Luis G Carpio
2 years ago
2 days ago

I am having an issue with 2 custom databases I have created.


I have made a US Pyramid and a Canadian Pyramid.


Here is the isse : Both files have been verified in the editor, but when I try and use the files in the game I get erros saying teams are missing from leagues.


When I use the US pyramid by itself that file works. Unfortunatley the Canadian Leagues are in their defualt rules.

When I try using both files then I get an error on the Canadian leagues saying teams are missing in certain divisions.

When I just use the Canadian file alone then it shows that the divisions in the US are missing teams.


Don't really know what to do. Have checked both files and I don't see any issues. I did put the Canadaian teams in MLS in the Canadian leagues but I also took made sure that I changed their nations to be set to Canada in the US files.


Here are the files if anyone can please check them and hopefully be able to tell me what I need to do to make them compatible with each other

Luis G Carpio
2 years ago
2 days ago

Is there anyone here who can help or give any suggestions??

Luis G Carpio
2 years ago
2 days ago

wow 173 views and not 1 person can help?

Luis G Carpio
2 years ago
2 days ago

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