Metallic Logos Pack
Our Football Manager Metallic Logos Pack contains thousands more Club and Competition logos than any other megapack out there and every National Logo, Continental Logo and Flag in the game. It's kept regularly up to date to ensure you always have best and latest Logos to make Football Manager even more attractive.
- 432,610
- 2025.04 - Released on 04 Feb 2025
![Metallic Logos Pack](
@Willz72 This is not how you do it 🙂 first of all please read the post above yours and understand that we are on a summer break and a new update will not be until the start of august. That being said we still have the submissions system open for admitting sources.
The way you submit sources are by clicking on the “contribute” tab:
Then clicking on “upload image” or “upload multiple”.
In your case someone already submitted sources for the new logos and they will if everything goes well be part of next update 👍
If in doubt use the browsing system before posting (click browse tab):
Sorry i couldn't find the answer to this topic but I have the same issue.
Playing in 2560x1440 in 100% scale and the logos, especially small ones are blurry.
Is there any fix or workaround for me to apply to have clean logos?
The files seems clean when i open them in the folders but not in-game
Try to use DVX logos. they are high quality:
Harry Saunders
Hi, been using this logo pack for years with no issues, today randomly the west ham badge has reverted back to the default FM24 one. I have reinstalled the logo pack, I have checked that the logo isn't missing, I have checked the config file.
Anyone have any ideas on how to fix?
What will happen to the federation logos and flags on fm25? You can no longer choose snational teams
pedro javier
alguien me puuede decir donde esta el escudo del real valladolid de la tmporada 24-25 y donde tendria que meterlo ese escudo o la carpeta entera?
International football will still happen in the game, devs only removed being a NT manager.
Ice Man
Is there somewhere on the site that I can download the 2x size images? I can find the normal and small size but I need the AS Roma 2x image. I stupidly started to use an alternative image and forgot to make a copy of the 2x image.
Kris Mahendra
Hello, i've just download and put metalic logo and face player pack then follow the instruction, but when i reload my skin, the logo is still same and same happen as face player pack (on folder sotitoutsi). Can anybody help me why the logo and face player still can't update.
Here you go
Ice Man
Thank you very much!!
Alan Green
Hey mate,
Are these updates no longer available on the getfiles mirror? I tried the mirror but both my anti-virus and my broadband provider blocked me from accessing the site,
Hope you can help thanks.
Hi, can anyone share the config for the confeds logo? I accidentally delete the file and try to create myself but its not working.
Here are the confeds folder including configs
@Footygamer could you please answer this question?
Thanks @Qvordrup . I try do it myself earlier using
<record from="1" to="graphics/pictures/confeds/1/logo"/> instead of continent that's why doesn't work.
My bad.
@Alan Green fixed 🙂
Alan Green
Thanks ever so much, very much appreciated. @Qvordrup and @Footygamer.
Downloaded and added!
Harry Saunders
Hi guys, any idea why the west ham badge has reverted back to the stock one? all other badges are fine, I have deleted and redownloaded the whole pack, I have manually installed the individual badge, I have tried starting a new game but no matter what it's still the default badge
anybody know why?
I must be honest and admit that I don't have a solution based on what you describe 🤷♂️ Why it has not worked to delete everything you got and installed a fresh version of the complete pack is a mystery. The logo(s) (id=735 all five versions) are all part of the complete pack download and the configs are correct as well.
Especially since you are a premium member it should not be a problem to download (always use chrome so you can resume any interruptions in the download making sure you get the full file) the latest version of the complete pack (v2024.09) and put it in your graphics folder.
I downloaded the metallic logos pack but there is no config.xml in clubs-normal folder and it doesn't work. Other packs (face-trophy etc.) are working but logos doesn't work. Can you share the config.xml with me ?
I'm curious - how many logos do you have in this folder?
Carlos Fernandez
I downloaded the new pack and it made my in game editor grey out. Is there a way to fix this?
There is no connection between downloading and adding a logo pack and how other things show/appear in game. This is a skin issue.
Carlos Fernandez
Okay thank you for the reply
Konstantinos Zouvelos
So I downloaded the logo updates for FM24 and for some reason the competition logos aren't being shown while the IDs are correct and they haven't been deleted from my PC. Can somebody help me?
Assume that “I downloaded the logo updates for FM24…” also meant that you've installed everything correctly and take care of the “cache” step, etc.
In case, you want to go over everything again, please refer to “Installation Instructions”: