16 years ago
2 years ago
I'm unfit these days, need to get my act together and start training properly.
18 years ago
3 months ago
One Night In Grimsby
18 years ago
7 years ago
Is it normal for my quads to be aching like fcuk after a gym sesh? And how do I know I'm lifting the right weight?
14 years ago
9 years ago
Played football (or handegg as some call it) yesterday and thanks to a shit playing surface, I pulled my groin and hurt my ankle. That's what I get for wearing high top cleats.
18 years ago
4 years ago
You should be shot point-blank for that post.
14 years ago
9 years ago
Will you do the honours?
16 years ago
4 years ago
Woah woah woah. Since when is it okay to call football boots cleats?
18 years ago
5 months ago
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
1 week ago
If you're from North America and gay.
18 years ago
6 months ago
By Phoenix Arrow | Permalink | On 21 September 2012 - 20:52 PM
If you're from North America and gay.

So on this site, that's pretty much only Bian?
Telegram Sam
16 years ago
2 months ago
Tomorrow I'm playing my first proper XI-a-side, ninety-minute game of football in months. I was unfit last season but am even worse now, and it doesn't help we're playing in a cup game against a side four divisions above us. Genuinely scared.
14 years ago
9 years ago
By Phoenix Arrow | Permalink | On 21 September 2012 - 20:52 PM
If you're from North America and gay.

No, if you're playing NFL style football, it's appropriate.
18 years ago
6 months ago
By Bian | Permalink | On 22 September 2012 - 20:06 PM
No, if you're playing NFL style football, it's appropriate.

How close is the contact, big boy?
One Night In Grimsby
18 years ago
7 years ago
If abs are made in the kitchen, and from losing body fat then how are you supposed to put on bulk at the same time? Because to lose body fat surely you have to have a calorific deficit, where as to bulk out you have to have a surplus?

I'm trying to bulk out see but I want some abs as well!
16 years ago
8 years ago
By One Night In Grimsby | Permalink | On 25 September 2012 - 17:58 PM
I'm trying to bulk out see but I want some abs as well!

Not going to happen.

Winter is coming up for you lot anyway. Bulk up then cut before summer. No point in having abs if the rest of weighs about 21kgs.
One Night In Grimsby
18 years ago
7 years ago
So it's physically not possible if I'm trying to bulk? My abs kind of show through at the moment but its just that bit of tummy fat below my belly button holding them back I think..
14 years ago
1 year ago
By Bian | Permalink | On 22 September 2012 - 20:06 PM
No, if you're playing NFL style football, it's appropriate.

Mainly because cleats and football boots aren't the same thing. Cleats have an extra stud on the toe.

Yes, I played. Yes, I wore cleats. Yes, that makes me a douche.

AH well.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
My football boots have an extra stud in them too
14 years ago
8 years ago
Not doing much training lately, so I'm going to try come up with my own schedule. I try to cycle whenever I can, but with our shitty weather combined with a ton of schoolwork I don't have much time. Whenever I do manage to get out for a cycle, I normally do my usual 40km route. Normally takes around 1h 35m, so I really want to improve on that ... Anyone know any good cycling training sites? I've been looking around the net but would like to hear your personal opinion too. Just something I could do at home to improve my upper leg strength and some core work. Was also complementing the idea of buying one of those indoor cycling bikes for the Winter.
16 years ago
4 years ago
By Sears | Permalink | On 28 September 2012 - 20:33 PM
Not doing much training lately, so I'm going to try come up with my own schedule. I try to cycle whenever I can, but with our shitty weather combined with a ton of schoolwork I don't have much time. Whenever I do manage to get out for a cycle, I normally do my usual 40km route. Normally takes around 1h 35m, so I really want to improve on that ... Anyone know any good cycling training sites? I've been looking around the net but would like to hear your personal opinion too. Just something I could do at home to improve my upper leg strength and some core work. Was also complementing the idea of buying one of those indoor cycling bikes for the Winter.

Buy a turbo trainer and stick your road bike on that if you wanna train indoor. I use some on this site . I've got a weight plan somewhere too, I'll try dig it out soon.
18 years ago
8 hours ago
Slowly getting back into running daily during the cricket season. 20 minutes at about 155 heart rate. Killing me but need to loose the beer weight I put on haha. Fucking footy season ended and was the worst thing ever for me lol.
Deleted Account #151676
Anyone got any good advice on building up strength/muscle for free?
I used to be in great shape, when I played rugby two years ago I was 20 stone, almost all of which was muscle. However after moving I stopped playing sports and started to get a little podgy, I tried playing for my local football club to counter this but twisted my knee and tore all my ligaments during a pre-season game, The NHS took over a year to get me into surgery to get it repaired which finally happened at the end of August this year.
Obviously the knee needed time to recover so I spent a lot of time on the sofa playing FM or in the pub eating and drinking.

So it's been pretty much two years since I last did any real exercise and as I'm only part-time employed I can't really afford a gym membership but I really need to do something now as my wife had a Epileptic fit this morning and I had real trouble getting her into the recovery position which I have never had before in almost seven years of doing it, It made me realise how out of shape I am. I'm still almost 18 stone and in truth I don't look fat, I think most of my weight is in my legs as I have Roberto Carlos esc thighs and calfs but my arms have lost pretty much all definition and apparently strength.

I live in the country side so I can do a lot of jogging as well as swimming as that's free here in Leicestershire but neither of them are going to do much in terms of building me up.
18 years ago
6 months ago
By Rick87 | Permalink | On 29 November 2012 - 18:22 PM
Anyone got any good advice on building up strength/muscle for free?
I used to be in great shape, when I played rugby two years ago I was 20 stone, almost all of which was muscle. However after moving I stopped playing sports and started to get a little podgy, I tried playing for my local football club to counter this but twisted my knee and tore all my ligaments during a pre-season game, The NHS took over a year to get me into surgery to get it repaired which finally happened at the end of August this year.
Obviously the knee needed time to recover so I spent a lot of time on the sofa playing FM or in the pub eating and drinking.

So it's been pretty much two years since I last did any real exercise and as I'm only part-time employed I can't really afford a gym membership but I really need to do something now as my wife had a Epileptic fit this morning and I had real trouble getting her into the recovery position which I have never had before in almost seven years of doing it, It made me realise how out of shape I am. I'm still almost 18 stone and in truth I don't look fat, I think most of my weight is in my legs as I have Roberto Carlos esc thighs and calfs but my arms have lost pretty much all definition and apparently strength.

I live in the country side so I can do a lot of jogging as well as swimming as that's free here in Leicestershire but neither of them are going to do much in terms of building me up.

Press ups are free. Or lift breeze blocks, punch cow carcasses etc. Basically, watch the Rocky films.
16 years ago
4 years ago
Are you not part of the BeActive scheme as you're in the Midlands?
15 years ago
7 years ago
Oi gym sluts.

Morning workout with primary goal building muscles mass, full english breakie before gym or no breakfast?
16 years ago
4 years ago
Definitely have breakfast, just not sure if full english would be the best choice, guess depends how long between breakfast and work out so it can digest and stuff.
16 years ago
8 years ago
New to lifting? Get as much of it down into you as you can,,

Just give it time to digest etc though.
18 years ago
1 year ago
Don't go eating bacon and shit though, that's of no use at all.
16 years ago
2 years ago
By Ninja | Permalink | On 02 March 2013 - 11:41 AM
Oi gym sluts.

Morning workout with primary goal building muscles mass, full english breakie before gym or no breakfast?

I think it makes no difference whether you eat or not before a workout, whatever works for you do that. As for building muscle mass you really should go see a PT about that...
18 years ago
4 years ago
Oatmeal - best breakfast you can have.

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