4 years ago
6 months ago

ok, let me know for any updates…

thank you very much

4 years ago
6 months ago

i checked out and it seems that you haven't update @tommc2010 too so to finalize the standings.

18 years ago
11 hours ago

@velkris you are absolutely right. So sorry for this, it seems there was a really stupid bug whereby parts of the prediction league stopped running as soon as the game got close to kick off, it was a really dumb bug where I was just checking if there was any upcoming fixtures and if not it decided a league wasn't running at the moment, which obviously failed come the last day.


I've worked through and fixed it all now and you're still 4 points ahead of @tommc2010. I'm pretty sure I can crown you the winner now, i've messaged tommc2010 just to double check there haven't been any mistakes in the recording of his scores first though.

4 years ago
6 months ago

Yes, i cheched it out too. It looks clear that i am in 1st place of the final standing!

Thank you for your congruts!
I'm looking forward to hearing from you about my prize!!!!!


14 years ago
6 months ago

Seems like a few bugs in the system on the final day but glad it’s all resolved now. Congrats to @velkris, much deserved winner! 🏆

4 years ago
6 months ago

Thank you very much my friend!

Great effort from you too!


1 year ago
1 year ago

Currently unable to edit my Career, it wont let me update the team i'm managing or update my season.  Previously i woul begin typing the team name and it would seach for it and i can select it, now when i type nothing happens and it leave the team blank.  The only change i can make is to unemployed, not a big issue but thought it was worth a report, I use chrome and it has been fine in the past, cheers

14 years ago
4 hours ago
By KJM FM 11 June 2023 - 11:33 AM UTC 

Currently unable to edit my Career, it wont let me update the team i'm managing or update my season.  Previously i woul begin typing the team name and it would seach for it and i can select it, now when i type nothing happens and it leave the team blank.  The only change i can make is to unemployed, not a big issue but thought it was worth a report, I use chrome and it has been fine in the past, cheers


I'm having the same issue as this, tried using chrome (pc and android phone versions), edge and the steam browser and the issue is the same across each.

18 years ago
11 hours ago

@KJM FM @Zebramanii sorry about that! Fixed now.

1 year ago
1 year ago
By Footygamer 12 June 2023 - 02:08 AM UTC 

@KJM FM @Zebramanii sorry about that! Fixed now.


No worries and Thanks

1 year ago
1 year ago

Please fix whatever issue is causing email addresses not to be anonymized. After changing my email and deleting my account I'm continuing to receive mail from staff members, indicating that the 80+ people on staff still have easy access to the data belonging to people that have actively requested to delete their account

18 years ago
11 hours ago

I haven't checked yet but I'd guess that's because I never tested for staff members deleting their account and staff status tends to override everything else. I'll look into it tomorrow.

2 years ago
8 hours ago

@Footygamer While fixing this bug, another one appeared. Rejected megapack cuts were marked back as "In Megapack".


Now, in the browsing system, it looks like a given player has a cut when in fact he does not. Would it be possible to fix this with your magic, or are we left with finding them and manually marking them as rejected? 🙁

18 years ago
11 hours ago

Sorry @Zangor and @mons can you explain what's happened here?


The image has the url “xxx/originals/2022.14/2000087138.png” that means he was uploaded to the site via FTP by Mons and should therefore “have a cut" and the “In megapack” status.


If you download the complete pack he should be in there and was in the 2023.00 torrent.


What is the purpose of setting him to Rejected in this instance? Is it to mark it as needing improvement or something?

2 years ago
8 hours ago
By Footygamer 10 July 2023 - 20:34 PM UTC 

Sorry @Zangor and @mons can you explain what's happened here?


The image has the url “xxx/originals/2022.14/2000087138.png” that means he was uploaded to the site via FTP by Mons and should therefore “have a cut" and the “In megapack” status.


If you download the complete pack he should be in there and was in the 2023.00 torrent.


What is the purpose of setting him to Rejected in this instance? Is it to mark it as needing improvement or something?


The 4 examples I gave are cuts uploaded for the wrong person. These UIDs have been removed from the facepack config file and are not used in the game.


So these people don't actually have a cut that is used in-game, but in the browsing system it looks like they do by being marked back as "In Megapack". mons has already rejected my examples, but there may be more cases like this.

18 years ago
11 hours ago

Thanks that makes sense. The system at the moment just assumes that any file in the directory is valid rather than comparing the config.xml which is why this might happen.


Ideally we might have a better system than just setting to rejected but I'm not sure how high to put it in the priority list right now.

18 years ago
42 minutes ago

We're probably talking a handful of images per month, if that, and marking them as rejected is enough tbh, I reckon. The config file then takes care of itself at my end 😉

1 year ago
1 year ago
By Footygamer 29 June 2023 - 20:43 PM UTC 

I haven't checked yet but I'd guess that's because I never tested for staff members deleting their account and staff status tends to override everything else. I'll look into it tomorrow.


I hope you mean the ‘edit' button is only visible on deleted staff accounts, not for deleted normal users? When someone deletes their account their name is only deleted from their comments, there will continue to be hotlinks to their profile all over the site which gives easy access to comment history etc. 


Can a mod check this profile for example to see if the email adress is still visible when you click on ‘edit'?


More hotlinks that stay in place after deletion, which make all comments very easy to trace back to a single person and denies the whole point of removing their name

1 year ago
1 year ago

You also restored all of my content that I deleted from up until a year ago and then framed that as: 'We've been working hard to clean up the mess 🙂', even though I made clear to you that I'm creeped out by the people on here and want to have everything deleted?


I never agreed upon the ‘rule' that nothing on this site can ever be deleted, as you've decided not to inform people of that. Why after 20 years is there still no site policy in place that people have to agree/disagree upon before registering an account and providing their data?


Nobody has any interest in my content that weighs up against the fact that ‘one of the best mods we've ever had' wants to have it removed. I haven't deleted anything that anyone else has spent even 1 second of time on. I provided you with 2,000+ hours of free work and improvements that the site will keep benefiting from for years, now the only thing I ask in return is that you delete my content.

18 years ago
11 hours ago

(to those out of the loop Drafers is a former mod who deleted various comments, posts and files before deleting his account)


You didn't make clear you were “creeped out by people on here”, that wording suggests to me that someone else on the site has been inappropriate either sending you messages or doxing your personal information in some way. If that is the case it's the first i've heard of it and i'd appreciate further explanation. In private PMs you simply said you weren't happy with the way the site is being run, particularly who else is a moderator and who isn't. I made it quite clear that I didn't really understand your reasoning for the deletions but you simply said you didn't need to justify your actions to me. Describing that as “I made quite clear” is clearly inaccurate if I was explicitly telling you I didn't understand.


Given that you (1) refused to engage in explaining the deletions (2) did the deletions while clearly angry/frustrated (3) manually picked what to delete or leave rather than deleting everything and (4) what you chose to delete seemed petty such as helpful comments to someone having an installation issue, given those 4 things, I could think of no other reasonable explanation than that you were trying to vandalise the site by intentionally by removing valuable information people can find via search and make the site look a mess with confusing threads lacking context. Given that interpretation yes I took the time to clean up the mess by recovering the content.


The terms and conditions do state:


When you delete your account, we will no longer have access to your personal information but we reserve the right to keep copies of any posts and comments you have submitted to the forums.

You're right this isn't displayed clearly on the register page, maybe it could be and that's fair feedback, but realistically I think most people know to check the footer for the terms and conditions for any website they visit.


Of course if someone accidentally posted their real name or location and wanted that content deleted we absolutely would. Similarly if a skin maker says “hey guys i've put all my skins on my own website now and I want them to be only hosted there can you delete the skins I uploaded" then we go along with that, because the person is being reasonable and asking nicely and we don't want to be assholes about it just because the terms and conditions say we can.


But if someone deletes loads of helpful comments and then deletes files form a collaborative project like the data update rendering it temporarily unusable, thus making everyone else's contributions temporarily worthless until they take on the burden of rapidly replicating the deleted contributions, whilst also not telling anybody what they have and haven't deleted, again putting a burden on others to spend hours browsing the site, backups and log files figuring out what has been deleted. That person is an asshole and they've burnt any bridges through which any more reasonable request might otherwise have been listened to.


I think that's a perfectly reasonable position to hold.


So what's done is done I suggest you move on and stop visiting the site.

6 years ago
2 weeks ago

Is there an issue with uploading Records currently .. have been trying for a few days and keep getting error messages ( I’m using the same method that has updated successfully before ).


The current issue is saying it’s an image issue.


Also attached a separate issue when uploading.





16 years ago
1 week ago

no update today? want to play with Declan Rice in Arsenal

6 years ago
2 weeks ago

I am still unable to upload records for FM 19 game .. and it appears no one has uploaded one in the last 7 days on any version.


Any idea when this will work again .



18 years ago
11 hours ago

@Waterdeep70 sorry about that, uploading records has been fixed now.


@rapmje I saw you also had issues in the logs, so just tagging you to let you know as well 🙂

6 years ago
2 weeks ago

Thank You for sorting .. there is a different issue with a drop down for currency not working.

I have tried with and without £ in the number box


See attached.

6 years ago
2 weeks ago

Also an issue with worst discipline

18 years ago
11 hours ago

Wow so it seems like discipline and currency based records have been broken for a number of years (yep YEARS!).


I've fixed it now.


Records is a less popular area of the site that gets a little neglected but it's still crazy that you're the first person to report it @Waterdeep70. I appreciate you taking the time.

6 years ago
2 weeks ago

No worry .. I am 35 seasons into a save and decided to have all categories with a record for “ My Record” section…. May find some other problem areas.


I imagine that with Records able to be “ fixed” using add manager etc .. it makes it less popular.


I had a record rejected for Most Goals years ago (2019 I think with Harry Kane getting 12) but never understood why when it was as International Match vs a low ranking country you cannot play ( not add or influence) and yet 8 goals in a premier league game goes through ( Never seen more than 5 in any top league in all my saves and I’ve managed PSG 🤣).

6 years ago
2 weeks ago

Different issue ..sorry



18 years ago
11 hours ago

@Waterdeep70 I can't seem to replicate that not found issue. Can you share the exact steps?

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