or whatever.

Though I would say I probably wouldn't enjoy it so much if... well if I didn't steal all my power from Franck.
18 years ago
3 months ago
By Fantastic | Permalink | On 23 March 2013 - 08:00 AM
I just don't like the fact the area for your city is miniscule. Once it's full up there's really not much you can do apart from bulldozing and refitting to eke out what little space there is left. I have no interest in running two or more cities. From my perspective if you want an authentic Sim City experience then you should get Sim City 4 and use mods, because Sim City 5 is not going to provide longevity.

Best place to get mods for Sim City 4? I've already got Sim City 4 but knew nothing about mods .
18 years ago
1 year ago
My cities fucked.

Left it on by mistake for an hour while I went to the shops. Came back and my powerplant had ran out of water, so no one had power. Everyone had fucked off and abandoned their buildings, which I had to demolish, taking my population from 150,000 to 50,000. Now I'm about to go bust.

Just an hour before I had 1.3m coming in each day from Processors. Raging.
14 years ago
11 months ago
Can't you just reload an old save?
18 years ago
1 month ago
By Fantastic | Permalink | On 24 March 2013 - 11:00 AM
Can't you just reload an old save?

18 years ago
3 months ago
How far are the shops
18 years ago
1 year ago
Also, my Nuclear powerplant blew up very early on and the radiation has been steadily growing and now covers half my map. Everyone's getting ill \o/

And it's an online game so you can't reload.
18 years ago
2 months ago
By Flash. | Permalink | On 25 March 2013 - 03:34 AM
Also, my Nuclear powerplant blew up very early on and the radiation has been steadily growing and now covers half my map. Everyone's getting ill \o/

And it's an online game so you can't reload.

Is this in your city in the Susie region?
18 years ago
1 year ago


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