SS' Kits

We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.

  • 2,472
  • 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025
SS' Kits
NEW Submission System

A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.

17 years ago
1 hour ago
18 years ago
4 hours ago

The retro and fantasy kits should be removed now.

18 years ago
4 hours ago

I've just made some improvements to the way packs download

  • Improved naming when viewing a single pack
  • Nation/Comp/Club packs now include the team names in a comment in config.xml
  • It's now faster
  • Viewing pack images paginates when there are 100+ images


I'm still not really happening with the browsing I think it's quite confusing knowing what year you're on but not 100% sure how to resolve it yet.


Next steps would be making sure there are packs for non premium users mirror'd to mediafire etc. Probably updated once a month, as well as making it more clear when there are new images and how to download them.

18 years ago
4 hours ago

Fixed. a bug where downloads didn't work or the zip wouldn't be able to be opened.


I can see from the logs that the following people encountered this issue so just tagging you to let you know it's fixed.






@Andrzej Ptak 


@Jackinthevlogs FC 


@Arne Lindner 
@Benny Jernberg 

18 years ago
4 hours ago

It looks like we could probably add some compression automatically now. From what I can tell some people do and some people don't compress their files.

For example there are 954 files for England totalling 156 MB which seems reasonable.


But there's 737 kits for Italy totally 1.33 GB which seems way too much!


The Livorno kit is 2.5MB and Tottenham is 266KB


If I compress them then Livorno goes down 78.7kb (-97%) and Tottenham down to 81.9kb (-69%)


We can save some space and make downloading easier for everyone with a bit of compression.


I'm guessing nobody has any issues with this happening?

18 years ago
4 hours ago

I've just compressed all of 2021 - 2023 and those examples were on the higher side but i've still saved around 40-50% on megapacks containing the entire year.


FM21: 1.1G to 541M (-50.8%)

FM22: 1.2G to 629M (-47.5%)

FM23: 1.5G to 720M (-40.0%)


I think year based megapacks similar to backgrounds and cut outs might be the way to go, these can be completely automated so they release change files on the first of every month with the new kits from that month, plus allowing people to easily grab individual images inbetween the updates. This is rather than having multiple packs to manage. In previous years people have had to download files and updated nearly 400 times which is alot compared to just 12 monthly packs.

fm2016: 205 packs updated 362 times
fm2017: 207 packs updated 397 times
fm2018: 177 packs updated 343 times
fm2019: 131 packs updated 292 times
fm2020: 145 packs updated 281 times
fm2021: 151 packs updated 378 times
fm2022: 91 packs updated 268 times
fm2023: 51 packs updated 251 times


I'm going to work into how that will work the next few days, hopefully i'll have a clear Sunday to have something to show for it.

18 years ago
4 hours ago

I just realised that links to megapacks were accidentally appearing and not working for the past 2 days. They shouldn't have been displaying that was an accident while I was experimenting with building some. Thats been fixed now.

Joe Avalon
8 years ago
16 hours ago

I happened to be able to download, while it was available, the 23.01 megapack. I did't apply it in the graphics folder yet. Does it work correctly in the game? It was removed, but I still think megapacks are the way to go forward. Thank you for your work.

18 years ago
4 hours ago
By Joe Avalon 19 September 2023 - 11:32 AM UTC 

I happened to be able to download, while it was available, the 23.01 megapack. I did't apply it in the graphics folder yet. Does it work correctly in the game? It was removed, but I still think megapacks are the way to go forward. Thank you for your work.


It will be mildly broken in that the config.xml will be in a sub folder called “graphics” and you'll have to move it up 1 level to be in the same directory as the images. Otherwise it will be fine.


The latest megapacks available for download do not have that issue anymore.

18 years ago
4 hours ago
By Joe Avalon 19 September 2023 - 11:32 AM UTC 

I happened to be able to download, while it was available, the 23.01 megapack. I did't apply it in the graphics folder yet. Does it work correctly in the game? It was removed, but I still think megapacks are the way to go forward. Thank you for your work.


It will be mildly broken in that the config.xml will be in a sub folder called “graphics” and you'll have to move it up 1 level to be in the same directory as the images. Otherwise it will be fine.


The latest megapacks available for download do not have that issue anymore.

18 years ago
4 hours ago

The megapacks are live now and all old packs now have a big red banner pointing people to the new way of downloading things.


To be clear it's now possible to download kits for an entire year, individual competitions, individual teams or as individual kits.


There's also a nice stats box where you can see which nations have new kits recently and how many are new since the megapack was last built. The megapacks were built today but manually forced to only include submissions since before Sept 1st as an example.


Still to do

  • You can't download international kits other than in the megapacks or individually yet. This will be fixed.
  • 2013-2020 are missing. They will be easy to add just didn't over complicate things while getting this finished. They'll be added soon.
  • 3D kits are included in the megapacks. This is kind of an accident, I haven't been able to wrap my head around how to handle these yet. They should be separate because they can be used with standard kits and fc'12 kits. But the requests should be the same so people don't have to source example images twice.
  • There's no easy way to download recent kits other than waiting for the monthly megapack to build or finding them individually.
  • I think it would be good to have specific nation/competition timelines which showed kits in chronological order so people can easily see what's new.
  • I still can't decide if it's better to have timelines for all years together or separated by year as they are now. I think the switching between year is very confusing and not nice UI/UX at all, but I haven't found a better alternative yet.


As always all feedback welcome. I know this can be confusing but I think this should make it easier for all people to quickly download or quickly see what's new.

Joe Avalon
8 years ago
16 hours ago
By Footygamer 19 September 2023 - 22:36 PM UTC 

It will be mildly broken in that the config.xml will be in a sub folder called “graphics” and you'll have to move it up 1 level to be in the same directory as the images. Otherwise it will be fine.


The latest megapacks available for download do not have that issue anymore.


Thank you so much for the effort you put into that!

14 years ago
2 days ago

Is there no page for individual pack downloads on the download page anymore? 


Only getting this

18 years ago
4 hours ago

@searley_  Not at the moment the thinking was to shift away from making people have to download hundreds of files a year to only one + 12 monthly updates.


Open to all suggestions though.


It would be helpful to know what it is you were trying to do, like is there a reason you where looking for one specific nation, competition or team rather than downloading all the available kits?

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Footygamer 21 September 2023 - 21:29 PM UTC 

@searley_  Not at the moment the thinking was to shift away from making people have to download hundreds of files a year to only one + 12 monthly updates.


Open to all suggestions though.


It would be helpful to know what it is you were trying to do, like is there a reason you where looking for one specific nation, competition or team rather than downloading all the available kits?

But you can still download leagues and clubs with the browsing system. IMO important to keep that option. If possible also add the ability download one nation leagues kits by season:


18 years ago
4 hours ago

@Qvordrup  I removed the nation download because it was too slow and was crashing for nations with thousands of kits. They are built on the fly unlike the megapacks which are built once and stored on the server. If you don't understand the technicals of that it doesn't matter, just know it's extra work for both me and the server.


Can you explain why individual nation downloads should be needed? We don't have those for logos, faces or backgrounds. Do you think we should add those to those sections and get people downloading each nation individually rather than the megapack? If not and this is kit specific can you explain why this is necessary for kits?


Happy to do anything you ask, just need an explanation because it doesn't make sense to me.


I should also point out those downloads for comps and teams have also been limited to premium only while i'm figuring this all out because it costs money to  let people download directly from the server.

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Footygamer 21 September 2023 - 22:29 PM UTC 

@Qvordrup  I removed the nation download because it was too slow and was crashing for nations with thousands of kits. They are built on the fly unlike the megapacks which are built once and stored on the server. If you don't understand the technicals of that it doesn't matter, just know it's extra work for both me and the server.


Can you explain why individual nation downloads should be needed? We don't have those for logos, faces or backgrounds. Do you think we should add those to those sections and get people downloading each nation individually rather than the megapack? If not and this is kit specific can you explain why this is necessary for kits?


Happy to do anything you ask, just need an explanation because it doesn't make sense to me.


I should also point out those downloads for comps and teams have also been limited to premium only while i'm figuring this all out because it costs money to  let people download directly from the server.

It is because I think the transition from downloading individual packs to one big megapack is to huge a step in one go. I think a lot of people would like to use the new megapack, but I also think many people just like to just download a league or a nation and don't care about having other kits 🙂 I think at least a transition period would make the resistance against the new system smaller 👍 


I have absolutely no idea about the cost and you should of course only make changes that doesn't ruin the site 😂 


17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Footygamer 21 September 2023 - 22:29 PM UTC 

@Qvordrup  I removed the nation download because it was too slow and was crashing for nations with thousands of kits. They are built on the fly unlike the megapacks which are built once and stored on the server. If you don't understand the technicals of that it doesn't matter, just know it's extra work for both me and the server.


Can you explain why individual nation downloads should be needed? We don't have those for logos, faces or backgrounds. Do you think we should add those to those sections and get people downloading each nation individually rather than the megapack? If not and this is kit specific can you explain why this is necessary for kits?


Happy to do anything you ask, just need an explanation because it doesn't make sense to me.


I should also point out those downloads for comps and teams have also been limited to premium only while i'm figuring this all out because it costs money to  let people download directly from the server.

And before you telling me about the cost thing, and that is technically difficult, I was actually thinking about asking to add the ability to the “cut outs” and “metallic logo” to download leagues and nations. It is something that I think a lot of people would use 🙂👍


18 years ago
4 hours ago
By Qvordrup 21 September 2023 - 22:41 PM UTC 

I think at least a transition period would make the resistance against the new system smaller 👍 


The issue with a transition period with a hybrid system is it makes it all 10x harder to code and worst of all if it's only a transition, that code will be ripped out fairly shortly making all that extra work worthless.

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By Footygamer 21 September 2023 - 23:01 PM UTC 

The issue with a transition period with a hybrid system is it makes it all 10x harder to code and worst of all if it's only a transition, that code will be ripped out fairly shortly making all that extra work worthless.

Okay. Then there is only one solution in my mind. Rip off the bandage and make the system you think makes sense, and then only ask for feedback when you have finished all the changes. I (and others) don't have all the technical info to determine what makes sense.


14 years ago
2 days ago
By Footygamer 21 September 2023 - 21:29 PM UTC 

@searley_  Not at the moment the thinking was to shift away from making people have to download hundreds of files a year to only one + 12 monthly updates.


Open to all suggestions though.


It would be helpful to know what it is you were trying to do, like is there a reason you where looking for one specific nation, competition or team rather than downloading all the available kits?


I personally don't use SS style as a main kit style for FM, so use the individual packs to fill in the blanks. So individual packs are the ideal and best way to go about it. 

18 years ago
3 weeks ago

I think this is a really good idea. I get myself totally lost sometimes working out which kits I've downloaded and which I haven't, and with a kits megapack that problem goes away.


@Footygamer I appreciate this is a work in progress but Just a heads-up - I have downloaded the 2023.01 megapack and the home kit in there for North Carolina Fusion U-23 (ID 2000220601) is the 3D kit, not the SS style kit.


Also, there are a lot of kits (but not all of them) between 71016304 and 71105199 which are FC'12 style.


I have one question as well - where are the colour change .fmf files that were often inlcuded in the packs? They are not included in the megapack - are they elsewhere?

18 years ago
4 hours ago
By Fidney 22 September 2023 - 17:21 PM UTC 

I have one question as well - where are the colour change .fmf files that were often inlcuded in the packs? They are not included in the megapack - are they elsewhere?


That's an oversight and will be added


By Fidney 22 September 2023 - 17:21 PM UTC 

Also, there are a lot of kits (but not all of them) between 71016304 and 71105199 which are FC'12 style.



For anyone familiaring themselves with the new system, you can easily check “71016304” by going to the browse section and then typing the ID into the quick search


That will then take you to here: and you can see all the images without having to download packs or look through files on your computer.


You would then have to use the year dropdown in the top right to make sure you're looking at 2023. But I think in hindsight that was actually a bad UI/UX decision and will likely be changed so they all show straight away.


By Fidney 22 September 2023 - 17:21 PM UTC 

@Footygamer I appreciate this is a work in progress but Just a heads-up - I have downloaded the 2023.01 megapack and the home kit in there for North Carolina Fusion U-23 (ID 2000220601) is the 3D kit, not the SS style kit.

This is fixed now. @Qvordrup just a heads up re:moderation it was approved but was set to “Home Kit” when it should say “Home 3D Kit” you can also click the little 3 dot icon to edit it and rather than reject it when this happens.


14 years ago
3 months ago

new submission system, right… but can you promise that with this new method will reduce waiting time for the kits?




(i know, my english is awful…)

17 years ago
1 hour ago
By psycho4rent 22 September 2023 - 19:25 PM UTC 

new submission system, right… but can you promise that with this new method will reduce waiting time for the kits?




(i know, my english is awful…)

We hope to have more people wanting to make SS' kits again. But if you are unhappy about the waiting time, there is only one solution…. Learn how to make SS' kits and start contributing instead of complaining 😉


14 years ago
3 months ago
By Qvordrup 22 September 2023 - 21:45 PM UTC 

We hope to have more people wanting to make SS' kits again. But if you are unhappy about the waiting time, there is only one solution…. Learn how to make SS' kits and start contributing instead of complaining 😉


not unhappy, i know that there's a lot of other things to do in live than making kits, sure. but do y'all think it's a good idea? i feel like when i'm making a request through this system, i'm even more uncertain that anything is on it's way. but i's just my point of view.

14 years ago
1 day ago

If only there was a real-time donwload, where you could download a pack that includes all those moderator approved ones instantly, kind of like your live update.

White Flag
17 years ago
7 hours ago

Can you explain what we need to download if we want to have the most up to date kits, please? The FM24 file (and config) is small and just using this leaves many blank kits. So I presume we also need to download the larger FM23 file, with the larger config. But the FM23 config conflicts with that in the FM24 file.


Would not using a similar system to the cut-out faces megapack make more sense, where the config is constantly updated?


Also, after many years of downloading individual SS packs I now have c.19,500 kits over 125 countries and 4.34gb's size, all downloaded from here. So: have a large number of existing kits been removed from the packs?


Thank you.

14 years ago
1 hour ago

I would suggest going back to system of downloading each country's kits individually as impossible to know what kits are in this pack just by looking at ID numbers, I will be using the FC kits as so much easier. thanks

16 years ago
26 minutes ago
By fmilln7 25 September 2023 - 16:35 PM UTC 

I would suggest going back to system of downloading each country's kits individually as impossible to know what kits are in this pack just by looking at ID numbers, I will be using the FC kits as so much easier. thanks


if you use the browse button on at the top of the forum you can still download individual leagues. 

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