SS' Kits
We have thousands of individual FM Kit Packs, when you download these packs your copy of Football Manager will be updated with all the latest kits. Not only that but you'll have our famous SS Kits, which we think are the best Football Manager Kits around.
- 2,472
- 2025.06 - Released on 19 Feb 2025

NEW Submission System
A new submission system for the SS Kits has been released. Please see this forum topic.
Will do
My point was that you shouldn't need to 🙂
I've somehow messed something up when importing 2011-2020 and imported lots of duplicates. Probably won't be fixed till this evening so just an FYI incase you're looking at the browsing system and being very confused.
That has been cleaned up now.
Not entirely related to the submission system but i'll post in here anyway as a general changes and improvements thread.
There is currently no stickied post in the forums equivalent to “how to create SS Kits” which is obviously going to be a big barrier to getting new people to learn how to make them and start contributing.
Best I can find is this thread:
And @bolid74 's youtube channel:
I could just dump these into a new thread.
But would anyone be interested in helping to put together a detailed tutorial using step by step instructions? In an ideal world we'd even have multiple tutorials using different software for those who pay for photoshop vs free alternatives. But i'll take anything anyone is willing to offer at the moment.
There is now a download button next to “Recently Completed” that lets you get an up to date version of the latest megapack with any new changes before the next megapack is built (premium only due to inability to use mirrors like mediafire for on the fly packs).
How do we fix kit colours / KKC / FMF with new download system? All that I see is kits, no FMF files.
What's happening with templates request thread? Any special way for requesting ?
Every year I'm doing kits for all clubs from Serbia in database and ofc posting Megapack on site.Last year I've posted a lot of template requests,some of them are done tnx to Hammer,but most of them left undone.That also mean that those clubs didn't have new kits (not small number of them).I'm pretty sure it'll be the same this year,so I've doubt that I'm going to start same project and creations.Anyway I would like to know is there any system for that?
Few years back we had FM View wich produced most of templates we have right now.Moving people from there to here didn't worked as it should.It's a huge shame for all of us.
The way you request templates has stayed the same, the only issue we have lost a number of a number of kit makers who released their templates so the number of templates has gone down due to this, Hammer9, SpecialManager and Bolid74 are the main sources of templates now and the later 2 are not as active on the forum as they use to be.
At present there is no colour fix file for the mega pack but this is being explored. In the meantime you can use the colour change file the FC'12 team are working on as this will work with SS style kits.
Tnx for the info mate.
I understand all that.
I'm pretty sure that many people would continue to produce packs,but without templates it's a huge problem.Last years I've had to improvise and make some kits as LEGO,different parts from few different models to make them look as close as they could to reality.Sometimes it's was impossible to make them even that way.In Serbia for example we have an expansion of kit makers/brads bunch of new models every month.
Nice one, thank you sir.
Nick Scire
Can anyone explain to me what “SS” kits actually are? I see the description of them but it still makes no sense to me.
Is there a collective 'config' file somewhere for all kits that doesn't duplicate previous files? For example, one team's kits are repeated several times in the config file.
It stands for Short Sleeve.
They appear on your teams page see the end of the fm24 kits installation instructions video
Sorry that's a little unclear. Are you reporting a bug that the config contains repeated lines?
Yes, exactly that. After downloading and unpacking all parts of the megapack, there are repeated lines in the 'config' file.
@gulchynsky it's crazy that you're the first person to report that. It will be fixed in today's update.
For example, in the ‘Config’ file included in pack 2024.02, the line of the Wisla Krakow (Poland, ID 1300881) appears 34 times.
I discovered this when I tried to remove the third kit from the 'Config' file for this team. 🙂
Nick Scire
Thank you for the response. What is the difference between this and the normal FM24 Kit megapack? Those are all short sleeve as well I thought.
They're just different styles, essentially. “SS” was the first major kit styles to come about, some years before the game had anything similar. Then “FC12” followed a few years afterwards. The “Standard” kitpack just looks to recreate the in-game licensed kits as faithfully as possible.
@Shooto was asking for instructions on how to upload a pack. So here's a demo using his Spanish La Liga Kits.
The video is a bit blurry this second because it's still being processed by YouTube, you might want to wait 10 minutes for HD to be ready
to hell with your submission system, i'm waiting 2 months already for my kits.
i'd rather write pm with the request to kit makers than wait maybe another two months with no progress.
we really don't need it.
@psycho4rent you requested kits for a team that aren't even in the game anymore and haven't been since 2015. What exactly do you expect, they are obviously not going to be prioritised over 2023/24 kits?
Why not have a go at making themselves, we are severely short of kit makers right now and could do with the help.
Doesn't matter that it haven't been in the game since that long, don't forget about league updates with lower leagues. I don't care about the priorities, before this bloody system nobody cared, if it was official kit from current season, request was fulfilled
And NO, i'm not familiar with any graphic making tool, sorry…
As i said this system is garbage and it's very needless. i suspect that very few people understand how to use it. What was really wrong with making request with specific topic?
Erling Fyhn Olsen
My team (Vålerenga) played in a one off kit for our last match. Where do I request a FM version of it? Feel free to delete this comment if it’s the wrong forum, I‘m quite confused by the new system.
thank you and have a great weekend!
Have you read the rest of this thread? You seem to be repeating previous discussions without addressing the responses that have already been given. Please see this comment for example:
Using the topic system the number of new kits being produced has been massively decreasing to be nearly 3 times less than in previous years with no sign of improvement.
Styles using the new submission system such as the cut out faces has increased nearly 6 times since switching (some from that community also complained initially but now nobody would switch back).
Switching from the unsuccessful system that is slowly failing to the system that has proven successful under the same circumstances seems like a logical move.
The biggest problem is the lack of kit makers, old kit makers are stopping, in part because of the demands people put on them from people who only take and don't contribute and new kit makers are not really starting.
Frankly if all you're going to do is make requests and never contribute I would be perfectly happy for you not to visit this forum.
If you are willing to contribute in any way at all that would be great.
To supply source images to help kit makers \ request kits follow the below steps
Click the contribute button at the top of the SS Kit forum
Select Upload Image
Select Source Image
Complete the submission form, (Game items is the team name, select if it is the Home, Away, Third, in this case as it is a special kit I would suggest selecting Third), upload the kit image and select submit.
yeah, yeah, whatever, keep on being delusional that is anything good for all of us. Your stubbornness and thinking that you're right and this stupid system are making me very discouraged to do anything. And NO, i won't be using this stupid system, nor make any request (but if i'll decide to make one actually, i'd rather write pm to the trusted people here who has no problem to fullfill my humble request). Period. Please do not answer me. i did my talking with you.
Hi all, are there any up to date Vanarama north/south kits please.