When you're uploading a pack, the images within it need to be saved on your PC as the person's UID, and the forum will then associate them to the right person automatically.
The game reads the images depending on their filename. This should be UID so having them saved as their name adds a fair bit of work to whichever cutter takes it on.
I've made a video to show how easy it is, and it'll save you loads of time 😉
When you're uploading a pack, the images within it need to be saved on your PC as the person's UID, and the forum will then associate them to the right person automatically.
The game reads the images depending on their filename. This should be UID so having them saved as their name adds a fair bit of work to whichever cutter takes it on.
I've made a video to show how easy it is, and it'll save you loads of time 😉
Can you validate them afterwards? please for the update 2022.02
No probably not sorry, have too many images already. The update comes out within 1-2 days I think. so maybe you have to cut them yourself if you want them to be in the update pack.
No probably not sorry, have too many images already. The update comes out within 1-2 days I think. so maybe you have to cut them yourself if you want them to be in the update pack.
Can you validate them afterwards? please for the update 2022.02
Please be patient and let cutters work at their own pace. Most of the images you have requested already a photo in the megapack so it's not like they're ultra urgent.
If you want them to be cut so much, you can try cutting them yourself. With the excellent free tools on remove.bg and photopea.com, there has never been as good a time to provide quality cut-outs, quickly and easily.
Have a look at this thread for more guidelines and video tutorials on what we expect for from our cuts. Pay attention to the requirement of needing collars for all cuts and to that of needing to rotate images when applicable in other videos.
The below is a tutorial on how to use remove.bg and photopea.com:
@lacme31 do you know where you found the source for this person? Except for this one the whole pack will give cuts around 180x180, so not worth replacing right? @mons
@lacme31 do you know where you found the source for this person? Except for this one the whole pack will give cuts around 180x180, so not worth replacing right? @mons
There's a couple of others whose current cuts are in 180x180 and are a bit old, so those at least would be worth replacing I think.
As for the others, they're probably a bit too small to be worth it, I agree. I trust your judgement to cut what you think warrants it and put the others back in pending and I'll have another look at them and reject what needs to be rejected.
@Garona31 This image is too small to be useful for making a cutout. Please try and look for larger sources - ideally where the person's face in the image is large enough for a 250*250px cutout.
@mons can you send @lacme31 the instruction video for saving people with UID in a pack?