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Can't work this one out - apart from the goals denoted by small footballs on the timeline at top of screen what do the little blocks of colour (red and grey here) mean? Thanks!
Bielsa is a legend
i dont see that, just the incident icons, goals, injuries etc
which skin do you use, could be that?
Oh thanks for this - I didn't think about it maybe being a skin thing - I use the Mustermann skin from starting recently with fm24 so will check out if I can through that - thanks for replying.
Bielsa is a legend
no worries mate, im just guessing but could it be a possession dominance indicator?
Good shout but so far I can't match this up very well when looking at the replays - I've contacted the skin creator so will report if it's resolved. Cheers.
Turns out that the coloured marks/blocks are present at the top of the replay time line in the default skin but are tiny and easily not seen. Still don't know what they mean exactly but likely related to what is considered a highlight or not (?)