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Anyone can tell me if its possible get any data base file with low leagues of spain ? cuz already get 3 files and the game said its incomplete, like 18 teams but 21 needed.
this is the best file in my opinion, and it's updated to 24.3 version of the database
Heikki Koiste
I've downloaded the file and placed it in the editor data folder, but the game does not regocnize it for some reason. I cannot choose that file as a game database, any advice on what to do?
Im looking to have Atletic Bilbao C team in a playable league.
Any screens?
Heikki Koiste
As seen in the attachements, I have 2 different Spanish regional division databases in the editor data folder. Game does not recognize these at all when starting a new save.
The database selection dropdown offers only the 24.3.0 update and the original FM24 databases.
You've got the files in the wrong folder. Follow the instructions in original thread and put the files in the correct folder.
Heikki Koiste
What would the right folder be? The instructions say to place the file here:MacOS X: /Users/USERNAME/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/editor data
So, have you placed the files in exactly this folder? Because if the game does not recognize the files, you didn't.
Heikki Koiste
According to the file path, yes. That should be the right folder according to the instructionsâŠ. there is no other FM24 sports interactive folder on my comp.
you can try also this
Users/YOUR Mac USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2024/editor data