This is a replacement for the Newgan Faces Manager Tool. If you have previously used that tool and are using the same saved game you will have to continue using that tool. For new saves, please use this tool alongside the latest version of the Ultra Realistic NewGan Faces Megapack.


This tool will let you generate a config file for Newgan players that you can combine with a Newgan Players Facepack in order to have realistic photos for new players that the game generates.


When you download it you will be greeted by a .zip file. Follow the same steps as in Step (1) to unzip this file.


You will then want to download click on the following file:


Windows: NewGAN-Manager-Installer-Win/windows/NewGAN-Manager.msi


Mac: NewGAN-Manager-Installer-Mac/MacOS/NewGAN-Manager.dmg


This will then install the program on your computer.


You may receive an error on Mac


“”cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.”


To get around this simply go to Library > Applications find NewGAN Manager and click Right Click > Open and then select “Open”


Download URAN Faces Images: 


Full URAN Faces Install Guide: 

13 years ago
1 day ago

Anyone know how to get the print page to export more than 200 odd players? I have 91k newgens currently….

18 years ago
11 hours ago

Are you definitely scrolling to the bottom?


You will likely have to break it down into chunks, probably best to do a search for newgens in your nation or comp at least.

13 years ago
42 minutes ago
By iamauser 09 September 2024 - 20:53 PM UTC 

Anyone know how to get the print page to export more than 200 odd players? I have 91k newgens currently….


Do you mean you've problems in selecting all the players on the list? 


May try the following: 


Let's take my very old computer and select a list of 89,000 players as an example… First of all, make sure everything is loaded in your list, and then: 


Select the first player and hold your mouse left button, then scroll slowly to the end of the list. You can see each player is selected on the way… (This is a challenge to hold the mouse and keep scrolling steadily.)  




Nothing is selected first, then press Ctrl-A to select all. (It could freeze, so may need to try a few times. Anyway, in my case, it takes around 20 seconds to have everyone selected, and feels like it hangs up in the process. Be patient!)




Alternatively, click and select the first player in the list, then scroll all the way down to the bottom. Press and hold the Shift key, and click the last player. (it seems to be the most reliable method so far!) 



Once you've every players selected, the export process shouldn't be an issue. Anyway: 

I managed to export all the above 89k players into a .rtf file (about 20 MB) without any error. Forgive me that I don't bother to check if everyone is on the file, but I've a brief look: The first few and the last few players are there for sure. 

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