Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 433,570
- 2025.05 - Released on 12 Mar 2025

Do you recommend to install the updates made for FM22, in the FM21 game or is it risky?
JC Muns
First, thanks for the quality of the packs, much appreciated!
I've downloaded the pack as every year.
Therefore it doesn't seem to apply correctly. I tripled checked several times and I don't see why it's not working…
Here is my graphic file and I do unclick the cache button before reloading. It's Real Madrid behind the preference screen and the logo is not updated after the reload of skin.
Thanks for the support
Well It has its pros and cons. This pack can be used on any version of the game, and the vast majority of logos will also show up the right places in any version. But some id's change from version to version (clubs merging or going bankrupt and new competitions created and so on), so using FM22 version on FM21 will cause a few logo to show up in the wrong place. But like 99% of the of the game has the same id's and therefore the logo will show up just right. Also you will have some logo in your pack that is not part of your game (new clubs and competitions), But that will not affect your game in any way. Hope that answers your question.
Well you have the pack in the right place and your settings seems right. The most common problem is that you have not gotten the full file when downloading. Delete what you have and download the complete torrent (2022.01) and make sure you get the full file before installing it. If you don't wont to use the torrent then you can use chrome to download the full pack as it has the option to resume any interruptions in your download making sure you get the full file.
JC Muns
Hi Qvordrup,
Thanks for your answwer.
The download didn't change anything, but after diggigng more, I did find what was going on.
In fact, I had change the location of the save games (in dropbox) and then the files weren't loaded.
It seems it's new since for the last FMs, I did the same with the graphics, editor, etc… in another location that the saved games but for FM22 it seems thay have to be in the same location.
Great pack and everything is working perfectly for me apart from the Competition logos. Very strange.
OK, thanks.
Hello, I've recently downloaded the update packs for the metallic logos and after installing a decent amount of the logos reverted back to the old “generic” logos. Does anyone know what might cause this and how to fix this. Thanks in advance!
Are you using a Mac or a PC?
Well the competitions logos should work. Since you are a premium member I will suggest that you delete what you have and download the full pack and install that. This time using chrome so you can resume any interruptions in the download to make sure you get the full file.
PC. For further info I just pasted the new logos into the respective subfolder in the graphics folder.
Can we see a screenshot of any of these folders? Showing clearly (a) the full path it's located in and (b) the amount of images in the folder (usually shown in the bottom left)
Hello people 🙂
I thought i would know what i have to do to get everything goin with the logos but it seems like, some of them arent changing. Watford and the Nations at least.
Since i can see most of the logos from this patch, i think ive done it right no? Would rly love to know what i have to do since i tried everything that came to my mind. It seems like the game prefers to take the original logos from the game for some teams and the nations but not for everything. What can i do? Please help!
Sorry for doubleposting but after some research in this topic right here i found out, that the graphics folder should not be in the gamedata folder.
Since i changed it manualy trough the steamsettings, it made some problems.
Gave the patches an own folder, now everything works.
Sorry for bothering and thanks for the logos! 🙂
Hi guys, I applied this pack, but when I start the game it keeps looping while loading ... why? I have the version downloaded via game pass
First of all thanks for the logos!
Since today's patch (22.2) mine aren't showing up anymore in game somehow. Faces, kits, cups, etc … show, but the club logos don't. They worked perfectly before.
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
EDIT: I double checked my folder and apparently there was another logo map in there as well. Probably that corrupted with the metallic logos one. I deleted it, and did a skin reload, and that seemed to do the trick. No clue how that file got there (from 2017 apparently) and how it worked before today's update.
i bought FM22 and now, i want to include the Metallic Logos Pack. (metallic_logos_fm2022_v1)
inside i saw not just logos… inside they are just more Files/Folders… media/trophies/flags
why is that?
or just delete them, so that the result is: only to use the logos Folder from pictures Folder
Thanks for helping.
Cheers from germany
Edit: i asked, because in last FM´s i only know, that trophies packs, flags packs….are seperate created from mod creators
= so now, i am little bit confused, because now i see, this i just all in one pack, you know, and that would be so cool, if i understand that right.
You must download first the torrent and after that the v1
@RoMbA yes, i used the 2022.01 Torrent. what i mean is: i was wondering that with the Pack did not just club logos inside. thats what i want to say: Great and Thanks, that also other Stuff are inside (example Trophies big pack or the media logos for the default media in FM22) 👍
Jens Mühlau
Hallo ich hab eine Frage wie kann ich für Borussia Dortmund 2 ein anderes Logo einfügen als bei der 1.Mannschaft ich hab es mit der cofig Datei mehrere male probiert aber es geht nicht . Weiß jemand wie das geht ? @Qvordrup sie vielleicht ?
Jens Mühlau
Hat jemand noch das metallic Logopack von 2013 ? Der Link geht nicht mehr .
I want to help with this project, and I thought the best way I could do that with my (non graphic design) skillset would be to provide source images. I thought I'd start with Morriston Town, but the ‘Upload Image’ feature is broken, as can be seen here:
Can it be checked if it's all working correctly, and if so can I get instructions on how to provide source images in a way that they'll be seen? Example below of what I'm hoping to upload, as the current image is a photo of an embroidered badge from a shirt:
The id of dortmund II is 121201. Just name the logos that and replace the logos that are already in the pack with the one you want to use 👍
The request/submission system for metallic logos is not yet finished. So it is not broken just not in place yet. So we still use this thread for requests:
I would also love to help you and as soon as you set up a request/submission system, I will help by providing source images. Could someone recommend a good software to easily cut the logos from the background?
photoshop or but the latter has problems with white color so sometimes it removes all white color from the image (treats the color like it's a background)
Hello, I've downloaded the Metallic logo pack (as well as other logo packs). The installation guide is pretty simple, I copied the extracted files to the Documents > Football Manager 2022 > graphics folder. Then I started the game, unticked the Interface > Cache checkbox and reloaded the Skin, but no new logo showed up. I tried several times with different logo packs, deleted the cache folder by hand and reset everything via the “reset” button in the bottom left corner inside the settings. None of this helped.
I am using the Steam version of the game and the default Football Manager 2022 database. Any idea what the problem could be? Any help would be really appreciated 🙂
It is not recommended to use multiple logo packs unless you really know what you're doing because they might conflict.
Secondly the correct user data folder is Documents \ Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2022 \ graphics. The folder you mentioned is missing the bit in bold.
What OS do you have? Is it Windows or Mac?
Have you changed your preferences to the below?
Sorry, I used the existing Sports Interactive / Football Manager 2022 folder. I am using Windows 10. And yes, I have changed the preferences as shown in your screenshot and reloaded the skin several times. Also, I was not using several logo packs at once, but replaced one by another, as I was not sure about the needed folder structure inside the “graphics” folder.
As long as it's within the graphics folder, every logopack should work without any issues irrespective of the folder structure, if installed correctly.
Can I have screenshots of your logopack folder (showing clearly the path), of the graphics folder itself and of your in-game preferences?