This is the Newgan Manager Tool which will let you generate a config file for Newgan players that you can combine with a Newgan Players Facepack in order to have realistic photos for new players that the game generates.
When you download it you will be greeted by a .zip file. Follow the same steps as in Step (1) to unzip this file.
You will then want to download click on the following file:
Windows: NewGAN-Manager-Installer-Win/windows/NewGAN-Manager.msi
Mac: NewGAN-Manager-Installer-Mac/MacOS/NewGAN-Manager.dmg
This will then install the program on your computer.
You may receive an error on Mac
“”cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.”
To get around this simply go to Library > Applications find NewGAN Manager and click Right Click > Open and then select “Open”
Download NewGan Faces Images:
Full NewGan Faces Install Guide:
This has temporarily been posted without speaking to the author. I am trying to find a contact address for the author. The program is however open source and can be viewed here
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I have also had this for 12+ months now, i have uninstalled and reinstalled the whole thing 5 times now, gave up for 23 but wanted to try again for FM24 but i get all the way to opening it and then nothing ever happens, has anyone found a fix for this aside from reinstalling?
I am in the same boat with Windows. I have downloaded the file, unzip and run the wizard. The app appears I click on it nothing happens. Uninstalled/ reinstalled same issue time and time again? Any help, I don't even get an error code just does not start.
guys, look through this forum here. Maybe that will help you:
Hi guys, could somebody help me please?
I'm a Mac user, I have followed every step to the letter, get to THIS stage where all the files are in the right place, and then the files to upload on NewGAN Manager just don't appear at all!
This is so frustrating as I feel like I've tried everything.
Screenshot shows what I see when I try searching for the Facepack (which is located where it should be) and the rtf file (which is also located where it should be).
Thanks a lot!
Max Stremler
So the app just continuously crashes for me. Will not actually open, any ideas?
Max Stremler
Exact same issue for me
I have this problem
hi everyone
the following issue concerns using the newgan manager 1.3.1 for FM24:
I can install the newgan manager and I do have the sample facepack ready and I did follow the steps in order to generate the RTF for the newgans. in game the player search lists 9867 lines. However when generating the faces with the newgan manager the config-file has in total 280 of code. is anyone experiencing the same issue or what am I missing here?
Did you check the newgan log?
what problem?
is there a way to run this on mac silicon?
Update to newgan manager 👍🙂
Where can one download the updated Newgen manager?
Can anyone explain the easiest way to have my Under's(20-19-18-17s whatever) with newgan faces?
I did all the steps as described and all newgen players have now ΑΙ faces as they should!
Problem is that my team newgen players have not…i tried to apply the SCRIPT FACES PLAYER SEARCH filter on my team and it can't be done on that page.
Is there a way to make it or i should manually add one by one all my players UID inside the config file?
Greggory Rachal
Wondering if this works on online saves with friends. Been trying for the past day and when I press generate nothing happens. Any help is useful.
Not sure if you need to be the host for it to work it's been a long time since i tried online play
Hi guys,
I am setting newgan for staff.
But when I used Search Filter for finding newgan staff, it couldn't search newgan staff (instead it listed all staff)
I tried to print all staff and generate by Management tool but nothing happened.
Can someone help me? Thank so much
The Walking Art
Is this tool only applied to English?
I am having the very same issue!
i cant get the newgan app to open..
for context.. it was working perfectly before. tried to update my regen players it started the update then it just stopped.
i have deleted and re-installed newgan multiple times. i always get the same msg. refer to pic.
when i try to load manager i click on it and it wont open anywhere any ideas
or getting this
I have the same problem, didint know why. Which version do u have? When i have 1.31 i can open manager, when i install 1.4 i cant.
muzny erik
Same for me here !
I have managed to get it on Mac and I get the same message when it tries to open. Any ideas how to stop it crashing?
Jake Haslam
Im in the same position. Can get to this screen and download the application but cannot open even after going into applications and right clicking and pressing open
Uninstall it with control panel, then go to C:\Users\YOURNNAME\AppData\Local\Programs, delete the NewGAN-Manager folder. Now install the program again and run as administrator, should work just fine
Hi the FM.Z app isn't working. The “replace faces” button isn't working/doing anything
Suppose you've followed all the steps:
followed all stops correctly.
Nothing happens when I press replace faces