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I'm having this issue too
Are you sure you don't have a sub-folder within your editor data folder? The files are not in the right place if you can't select them pre-game
Jason Shaw
Anyone know why PSG are no longer interested in Kante and City no longer after Loftus-Cheek following the latest update? It’s really hampering my new Chelsea save! Is it random? Kante also got really offended that I offered him out for sale which hasn’t happened before.
There is no sub-folder and I'm using the same editor data folder I used to use the real name fix, which has worked for me.
Hey Guys!
I just downloaded the FM23 on my MacBook and wanted to download the latest transfers update from this website. I have downloaded a few ZIP files, uploaded them to the editor data folder, but nothing changed. I cannot choose the custom data starting the new career, it just shows “Football Manager 2023 ”, nothing else when I want to choose those downloaded custom files. Is there any chance to somehow solve this problem? Ive downloaded the files correctly from this website, so, I don't really know what to do now. Thank you in advance, have a nice evening everyone!
Can you post a screenshot of your editor data folder?
My guess is you have sub-folders within there, which means the game can't read them. You should move all the files directly into the editor data folder like this
No sub-folders or anything, tried deleting the editor data folder, restored it again - still nothing helps, as a few people here already I have that button greyed where you choose which updates to implement while starting new career, as if nothing was downloaded.
I have a same problem with update folder, did everything correctly and then in game under database only „football manager 2023“ 😏
Are you on Mac or Windows? It might be a Mac problem for some reason
Im on Mac, apparently a few other folks also have been facing the same problem…
On Windows, never had problems before, I’ll try again today 😏
@Footygamer Multiple people on Mac seem to be having problems with the update not showing up in-game. Can't really figure out why because from screenshots like this it looks like it's installed correctly
If it doesn't work please post a screenshot of your editor data folder, in Windows it's easier to help
Is the "public" folder normal in windows? I've never seen it before.
On Mac click “View > Show Path Bar" or “CMD+Shift+P” before taking the screenshot, so it shows the full path:
Also be clear if you're using Steam or Games Pass or Xbox Pass or something else.
Well, to be honest never been before games installed in “public” folder, I installed through Steam and now uninstalled and installed again and same thing.
Must check in settings or? But everything else working normal, skins,logos,shirts.. only problem with update.
You can open FM > Preferences > Search for “Location” and check what location is being used.
Here are two files that will remove all injuries and bans that are included at the start of the game. Won't include them in the update as some might prefer to keep those in, and players with long-term injuries haven't recovered yet.
This is the path - I am on Steam
I moved from one folder to another, deleted, uninstalled, and installed again but in the end, everything is working super.
Thank You guys so much, will be a good weekend. Cheers 🙂
Deleted and reinstalled the whole game again?
Yes, was not a big problem for me because I bought game yesterday, was waiting for console version but don’t like( no update,logos,kits…) .
Not sure is that helps to update but now working everything.
Didn't seem to fix the issue for me - glad it worked for you tho 🙂
You made an assistant manager valerian ismael in Besiktas. And a few trainers are wrong, I would appreciate it if you correct them please.
Please give more information otherwise we can't correct things. Ismaël is a free agent in FM23 and we haven't edited him, are you playing an older version of the game?
Hey all
When I download the data file I am getting several blank looking docs, extract to correct folder and nothing changes, I have been doing this for years and never struggled with this one but for the life of me can't figure it out this time.
Bielsa is a legend
Be good if there was a thread on this already
@YanSJ2016 Can you post a screenshot of what your editor data folder looks like?
Hi guys - finally sorted it out and this was the key. I had two different Fm23 folders apparently and kept selecting the wrong one. Hopefully this will help someone in the future.