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HK 23-24 rule fix 3.2 - 更正甲乙丙組u22出場規則為比賽進行中的11人內而非謹出場名單內。

                                       corrects first second third division u22 player rule as playing 11 not match squad.

                                     - 移除未有舉辦的預備組聯賽

                                        removes reserve division which has not organised.





Introduction: 介紹:


由於Frank NG(港超官方編緝員)在遊戲內製造大量錯誤的港超數據,本patch修正過千個港超遊戲數據令遊戲更好玩真實。

As Frank Ng(FM HKPL official database editor) creates enormous amount of wrong data in base game. This patch corrects over thousand of HKPL FM data, aims to provide a fun and realistic FM experience.


HK rule fix 修正港超規則錯誤。

                    corrects HKPL rules.


HK database 修正港超數據錯誤(例如:生日日期, 國際A級賽事上陣紀錄,不合理球員評級,加入官方沒有的年輕球員),你可選擇中文或英文,中文版本翻譯甲組(23-24 Final database或較後的版本)及港超球員,賽事姓名,外援譯名使用香港足總官方譯名。此patch同時也開放遊戲不提供的甲乙丙組聯賽球隊供玩家選擇。

                        corrects HKPL database mistakes such as birthdays , international A class caps record, player ratings and added players that not included because of age. You can choose either English or Chinese. Chinese version translates first division (23-24 Final database or later version)and premier league player and competition names. Foreign players Chinese translation uses HKFA's official translation. This patch also provides first, second, third division teams for players to play with, which the game does not provide.


HK 22-23 rule fix 8.2 包含以上兩項修正。

                                      includes both fixes above.




You can choose your own favour by install both or one of each.



Please choose the correct year or else the patch will not work.



如果你在patch發現任何問題或有任何疑問, 歡迎在下面留言或instagram dm (小弟較常查看; 不會add人) 不吝指正,或追蹤我的 Threads以得到最新動態。

Please feel free to comment below or dm me on instagram(I will look more often; not open for friend), if you find any mistakes in patch or have any enquiries. You can also follow my Threads for the latest news.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hans_von_grover?igsh=MWw3b3dvOTR0M28zMQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

Threads: https://www.threads.net/@hans_von_grover 


***會持續更新   Will update continuously
*** 屌你老母 Frank NG,搞亂哂的港超野 中超個啲都正正常常


常見問題 FAQ:


Q1: 如果某球員/教練身兼多職,同時做球員或教練,教或踢多過一隊球隊,patch怎樣解讀?

       If a player or coach is a coach and a player at the same time, play or coach more than one team. What is the solution in the patch?


A1: 將以最高級別的職位為準。例如24/25年林嘉緯,同時身兼標準流浪教練和澳門丙組球員。標準流浪的比賽級別比澳門丙組高,patch內林嘉緯將顯示為標準流浪教練。

      The highest position will be the decider. Take Lam Ka Wai in 24/25 as an example. He is both Biu Chun Rangers coach and Macau Third division player. As Biu Chun Rangers play in a higher tier league. Lam Ka Wai will be coach of Biu Chun Rangers in patch.


Q2: Patch內的球員評級是如何決定的?

       How are the player ratings decided?


A2: 根據球員的出場次數,入球助攻數字決定。patch大多更改Frank NG的不合理評級。若你對某球員評級感到不滿意,歡迎提出並與小弟辯論。下面有球員評級制度供參考。

       It is decided by match appearances, goals and assists. The patch mostly corrects unreasonable player ratings made by Frank NG. If you are unhappy with one or more of the player ratings, feel free to debate with me. Below is a player rating chart for reference.


Q3: 怎樣下載?

      How to install?


A3: 看「安裝方法」。

       Take a look at “how to install”.


Q4: 何時會更新?

        When will be an update?


A4: 新遊戲推出時會更新一次,冬季轉會窗一次(不會留底),官方推出最終版本會更新一次。用家發現有問題後也會更新。

       New game launched once, winter transfer window closed once(will delete after the final version comes out) and official final version launched once. Once users find out bugs will also update once.


Q5: 可以與其他patch使用嗎?

        Can be used with other patches?


A5: 可,但當用 rule fix 或 HK 22-23 rule fix 8.2 要小心不要與同樣有「香港」字眼的patch同時使用。見下圖。

       Yes, but when using  rule fix or HK 22-23 rule fix 8.2 have to be careful not to use with other “Hong Kong” patches. See the picture below.


Q6: 出到幾耐?

      How many generations will this patch lasts?


A6: 做到幾耐得幾耐。

       As long as I can.







安裝方法: To install:  

1.put HK 23-24 rule fix.fmf in Program Files (x86)\Documents\Sports interactive\Football Manager 2024\ editor data  or Mac 機 :/Users/Your Username/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/editor data

2. Start a new game, go to “database” on the right hand corner and click on the combo box, then tick hk rule fix / hk database 開始一個新遊戲,在右上角的「數據庫」,點擊組合框,然後勾選hk rule fix / hk database

3. On the add/remove league button, add Hong Kong League. You should able to choose lower divisions. Then start your game. 在添加/移除聯賽,新增香港聯賽。 你應該能夠選擇較低級別的聯賽, 然後開始你的遊戲。



***所有更新必須重新開一個新save,tick最新版本 先可以見到

*** All updates must restart a new save in order to see the latest changes







23-24 安達臣戰術現已推出:

  • 真實反映香港隊 23-24打法
  • 下載方法:Program Files (x86)\Documents\Sports interactive\Football Manager 2024\ tactics  or Mac 機 :/Users/Your Username/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/tactics



Player Rating Chart 球員評級制度(CA, PA):  


90 + : 優秀港超外援 Elite foreign player

80-89 : 合格港超外援 OK foreign player

67-85 : 港隊成員 Hong Kong team player level

58-66 : 港隊邊緣成員 Hong Kong team edge player level

45 - 57 : 港超合格華人球員/ 港甲外援  OK Hong Kong player/ Hong Kong First Division foreign player

30-45 : 港甲合格華人球員 OK Hong Kong First Division player

20-30 : 港乙水平球員  Hong Kong Second Division player level


FM 25 知名球員評級: 

陳俊樂:CA : 100/200, PA: 100/200 CA +15 PA +5

史提芬彭利拿 : CA : 80/200, PA: 113/200 CA -21 PA +6

金信煜:CA : 67/200, PA: 145/200 CA -12 PA --

葉鴻輝 : CA90/200, PA 93/200 CA+4 PA--

林學曦 : CA:67(+7) PA: 73 --

陳肇鈞 : pa 86(+6), ca 86(+6)

鐘樂安: CA: 75(+2), PA:85(-3)

謝家榮: CA86(+3), PA: 100



2 years ago
4 hours ago
By wiebjfedjf 18 May 2024 - 05:51 AM UTC 

Shouldnt sapling cup's rule be Minimum 3 under-22 and not Maximum 3?


HK rule fix 3.1 fixed

Thx for the correction

17 years ago
3 hours ago



2 years ago
4 hours ago
By rc1628 05 June 2024 - 03:12 AM UTC 






遲啲FM25 patch 出個時FM24個啲會留底所以唔使驚

2 years ago
4 hours ago

23-24 Final Database  現已推出:

  • 香港教練團隊更新
  • Anthony Pinto 評級
  • 修正部分數據錯誤
  • FM25 再見!!!
2 months ago
2 months ago

已經自己解決了問題, THX




2 years ago
4 hours ago

如果你在patch發現任何問題或有任何疑問, 歡迎在下面留言或instagram dm (小弟較常查看; ) 不吝指正,或追蹤我的 Threads以得到最新動態。

Please feel free to comment below or dm me on instagram(I will look more often; ), if you find any mistakes in patch or have any enquiries. You can also follow my Threads for the latest news.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hans_von_grover?igsh=MWw3b3dvOTR0M28zMQ%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

Threads: https://www.threads.net/@hans_von_grover 

3 years ago
2 days ago
1 month ago
1 month ago

請問邊度可以download隊徽嘅logo pack? Thank you and look forward to the FM25 version!

2 years ago
4 hours ago
By kirilenko 05 September 2024 - 20:39 PM UTC 

請問邊度可以download隊徽嘅logo pack? Thank you and look forward to the FM25 version!


This website has a lot of choices

17 years ago
3 hours ago


2 years ago
4 hours ago
By rc1628 20 September 2024 - 05:36 AM UTC 




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