1 year ago
1 week ago

I have an uncommon problem.In UCL i still having group stage format,but only one team of each league qualify to ucl.I need help

1 year ago
1 week ago

I found lots of errors, not just the ones of the previous messages, i found groups with 3 teams from andorra. Islas Faroe, San Marino with direct qualy to groups...

18 years ago
1 hour ago
By Josefri#0417 26 February 2024 - 20:46 PM UTC 

I have an uncommon problem.In UCL i still having group stage format,but only one team of each league qualify to ucl.I need help


Are you playing a pirated version of the game, perchance?

1 year ago
1 week ago
By mons 27 February 2024 - 19:42 PM UTC 

Are you playing a pirated version of the game, perchance?


No im playing official version in steam

18 years ago
1 hour ago
By Josefri#0417 28 February 2024 - 14:21 PM UTC 

No im playing official version in steam


Do you have any editor data files in place? It might be you downloaded an editor data file which is causing this.


Can I have screenshots of your FM24 steam folder and your editor data folder?


Also, please don't replace what the person you are answering had originally posted, and only post beneath the quote box.

1 year ago
1 week ago
Thats the editor data
1 year ago
1 week ago
Thats steam fm folder
18 years ago
1 hour ago
By Josefri#0417 28 February 2024 - 19:46 PM UTC 
Thats the editor data


Nothing appears to be the potential cause for this issue from the above list, but I have no idea what most of the files do tbh.

\'Appy \'Ammer
16 years ago
1 day ago

Best thing to do is load the game without the editor files, run a holiday save, and see if you still have the problem. Then it's just a process of adding them in bit by bit to see what has caused it. 

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