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Hello. Where can I download the simatchviewer.fmf file so that I can edit the stadiums myself in the editor? Thank you
Follow the instructions here
Bro, would you mind downloading the stadium sides file. I have it open with incomprehensible icons and can't edit anything in it(((((((
can we just use the stadium fix file or do we need the simatchviewer file aswell
Do i still need to download the new updated file even if im still using the Original database instead of the 24.3 Database?
Felipe Frigini
After several attempts at driver updates, reinstalling the game, formatting the PC, and other unsuccessful attempts, when starting a new game with your file this problem disappeared.
Thank you very much.
works on 24.4 ? thank you for your work
For some reason the adboards are completely blacked out on all stadiums is it just me? I’m playing on 24.4
Bielsa is a legend
No, ads work fine
😢 . I've only been able to enjoy 2 matches with everything worked perfectly fine. But since then these immersion-killing black adboards start appearing for every other matches idk if this is intended or did I do something wrong with my settings or file installment
Steven Damsgaard
I'm not sure I understand anything of this mod to be honest?
It reads:
Put the stadium fix.fmf in your editor data folder and start a new game.
First of all, what you download, is a file called Stadium_Improvements.fmf - NOT Stadium_fix.fmf. So I'm not even sure if I'm working with the correct file. Anyways, I moved the download file into my data editor folder, and I started a game using it. Couldn't quite see any difference (I started a test-game with PSG with the mod, and another without the mod). Parc de Princes looked the same as far as I could tell. Then I went into the FM-editor and loaded the mod, to take a look at the changes. Here, I could see that there were more than 16.000 changes made in the database, so clearly something is different, I thought. But every time I opened up a stadium (on the list of changes), it revealed only one single change on all of them… The colour of the seats…. THAT WAS IT! Stadium after stadium had only been changed in it seatcolouring?
Thus, I really don't know where to go from here? I was under the impression that this mod was made to make stadium look more authentic, less like a copy-paste, and more accurate to their real life counterpart? So why are only the seatcolor the only thing that seems to have changed in the database? What am I doing wrong? Clearly the pictures used to promote this mod illustrate more modding than simply colour changes?
Have you tried clearing the cache and reloading the skin?
You need to follow the instructions here in order to let the editor show you what changes have been made, or make changes yourself. The only things that can be changed are if there is a stand, if it has a roof and if it has seats. And seat colour of course.
The file is broken?
What I need to edit in “simatchviewer.fmf” to get better results? I already uncompressed it from the original FMF file, I just dont get what files I need to edit or move, like you said.
i cant download
Hello. I too am overall new at this. And it is very tantalising (means - interesting & intriguing) to think of major club and minor club stadium improvements over the overly-generic poor rendering of stadiums in the base games like FM24. Frankly, the game creators do very little to allow us to improve on the often awfully ugly stadia that they give us. So I am sure that the creator(s) of this fmf file have generated plenty of interest amongst FM gameplayers - with this fmf file available as announced at the start of this thread. Yes, I am one who is intrigued. Damsgaard above is clearly another. Damsgaard's extremely clearly worded post (above) has to be one of the best ones I have seen on this website. Kudos to you, mate. I think we all wish to know exactly what is in the content of these 16,000 edits. Now here is my simple question: Do any of these 16,000? (That's a lot.) FM24 database stadium edits include adding the corners to stadiums that lack the corner seating/stands? Examples from the real FM24 game: Valladolid of Spain & FC Bordeaux of France. In the game we get as purchasers, there are no corner seats or stands for these two example stadia I mention. The corners feature only the ugly, emptyness and perhaps a first aid small station or fast food stand. So that is my question: Are these stadium fix.fmf edits, edits to add these missing stadium corners? (Please do not use Manchester United's Old Trafford as a pictoral example in this thread - as overall it looks rather good in the base game we purchase). Rather use stadiums that SHOULD have the four corners filled with stands - but sadly do not. I think that this is what most of of your potential gameplayers are interested in: CORNER seating/stands – that might be part of your 16,000 fixes? No, we are not interested in seat colour changes. Everyone can do that themselves with the FM In-Game Editor, I do believe. If I somehow misunderstand, then that is my mistake and I do apologise. Thank you. For now, thank you as well for attention to my question about “corners.” Cheers.
Please let me do a little bit of apologising to Priority76, for I believe he is the creator of this helpful fmf enhancement. When making the post above several hours ago, I did not realise I could click on the thumbnail/small picture to the upper left of your first post on this thread. There, in your example screenshot, you clearly show three different stadiums where the corners were missing and you added them (before & after). If you are doing that with many of these more top flight stadiums, then you are indeed doing tremendous work to improve the appearance of the FM game. Visually we as gameplayers spend a lot of time trying to see if our 11 players on the field are going to do well during 90 minutes. If very helpful visual improvements have been made surrounding the pitch due to your work, well, goodness this adds so much. Thank you, Priority76.
Many thanks @priority76 for this huge work! With your permission, I would like to point out that Lleida Esportiu doesn't have this style of stands included on your file. It's more accurate to the standard version of the game (except the Spanish flags, because we never had Spanish flags in the stadium). I attach photos:
Feel free to open the file in the editor and delete any changes you don't like.
Hi @priority76, it was just a suggestion to improve your work for a new updates in the future 🙏 Again, thanks for your work!
Glad to hear it's helped improve your FM experience. Hopefully FM25 is released soon and hopefully they've improved stadium design massively!
Bielsa is a legend
2 massive leaps of faith there mate
A man can dream…
Charles van Nes
Do i have to use both Stadium_Improvements.fmf and Stadium_fix.fmf in my editor data or just one of them?
Has anyone been able to get this mod to work with the last FM24 SI update? Thanks in advance.
\'Appy \'Ammer
Charles van Nes
No answer to my question yet so i'll ask again.
Can or should i use Stadium_Improvements.fmf and Stadium_fix.fmf together?
Are they compatible?
Bielsa is a legend
yes, no change at all
\'Appy \'Ammer
I'll answer you … I can only see stadium improvements.fmf to download. I don't see where you're getting stadium fix fmf from. The only files I have used are stadium improvements and simatchviewer.