sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs

The Backgrounds Megapack was originally made up of aerial shots of stadiums taken from Google Maps and Google Earth, but is now also containing Competitions, Player and Fan Backgrounds, as well as beautiful City Images.

  • 94,242
  • 2025.03 - Released on 19 Feb 2025
sortitoutsi Background and Stadium Packs

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By Petrsuhin757 13 October 2021 - 19:35 PM UTC 

Why can't you add them to torrent? On free mega it takes ages to download with restrictions.


We only update the torrent once a year, it has something to do with seeding. But the FM22 torrent version of the pack should be ready before the beta release of FM22.

4 years ago
1 month ago

hi leute, 

ich benutze das opz elite 2021 blackout skin und habe das problem das mir in der spieler übersicht dort wo das potenzial steht nicht angezeigt wird was die mindestablöse ist. so sollte es eigentlich sein. 


was kann ich tun das dass skin einwandfrei läuft?

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By Spencer1993 15 October 2021 - 21:17 PM UTC 

hi leute, 

ich benutze das opz elite 2021 blackout skin und habe das problem das mir in der spieler übersicht dort wo das potenzial steht nicht angezeigt wird was die mindestablöse ist. so sollte es eigentlich sein. 


was kann ich tun das dass skin einwandfrei läuft?


That has noting to do with the background pack. Ask in the forum for opz elite 2021 👍

14 years ago
2 weeks ago

hello i have just downloaded the Metallic Logo pack, the Cut-out facepack and the background megapack.

I have succesfully installed the first two.

However i have problem with the background megapack.

I have unziped and pasted the Folder “sortitoutsi Backgrounds Megapack” to the location C:\Users\User\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\

Although i have reload skin and no cache i can see no backrounds.None.

What is wrong?

Please assist!!!

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By ExorcistGR 22 October 2021 - 18:53 PM UTC 

hello i have just downloaded the Metallic Logo pack, the Cut-out facepack and the background megapack.

I have succesfully installed the first two.

However i have problem with the background megapack.

I have unziped and pasted the Folder “sortitoutsi Backgrounds Megapack” to the location C:\Users\User\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2021\graphics\

Although i have reload skin and no cache i can see no backrounds.None.

What is wrong?

Please assist!!!

well it seems you have put it in the right place. I need a bit more info. Does non of background/stadiums show, do you have a config, and how have you downloaded the pack. If you have used the torrent, I would suggest to wait until next update where this year torrent will be released and then use that. And have you tried it together with “flut skin”?

the base skin (for FM21) does not work with backgrounds and only shows a tiny fraction at the top.



Nick Kotsonis
9 years ago
3 days ago

So, I've circled a number in the pic below. Is that number the ID that the player has in the game too or is it something else?

18 years ago
11 hours ago
By Nick Kotsonis 25 October 2021 - 08:15 AM UTC 

So, I've circled a number in the pic below. Is that number the ID that the player has in the game too or is it something else?


Yes, that's his UID.

Nick Kotsonis
9 years ago
3 days ago

All right, thanks for the quick reply! 🙂

13 years ago
1 month ago

Hello! Thanks for producing this! 

I have two things I'm thinking about;

I really like to have stadium_insides, but dislikes the backgrounds. I find the backgrounds just makes things harder to read, and the fact that they don't stay symmetrical if i resize the window makes them kind of useless. Maybe there's others like me who only want the stadium_insides, and it could be a separate download? Right now I'm downloading the full pack and extracting only the stadium_insides and config.xml, which works fine, but I was thinking it could be useful.

As for the compression, that size reduction is amazing, but I could still reduce the size of the stadium_insides by another ~34% (from 961 MB to 633 MB) by running them through FileOptimizer , which is a utility that runs files through multiple lossless compressions/optimizers to reduce size. The JPEGs are run through jhead, Leanify, jpegoptim, jpegtran, mozjpegtran, ECT and pingo. Obviously running every existing image through all optimizers would take ages, but it's probable that one of the optimizers would yield near optimal result, maybe new images could be run through it on upload? 


EDIT: Did some testing with 111 of the heaviest stadium_inside JPEGs and Leanify or ECT seems to output “optimal” results without the others.

 Time to complete (Seconds)Size when completed (bytes)
un-optimized17 302 329
all plugins6212 803 291
only jhead813 305 240
only Leanify1312 803 291
only jpegoptim 912 900 848
only jpegtran912 900 848
only ECT1212 803 291
only pingo817 302 329


17 years ago
10 hours ago
By BullDozzer 25 October 2021 - 16:11 PM UTC 

Hello! Thanks for producing this! 

I have two things I'm thinking about;

I really like to have stadium_insides, but dislikes the backgrounds. I find the backgrounds just makes things harder to read, and the fact that they don't stay symmetrical if i resize the window makes them kind of useless. Maybe there's others like me who only want the stadium_insides, and it could be a separate download? Right now I'm downloading the full pack and extracting only the stadium_insides and config.xml, which works fine, but I was thinking it could be useful.

As for the compression, that size reduction is amazing, but I could still reduce the size of the stadium_insides by another ~34% (from 961 MB to 633 MB) by running them through FileOptimizer, which is a utility that runs files through multiple lossless compressions/optimizers to reduce size. The JPEGs are run through jhead, Leanify, jpegoptim, jpegtran, mozjpegtran, ECT and pingo. Obviously running every existing image through all optimizers would take ages, but it's probable that one of the optimizers would yield near optimal result, maybe new images could be run through it on upload? 

EDIT: Did some testing with 111 of the heaviest stadium_inside JPEGs and Leanify or ECT seems to output “optimal” results without the others.

UNCOMPRESSEDD:    17 302 329

only jhead  -  8 sec -  13 305 240
only Leanify  - 13 sec -  12 803 291
only jpegoptim  - 9 sec  -  12 900 848
only jpegtran  - 9 sec  -  12 900 848
only etc - 12 sec -  12 803 291
only pino  - 8 sec -  17 302 329


There is a guide here on how manage the pack if you don't like all the parts :


13 years ago
1 month ago
By Qvordrup 25 October 2021 - 16:52 PM UTC 

There is a guide here on how manage the pack if you don't like all the parts :


I see! I assume I could achieve the same thing by just doing deleting all lines from the xml I don't want? And is there any downside to have xml entries that point to files that doesn't exist? I assume FM still tries to load graphics/pictures/team/xxxx/background and just carries on if there is nothing there? So having the XML, I assume, just points to another file that also doesn't exist? 

Why I mention it is because it feels unnecessary to download gigabytes of images I don't really need, and especially downloading package updates that does not affect the stadium_insides

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By BullDozzer 25 October 2021 - 16:58 PM UTC 

I see! I assume I could achieve the same thing by just doing deleting all lines from the xml I don't want? And is there any downside to have xml entries that point to files that doesn't exist? I assume FM still tries to load graphics/pictures/team/xxxx/background and just carries on if there is nothing there? So having the XML, I assume, just points to another file that also doesn't exist? 

Why I mention it is because it feels unnecessary to download gigabytes of images I don't really need, and especially downloading package updates that does not affect the stadium_insides


Well we always appreciate input on how to make things better. But for now the pack is a megapack of all the backgrounds, and splitting it up is not something that is prioritised right now (maybe in the future). You will find that deleting entries from the current config is a very time consuming job, hense the guide on how to make a new config in minutes 👍. If deleting the folders and keeping the config works for you then just do that 😀. But for the foreseeable future you will have to download updates that includes other stuff than just “inside_stadiums” 👍.   

18 years ago
7 months ago

Hello, I have a question about Complete packs and sizes. Reading the documentation, it suggests that one should download either the latest Complete pack (which is now 2022.00) or the changes since the last downloaded pack. This suggests that newer Complete packs contain all of the older Complete packs.


However, my previous 2021.00 Complete download is 38.6GB but the newer 2022.00 Complete download is 8.4GB - are the previous 38.6GB of files (and a year's changes) included in the newer 8.4GB pack? Am I misreading something?


Thank you,

9 years ago
2 hours ago

One question ... will the images of stadiums and cities work on fm22? Thanks!

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By Ezequielp91 30 October 2021 - 16:49 PM UTC 

One question ... will the images of stadiums and cities work on fm22? Thanks!


Yes 👍

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By tisgrandoppnorth 30 October 2021 - 14:50 PM UTC 

Hello, I have a question about Complete packs and sizes. Reading the documentation, it suggests that one should download either the latest Complete pack (which is now 2022.00) or the changes since the last downloaded pack. This suggests that newer Complete packs contain all of the older Complete packs.


However, my previous 2021.00 Complete download is 38.6GB but the newer 2022.00 Complete download is 8.4GB - are the previous 38.6GB of files (and a year's changes) included in the newer 8.4GB pack? Am I misreading something?


Thank you,

Yes. First of all the “team_backgrounds” have been removed from the pack. Then the pack has been compressed. So if you have 2022.00 complete download you are fully up to speed 👍


12 years ago
1 week ago

Is there a change we can get a Stadium(inside) and City Pack as a separate download option? I think this megapack is the only one that is up to date atm 🙂



Yeah sorry. It is kind of a request 😢 

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By MrGizMo 01 November 2021 - 06:33 AM UTC 

Is there a change we can get a Stadium(inside) and City Pack as a separate download option? I think this megapack is the only one that is up to date atm 🙂



Yeah sorry. It is kind of a request 😢 


There is a guide on how to make a config for each folder if you don't like the hole pack (it only takes a few minutes to make the configs):


At the moment it is not a priority to add the feature off offering downloads for individual parts of the pack.  

12 years ago
1 week ago
By Qvordrup 01 November 2021 - 06:46 AM UTC 

There is a guide on how to make a config for each folder if you don't like the hole pack (it only takes a few minutes to make the configs):


At the moment it is not a priority to add the feature off offering downloads for individual parts of the pack.  


Thanks for the reply! Yeah I have the idea that I'm one of the few who never uses backgrounds 😛 

Will download the pack then and check things out 🙂 

15 years ago
1 hour ago

I have recently updated to this megapack, great work by all concerned and appreciated👍


just wondering if it is possible to change the generic stadium backgrounds/inside pics for clubs who do not have a pic in the megapack


in the old pack I used the generic pic was called ‘none’ and I was able to replace this to what I wanted, can someone direct me to what the generic pic/s are in this pack


17 years ago
10 hours ago
By kingrobbo 02 November 2021 - 02:49 AM UTC 

I have recently updated to this megapack, great work by all concerned and appreciated👍


just wondering if it is possible to change the generic stadium backgrounds/inside pics for clubs who do not have a pic in the megapack


in the old pack I used the generic pic was called ‘none’ and I was able to replace this to what I wanted, can someone direct me to what the generic pic/s are in this pack



There are non. You can make your own really fast 😀. Just find a picture and name it “none” and put it in a folder. Then figurer out what part of the pack you want to use it for and make a new config with the none as id. You can have one for every part of the pack if you like. Then just put the folder in the pack.

example for inside stadiums: <record from="none" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/none/stadium"/>

there is a guide here where you can see how the config looks like for each part of the pack:


There is a hierarchy in the backgrounds where if there are a background of higher hierarchy then it filters down if no background is present. You stop this filtering down by putting in a none background.


Continent → Nation → club → person


I use the “flut” skin and there are 3 none backgrounds in that. One for stadiums small and large and one for city pic. They all say coming soon on them.  

15 years ago
1 hour ago
By Qvordrup 02 November 2021 - 03:38 AM UTC 

There are non. You can make your own really fast 😀. Just find a picture and name it “none” and put it in a folder. Then figurer out what part of the pack you want to use it for and make a new config with the none as id. You can have one for every part of the pack if you like. Then just put the folder in the pack.

example for inside stadiums: <record from="none" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/none/stadium"/>

there is a guide here where you can see how the config looks like for each part of the pack:


There is a hierarchy in the backgrounds where if there are a background of higher hierarchy then it filters down if no background is present. You stop this filtering down by putting in a none background.


Continent → Nation → club → person


I use the “flut” skin and there are 3 none backgrounds in that. One for stadiums small and large and one for city pic. They all say coming soon on them.  


brilliant thanks

15 years ago
1 hour ago
Teoman Ertem
10 years ago
1 year ago

 take it easy, I had a question, 
Last year there were many more files in this package. and its size was larger(105,251-35gb). why are there less files now or maybe i don't know?

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By Teoman Ertem 08 November 2021 - 04:57 AM UTC 

 take it easy, I had a question, 
Last year there were many more files in this package. and its size was larger(105,251-35gb). why are there less files now or maybe i don't know?


We have removed the “team_backgrounds” from the pack and it has been compressed  👍

4 years ago
6 months ago

Hi, i downloaded the base pack way earlier and downloaded all of the updates too and extracted them to the same folder (so did every step) but for me Sissoko backgorund still at Spurs, Messi still at Barcelona, Memphis Depay still at Lyon etc. Why is this happening?

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By dekkie2 09 November 2021 - 12:22 PM UTC 

Hi, i downloaded the base pack way earlier and downloaded all of the updates too and extracted them to the same folder (so did every step) but for me Sissoko backgorund still at Spurs, Messi still at Barcelona, Memphis Depay still at Lyon etc. Why is this happening?


I've no idea. Delete what you have and download and install the new torrent basepack and everything should be up to date:


16 years ago
1 week ago

Not a technical question, all is working fine, just wondering if there are plans for for upscaling some of the team city bg's, the one's on club pages, not squad. I'm playing on 1080 resolution, and some of them are blurry, and the text is hard to read, tbh…

11 years ago
1 month ago

I just wanted to contribute some stadium inside images but it always says “14 submissions are invalid. Please fix them.”, and I don't know how.


They're all in .jpg, 800x480px and named after the Unique ID of the corresponding club.


I never had a problem contributing city pics.


Any idea?

17 years ago
10 hours ago
By Kruj 20 November 2021 - 11:11 AM UTC 

I just wanted to contribute some stadium inside images but it always says “14 submissions are invalid. Please fix them.”, and I don't know how.


They're all in .jpg, 800x480px and named after the Unique ID of the corresponding club.


I never had a problem contributing city pics.


Any idea?


It is because stadium pictures (both inside and background) are submitted under stadium id and not club id. So just rename your submissions to stadium id and everything should be fine 👍

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