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if you are a European Citizen, you can vote for an initiative which strives to stop video game publishers from making games for which you've already paid for unplayable!
It's called the “European Citizens' Initiative” :
source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Citizens'_Initiative
How you can help :
A big problem is to reach out to European gamers which aren't usually interested in English content on the internet. So if you can speak a language of a European member state, you can help by spreading the word on, for example, non-English football manager forums, social media, discord etc. To make it easier for you, I've put a .zip file in the attachment that contains flyers about “Stop Destroying Videogames” in several different languages.
The most voters come from Sweden, Finland, Poland and Germany thus far.. So you'll be a real help if you aren't from these countries!
List of relevant links:
YouTube video explanation : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHGfqef-IqQ
UT Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLheQeINBJzWa6RmeCpWwu0KRHAidNFVTB
Website of “Stop Destroying Videogames” : https://www.stopkillinggames.com/eci
You've got time to vote until 31-Jul-2025