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King Luis
Its hard to say that though, the only way that would happen is if MS and Sony started selling direct or just through supermarkets which could possible happen but its not just internet speeds stopping it going completely digital.
You really think the likes of Amazon and Game would stop selling consoles?
The used market is much, much smaller than the new market. They'll make about 90-95% of their revenue through new games.
Digital redeemable codes via third party such as Asda/Game/Sainsburys etc.
That's not true.
Retailers make most of their money through used, because they get a far bigger cut of the revenue than through new.
They make a bigger cut, but they make most their money through new games.
The used game market is about 6-7% the size of the new game market.
Of the market, maybe, but that market includes retailers that do not offer used e.g. Supermarkets.
The figures for retailers that do seem to be close to about a 40/60 split used to new, that's a huge chunk of revenue to lose.
So why are MS and Sony doing it?
Don't supermarkets now do pre-owned? I think ASDA do, might have just been a trial.
Can't see myself buying a next-gen console if this happens.
Quick google search says you seem to be right, tesco too although neither seem to be pushing it like GAME, amazon etc.. so I imagine it's hardly a huge feature of their business.
I have two friends who are managers of EB games here Flash and they say all their revenue is from used, they don't make much on the mark up of new games so when someone comes in with used games they push it as hard as possible, same with selling they really try to push buying used copies of games/consoles.
Phoenix Arrow
Keep telling yourself that.
Microsoft and Sony make zero money from used games sells. As do all other companies. If they could nuke the market, they would. Without question.
That sound about right, but there are a few things you're not taking into account. Retailers make about 25% from game sales and the cost of the stock is about 10% of the price. So, if you're buying a new game, Game are making about £6. That's as opposed to £20 or so they're making on used game game which goes straight into their till. iirc game retailed make about 25% of their money from used game sales. It's not the majority, but you have to consider that the high street is fucked, The bonus money they make from selling used games rather than new could decide whether a store makes a profit or a loss.
But to suggest that these companys would refuse to stock new consoles is ridicuous. They'd go out of business overnight.
King Luis
You say that then ignore my points as to why it wont happen, maybe a few generations in the future but not the next one.
Phoenix Arrow
But your whole argument was based off on the fact that you believe that retailer have the say over Microsoft which isn't the case. If Sony/MS release a console with anti-used game DRM, first of all online retailers, places like Argos and supermarket would not give a fuck, (Most) online retailers and Argos don't deal with used games and supermarkets do but only just. If other places stocked it, then Game would HAVE to stock it. There's no alternative, if other major retailers sell it and Game don't then that's it, Game are out of business.
Having said that, I'm talking about a hypothetical. I think what they're wanting to do is add like serial codes to games so the first time someone uses the copy, the game gets attached to that persons account and if you're using a used copy, you'll have to buy a code.
King Luis
Your just basing this on the UK though, Walmart in the US have a massive pull when it comes to games/consoles and they wont want to piss them off.
I don't get how or why people propagate that argument.
It's like if BMW, Audi, Ferrari, Ford, Chevrolet, etc.. could nuke the used car market they would, but they can't because we all accept that as legitimate. I genuinely am at a loss as to how or why people think that developers not making money from used games should make it legitimate for resale to die out.
Could you imagine if the housing market worked like that?
Houses cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, games cost 40 quid. They're not comparable at all. Houses and cars are assets, games aren't.
And? You literally have a million things you could sell.
Fuck it, you could sell your toaster if you wanted to and thats probably worth about 20p it's worth is irrelevant.
Everyone gets all snippety because it's games, as if no other item you ever owned had someone put time and effort in to making it.
Games companies trying to kill the used market is nothing other than greedy companies attempting to screw over the consumer.
Although saying that, EU law means that games companies can not legally stop you from selling on a digital product, let alone a physical one. So where they to introduce games tied to accounts with single use codes they would be in contravention of EU law.
Steam get away with it.
Because no ones taken them to court yet.
Microsoft/Sony doing it would impact on companies business in a way that makes a court case far more likely.
PC gaming doesn't exist in any kind of relevant physical manner when it comes to software and yet the PC players could not be more delighted. No one will take Steam to court about anything because they do nothing wrong. Sensible console makers can't easily manipulate consumers like PC players have.
Phoenix Arrow
Probably the most pointless post you've ever made.
Mr Willy
Speak for yourself, at least it made me giggle.
You mean If Microsoft sold software which couldn't then be sold on? Don't they already do exactly that with Office and Windows..?
Slashman X
And who's business does that effect?
If Sony and Microsoft did something against the law which had the potential to kill GAME's or Amazons mutli-million pound Used Game market you can bet they would sue.
But anyway, this is the most boring debate I've ever had, so that will be the last I will say on the matter.
New controller.
Looks better than the PS3 one, but still miles behind the 360's.
How? They are pretty much the same.