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There are 14 data packs in total to which I have subscribed but for some reason they refuse to download...There are some of them in the downloads section of this website,but not all of them,some are missing,so I need someone to download them for me and then make a .zip file of them and send me the link.Thanks in advance for helping me
What version of the game are you running? And how can you tell they're not downloading?
I'm running the last one,20.4.1
I'm clicking subscribe,unsubscribe and nothing happens
My editor data folder is also empty
I've tried exiting and reentering steam and fm,as well as restarting my laptop,nothing helps
Files from Steam Workshop don't go into your editor data folder, but you should still see them when you start a new game.
Yes, they do. If you subscribe to a database, league, etc.
a) You are aware this post was from over 2 years ago, right? Things might have changed since then.
b) I'm nonetheless not aware they have - they are saved in one of these 3 folders here iirc:
If you subscribe to a steam file when you exit the game the file should show in your editor data folder allowing you to open it in the editor
I am also having this issue. It always worked fine on FM22, but on FM23 nothing I subscribe to on Steam is working in the game.
It isn't visible in my ‘downloads’ section either when I go to the in game shop, it's all there in the Steam settings when I look but for some reason not working in the game. Any help available?
I am running on a Mac.
I've had the same problem on my Mac. I've just had a look around in the library files and can see in steam apps that the files have downloaded. I've manually copied them to the editor data files.