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Viggo Nyholm
I was yesterday charged for the premium membership but since i dont really have time for fm right now i would like a refund however i will be sure to be back when i do have the time @Footygamer
Viggo Nyholm
Im trying to survive School with the money i have so i cant really afford this subscribtion
Done 🙂
Viggo Nyholm
Thank you so much i will deffo be back when i have the money🙂
Mackenzie Hill
Hi, just before I was gonna buy premium to make downloading a few things easier as I swear it said it was 83p, but after I went through the billing I was charged £10. Its my bad as admittedly I didn't check what paypal said it was going to charge me before I pressed confirm but was wondering if there's any chance of a refund as I dont really need it and thats a lot of money. Thanks @Footygamer
Max Kelly
Hi there, I just logged on to this site just to download one pack and immediately was charged for two premium memberships and I'm not too sure why, so could I possibly receive a refund as I do not want a membership. Your help would be much appreciated. Thanks @Footygamer
Bielsa is a legend
You accidentally downloaded 9 mega packs today
play the game, people work hard for this site, it’s not much to help out
Max Kelly
I thought I'd make use of the account I made? I appreciate the content everyone makes on this site, I was just confused as I haven't been on this site for nearly a year so forgot I had an account, and when I logged back in was charged for the premium account (I forgot I had a premium account)
Don't appreciate the sass though lad 🙂
Bielsa is a legend
You would pay again each year in any case so makes no difference
I would like a refund on my premium subscription. On the site it said 83p but it changed to £10 on paypal. I do not want to pay this, I would like a refund.
Managed to get your fill of the site's files nonetheless, I see…
Bielsa is a legend
its only 10 quid for a year
The 83p wording is very clear
support the site or we lose it
keep it up mons
@Footygamer I forgot to cancel my membership and it charged me on paypal. May i get a refund ? Thanks a lot
Jared Dilley
Hello, I have emailed Susie but just trying here as well. I have been charged for this for some reason and I haven’t ever added my bank details. I’d just like a refund of the money taken please, not sure what I’m charged for or why?
Can a refund be arranged please.
users please use this thread and read the opening post before posting