Women's football is coming to FM25. Start discovering the best players by playing in our WSL Fantasy League (code fyBsyUaS) and WSL Prediction League and you could Win a copy of FM25.

Who wants to try it.
Fantasy League of Yugoslavia.
9th grade.
30 or more new clubs.
It's not all over.
I've got a lot of player stories to do.

5 years ago
11 hours ago

Da li možeš da napraviš bazu sa igračima koji su sada u klubovima i sa realnim klubovima?

13 years ago
2 days ago

@BokiBoxxx  Bud, please write in English, this is an English forum.

5 years ago
11 hours ago
By Azrael 26 August 2024 - 00:39 AM UTC 

@BokiBoxxx  Bud, please write in English, this is an English forum.


you're right, sorry. I asked if he could creat a database with real clubs and currently at the clubs.

3 years ago
2 weeks ago

Great stuff!
An advice: Lower leagues (3rd and below) should probably be regional, because travel expenses will create a lot of financial problems (teams will go into negative financial balance) after a few years.

10 years ago
2 weeks ago

But why there are imaginational clubs there? Like Red Bull Belgrade or Red Bull Osijek? Those clubs don't exist. And you missed some clubs that exist and that should be part of the at lease 3rd or 4th league.

Edgar Campos
5 years ago
1 day ago
Edgar Campos
5 years ago
1 day ago

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