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Thanks!! Looks very nice!!
Could you please do the 2-D version aswell?
Ferencvárosi TC new kits Download
Ferencvárosi TC new kits
Could you please do the 2-d version aswell?
I don't know, I was thinking to skip Man Utd this season
Hahahahahah fair enough 🤣🤣
Please use https://fmkitcreator.com/tools/minikit-generator/
Result might not be perfect due to some small badge placement issues I found on the kit, but anyway it works.
Hello, someone able to recreate Juve away kit?
Well, I can only hope haha. Thank you for making the home kit though! It looks amazing!
lazio new kit??
please help me create this team Harimau Muda
please help me create kelantan FC
please help me create sarawak united fc
FK Jablonec 22/23 home (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
FK Jablonec 22/23 away (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
FC Viktoria Plzeň 22/23 home (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
Torino FC home 22-23 (Italy) ID 1174
FC Viktoria Plzeň 22/23 away (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
FC Viktoria Plzeň 22/23 third (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
SK Slavia Praha 22/23 home (Czech Fortuna : Liga)
@kosic please use the latest templates by bolid since there are a lot of badge placement issues with your latest kits. Shoot me a message if you need some extra help, I'm happy to.
Torino FC away 22-23 (Italy) ID 1174
Dundee United home 22/23
Torino FC home 22-23 (Italy) ID 1174Downloadalt 1Downloadalt 2Downloadhome
can u help me create kits…please
@bolid74 is Leeds home available yet?
great work as always
Gubbio (Ita) ID: 108985 Home & Third
Juventus home 22-23 (Italy) ID 1139
Super quality @Humberto21
hehe it's all thanks to bolid and its models 👍 in any case, thank you 😉
@Humberto21 could you do new Lazio kits?
Cove Rangers 22-23 (Scotland) ID 1551
Bristol away 22/23
Newport County home 22/23
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Could you please do the 2-D version aswell?
Could you please do the 2-d version aswell?
Hahahahahah fair enough 🤣🤣
Please use https://fmkitcreator.com/tools/minikit-generator/
Result might not be perfect due to some small badge placement issues I found on the kit, but anyway it works.
Hello, someone able to recreate Juve away kit?
Well, I can only hope haha. Thank you for making the home kit though! It looks amazing!
lazio new kit??
please help me create this team Harimau Muda
please help me create kelantan FC
please help me create sarawak united fc
FK Jablonec 22/23 home (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
FK Jablonec 22/23 away (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
FC Viktoria Plzeň 22/23 home (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
Torino FC home 22-23 (Italy) ID 1174
FC Viktoria Plzeň 22/23 away (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
FC Viktoria Plzeň 22/23 third (Czech Fortuna:Liga)
SK Slavia Praha 22/23 home (Czech Fortuna : Liga)
@kosic please use the latest templates by bolid since there are a lot of badge placement issues with your latest kits. Shoot me a message if you need some extra help, I'm happy to.
Torino FC away 22-23 (Italy) ID 1174
Dundee United home 22/23
can u help me create kits…please
Bielsa is a legend
@bolid74 is Leeds home available yet?
great work as always
Gubbio (Ita) ID: 108985 Home & Third
Juventus home 22-23 (Italy) ID 1139
Super quality @Humberto21
hehe it's all thanks to bolid and its models 👍 in any case, thank you 😉
@Humberto21 could you do new Lazio kits?
Cove Rangers 22-23 (Scotland) ID 1551
Bristol away 22/23
Newport County home 22/23