Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 480,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 489,095
- 2025.03 - Released on 11 Feb 2025

Was my boy Ciaran Maguire (uid 200198104) added to the megapack? Fingers crossed :-)
You do know you can use the search function to confirm that, don't you? 😉
Yes……..and so far he's not showing, that's why I was asking, sorry. :-)
Ciaran Maguire - Football Manager 2023 (
He's appearing fine for me. It takes a little while for the cache to update when a new update pack is released 😉
No probs. Hopefully will appear soon. Cheers mate.
In the icon faces there are still 47 duplicates, the same does not happen in the faces, it seems that it has been corrected.
If you want the list of duplicates I can provide it.
Thanks for the offer, but the process of removing 47 images out of 380,000+ takes too much work to be worth the effort, frankly…
I just wanted to help by reporting.
Just now I exported a new update, and removed the 47 duplicates.
@Footygamer If you search for a team via the search bar here, it leads you to this page instead of the faces overview
@mons , I think Julio De Marco (28128152), Atletico HOYD is missing in the config.
The image previously in the megapack was for the wrong person.
E.g. If I search for Real Madrid's, these are the only cut outs that appear? Whereas with a few teams like Liverpool for example, all of their staff and players will appear.
Apologies if the answer is obvious, never encountered this before!
We'll have a look at it, but I'd recommend you use the browsing system here anyways, as it's a bit more refined
I've downloaded via the torrent and the iconfaces folder is completely missing. Any ideas on a fix?
I've noticed there are old faces from last season for licensed teams when installing this.
Watford, for example, are fully licensed and had new faces for the whole squad, but this pack replaces them with last seasons outdated ones.
Can I have a screenshot of the contents of the file you've downloaded with the torrent? The torrent has been out for around a month and this is the first I'm hearing of it not containing the iconfaces. I'd like to be sure that is the case rather than you not having extracted it correctly.
Here's a guide on how to extract the default SI cut-outs. It's more work than it's worth, frankly, just to have cut-outs which are only a few months older and which are virtually identical to what's in the megapack anyway. If there are some players who have changed their look or who have a particularly old image, by all means let us know, but we have 380k+ images in the megapack and we can't update them all every few months just for the sake of it…
That's what I can see
Looks like you didn't download the file in full because the faces folder is much bigger than that. Delete what you've downloaded and try again 👍
There are about 150 images left that have been requested over 4 months ago
It would be great if everyone could pick up a few so we can clear those packs as soon as possible 🙂
2023.02 is now available for download, containing 6,290 new and improved images.
It takes the total amount of images in the megapack to 385,891 🍻
Good Evening, there is an error in facepacks at Ajax, two Ajax players more precisely Neal Viereck and Skye Winck have the same photo… As you can see the photos that I send through the respective link. Thank you.
Neal Viereck - ID : 2000013764 - 2000013764.png (
Skye Vink - ID : 2000105651 - 2000105651.png (
I actually cut new faces for the both of them in this pack a couple of days ago, just too late to be added in 2023.02, so this'll be resolved in time for 2023.03.
If you want to report any such instances in the future, please post on the person's timeline, request a replacement image there using the upload image button and tag me or another staff member to be aware of the issue 👍
Thanks @mons , So I will do as you said to do.
2023.03 is now available for download, containing 6,317 new and improved images.
It takes the total amount of images in the megapack to 389,577 🍻
In the last update appears a face with ID 20000035949, but the correct ID its 2000035949
It must have been uploaded wrongly within a pack - I'll fix it for 2023.04 👍
idk why i have 389890 faces, but thanks guys! xD
There are a few duplicate or erroneous images that were added to past megapack versions over the years but since removed from later config files and aren't counted towards the total number anymore - you can just ignore those ones 👍