Dear all
This is FLUTSKIN Version 8.0 for FM23!!
First of all I would like to give a great thank you to all FM fans who choose to play with FLUTSKIN and always keep me motivated to still editing the skin and gave me new ideas!!!
A special thank you to all of players who decided to distinguish my work with a donation!! Although just a small part of FM Players who use the skin made a donation (I edited the skin as a hobby and, as you know, completely free), I always feel honoured and happy when people recognize the work done and decide to contribute. So, I reinforce, I have to give a special thank you to that friends of FlutsKin!!!!!!
Also a thank you to all the skin makers who indirectly contribute to my work, and a special thank you to PATRES10, from fmslovakia for the 2D default kits (especially tailor-made for FlutSkin), to MICHAEL MURRAY since I started editing the match inbetween highlights panel based on his amazing work, to QVORDRUP, for the metallic “Round country flags” and his great collaboration in the “country locator maps”, to NUNO KOPIO for the “Square shiny flags” I included as alt files (for using as an alternative to the “Round country flags”) to PMPOU for his great contribution with many tickets to customize the skin, to DAZS8 for his great work in the addons for Flutskin. I also thank you for the contributes made by NOLEAFWILEN and RICHBELL.
In FlutSkin you can find so many changes comparing to the default skin that I can’t present all of them here. I suggest you to go through the panels in order to see with your eyes all the changes!!
Main Changes in Version 8.0
- Tactics Overview Panel (now the subs bench includes the player pictures)
- Inbox panel (the height of the head bar was increased and tweaked)
- Match Inbetween highlights (now all the panels can be resized with the mouse, in height and width, for a better customization)
- Data hub → next opposition tweaked
- Player popup panel tweaked (pros and cons panel included in the drop down arrow)
- New alts included (tickets alts - thank you PMPOU!; alt for black sidebar)
- Some other tweaks here and there
Main Changes in Version 7.0
- Club Overview Panel (now 5 tabs, new information and tweaks)
- Player Overview Panel (new information and the panels arrangement tweaked)
- Tactics Overview Panel (bigger pitch, subs bench on the left and information about previous matches with the opponent tweaked)
- Home panel (more results included in the results panel)
Main Changes in Version 6.0
-Home panel
- New tab included with more information
-Player Overview Panel
- Now you can use 6 (!) different tabs full of information
- Team full names included in the match scoreboard of UEFA competitions
-Match Team News panel
- Now you can choose among several tickets (I included tickets regarding UEFA competitions, BWIN Portuguese League, Bundesliga and a generic ticket, but, of course, you can customize your skin with the tickets you want)
-Calendar tweaked
-Reported bugs fixed
“Main Changes” in Version 5.0
- “New” Club overview panel
- now includes 3 different tabs including much more informations: club details, club history and key information (this tab full of club information). In the first tab the “followers in social networks” was included in the top middle panel.
- “New” stadium overview panel
- now includes much more stadium information
- “New” Nation overview panel and general panel
- Now include new information about each nation
- Player overview panel tweaked
- colours of attributes boxes and analysers tweaked
- Non player (staff) panel tweaked
- Current and Potential ability included
Please note that many of the screenshots above are not corresponding to the current version of the skin. As soon as possible I will try ti update the screenshots.
“Main Changes” in Version 4.0
- Player overview panel
- new set of tabs in the top middle box. Some of those tabs include new ring graphs of attribute analysis profile (physical, mental, technical, goalkeeping, defensive and offensive) which were created based on the great work of GROOT in his Electric Panther Skin. Thank you my friend!!; The other tabs include persoal details, biography and player stats full of data.
- Player attributes panel
- New tabs included in the middle boxes of the panel; stats box tweaked (with more data)
- Individual training panel
- New 5 tabs included
- New Bookmarks button included (now you can easily bookmark your favourite panels and have quickly acess to all of them)
- Lots of tweaks in player/staff list displayed in inbox panel (with much more information)
- Other tweaks here and there
- A few new alts (now you have a total of 24 alts for customize your Flutskin. However, please note that some of them could not entirely correspond to the current version of the skin)
- Finally, I would like to thank you Robin Heart who challenge me to do new things in the skin and gave me a new background picture for including in the background selector. Thank you, my friend!
“Main Changes” in Version 3.0
- Match inbetween highlights panel tweaked (now includes new information – pass map and match momentum – and four tabs for easily choose the information we want to see during the match)
- Ingame editor included in match day header panel
- Club affiliates panel tweaked
- Club overview panel tweaked (club details tweaked)
- Some other tweaks here and there
- Reported bugs fixed
- New Alts added:
- 1. grey titlebar and sidebar
- 2. player attributes not displayed (since I didn’t test all the panels, if you find a panel including player attributes yet, please let me know)
- 3. club details in club overview panel as it was in the last version of the skin
“Main Changes” in Version 2.0
- New Intro panel, now with 4 backgrounds rotating with each other
- New ticket picture in the pre-match panel (thank you, NunoKopio, for the new image)
- A few panels in news panel tweaked
Bugs fixed
- Competition Team stats panel and competition player stats panel
- Shorlist panel
- Player coach report for contract negotiations
- Player coach report for contract promises
- Tactics set pieces panel
- Team report scout report panel
- Scouting centre assignment card for recruitment focus panel
- Coach summary report boxes (player profile panel and player attributes panel)
“Main Changes” in Version 1.0
- Intro panel (new background included)
- Social news (size of the panels increased)
- New alt for match titlebar/scoreboard, including clock, teams (only the team logos) and score
- Reported bugs fixed
- Note 1: I also decided to keep the panels of the Uefa Cups, Bundesliga and EFL as default. However, I included a new alt for those who prefer using the match titlebar of the FlutSkin, in all competitions.
The pack includes many alt files for customize the skin (please read the read me file included in the pack) and several tutorials: 1) how should be the configs for the stadiums packs; 2) how can you adjust the size and the place of the kit number in player overview panel; 3) how can you do the 2D kits adapted for Flutskin. BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS OR REQUESTS, PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AT THE ALT FOLDERS AND ALSO AT THE READ ME AND TUTORIAL FILES!!
You can download the 2D packs prepared for Flutskin (titlebar and player overview panel) here in sourtitoutsi. FC style kits SS Kits style
If you prefer SS'kits as default kits, you can download this and replace the kits folder located here: Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\skins\fm2022flutskin_dark\graphics\pictures\kits
However, if you prefer edit your own kits, I also included in the pack a .pdf file explaining how you can edit the kits for Flutskin.
The sortitoutsi Backgrounds Megapack includes player, competition and stadium backgrounds, as well as beautiful city images:
As always FlutSkin is completely free to download and I hope you enjoy it. However, if you want, you can reward my work donating whatever amount you wish. Any small amount is really appreciated.
You can donate by clicking here:
THE SKIN IS TOTALLY COMPATIBLE WITH 1920x1080 SCREEN RESOLUTION AND 4k (windows display settings 200%; game 100%).
Important note regarding TV LOGOS:
Although the default tv logo is the one I use, of course you can easily change it; for that you just have to go to skin/graphics/icons/tv logos. In that folder there is a alt folder with many TV logos. You just have to replace the tv logo.png and the tv logo@2x.png for that one you want. Of course you should rename the new logos as tv logo and tv logo@2x. You also can use other logos made by you. The procedure to use them is exactly the same. However, I should remember that yo should use logos with the right height. For tv logo you should use 25px and for the @2x you should use 50px.
Resolution requirements:
This skin was made to work properly in 3840x2160 (4K with windows display settings 200%) and also 1920x1080 (1080p) full screen mode, sidebar icons only. As a result, some panels won’t work properly in other resolutions.
[b]How to add Flut Skin in FM23[/b]
Download and extract the .zip file (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).
Place the "fm2023flutskin_dark" folder here:
Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\skins
[*] Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.
[*] Start FM23 and go to Preferences screen and then into the Interface tab.
[*] You should see FM 2023 Flut Skin dark - 8.0 as an option in the skin drop down of the Overview box.
[*] Hit the Confirm button.
Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.
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Great work!!! Congratulation friend!!
Thanks for the update.
I see the condition/match sharpness percentages have been removed (or I can't find them). What is the easiest way to get this back?
PauloAreias: you selected analysis clicking on analysis button. For return to the “normal” view click again on that button.
6scholl6, DazS8 and javillera: thanks!!!!
aar0n: thanks! Regarding your question, I didn’t change that. Everything is there. If is not displayed in your game, please clear the cache, keep only this skin (and this skin version) in the skins folder of the game, exit the game and reload it.
Great skin thanks!
However my background pics do not work now?
Any ideas?
For whatever reason having OPZ skin in the folder was causing this. Weird one. All is good now.
Quality update flut i don't know how you come up with the new versions all the time
Hi Flut,
Is it possible for this skin to also work on FM22? I've tried placing this into my FM22 folder but it seems the game does not recognise it. Is there a config file or anything I can change to allow it to work on older versions?
Great skin, thanks.
edit - had a small problem but it was fixed in latest version
No is the answer but there is an FM22 version available here….
Where do i replace the Ticket graphic to an Alt version, only thing im struggling to find
Yet more icing on the best cake (skin) out there by a huge margin. Well done buddy !
I have downloaded V6 but wanted to revert back to the player overview profile V5. For some reason now every time i go to a player the info isn't loading and i have to change the tab and go back to the player overview page for it to populate. I already cleared the cache etc and I only have this skin and V6 only in the folder, no luck!
jaseouk: try to clear the cache, keep this skin (and this skin version) only in the skins folder of the game, exit the game and reload it.
pottersmad, hochsen and bartdude: thanks for keeping support my work and for your kind words!!!!
pwalker: you can replace the ticket in graphics/boxes/custom/ticket
Stefanovski: that is weird…and I don’t know how to explain that (did you try to clear the cache, keep only this skin – and skin version - in the skins folder of the game and reload it?). However, and answering your question, please download the skin again, since I included an alt for return to player overview panel from V5.
Yes that is exactly what I have done. I have used V6 (downloaded today), extracted as normal and removed V5 folder from the game folder first. I then copied over the V5 player overview files from the Alt folder. I also cleared cache and reloaded everything.
I have now removed V6 skin and put V5 back in the game folder to try and it's working perfectly fine. Anything else that could be causing the issue?
Thanks, and PS - love the skin so much, it feels like a different game compared to playing with the very basic default skin!
Bielsa is a legend
im struggling with this also, playing in england but have a portuguese ticket (which looks nice btw)
@flut Many Thanks for your work. fantastic result!
@flutHi.In England, League 2, when playing on a white background, the name of the team is not reflected
I really don't know what happens. You have only my skin in the skins folder, right? Since in my game everything is okay I can't help you. Sorry….
Hi Bielsa
You just have to replace the tickets you want to replace by yours. The folder is graphics/boxes/custom/ticket. And if you want to change the name in the game (changing, for example, Liga Bwin for Premier League) go to match team news.xml (located in the match folder of the skin) and find for
<translation id="title" type="use" value="Liga Bwin" />
change for
<translation id="title" type="use" value="Premier League" />
Many thanks!!! 🙂 🙂
Thank you for reporting that bug that I didn’t notice. In meantime I tried to fixed it correctly but, for using the full club names, I couldn’t make it. However, I did na alternative way to use the full names in White but now readable. You can use this file (place it in panels/match/comps/eng/efl). If you prefer return to the default (with the 6 letter club names) you just have to remove this file and reload the game).
Bielsa is a legend
Fantastic again @flut , the skin is the best made better
Thanks for trying. I tried to redo everything from scratch but unfortunately it does not work for me, strange. I'll just use the full V6 in that case 🙂
Is there a way for us to rename these player panels to something other than player panel 1, 2 etc?
Adoro como suas "peles". Sou fan desde há muito tempo.
EU queria perguntar o seguinte: Já criei um club e tudo corre bem. No entanto, já construi um novo estádio e aparece sempre a imagem de
"Coming Soon". O estádio acaba de ser construido e nunca aparece a imagem do estádio novo. Porquê?
Podia aparecer um Estádio desenhado por vocês, por exemplo, e assim daria a sensação que era o Estádio que nós construimos. Entendem?
Façam esse favor à Comunidade. Ficaria perfeito e toda a gente iria adorar, acreditem.
De resto, tudo perfeito. Parabéns
Grande abraço.
jeffrey cooper
Any idea why it wont download the skin as keeps saying error PATH TOO LONG sure i used this skin on FM22 with no problems
Hi and thanks! 🙂
Regarding your question. The new generated stadium have a new ID name. Thats why it is not displayed. However, you can easily do it. You just have to define the stadium picture you want, place it in the stadiums pack folder, open the config file and add a new line pointing to the new ID. This is for the stadium be displayed in some panels. In other panels you should do the same but the config use the ID of the club…(please read the pdf I included in the pack in order to know how should you do the configs in for having the stadium in all the places where the stadium should be displayed)
(peço desculpa ter escrito em inglês, mas essa é a língua que utilizamos. Um abraço!!)
Weird…I really don't know what happens. If you want, please send me a PM and I will send you the skin. Cheers
Obrigado pela sua resposta rápida. Vou tentar pedir a um amigo que entenda de informática, para me ajudar a fazer isto.
No entanto, quando diz que devo ler o PDF que incluiu no pacote .... mas não vejo onde está o "PDF". Por favor se me puder
ajudar uma vez mais agradeço.