FM24 Real Name Fix
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The time has arrived – Football Manager 2022 (PC/Mac) is now available to play early on Steam and the Epic Games Store.
FM22 is now fully playable* for those who’ve purchased from a SEGA-approved digital retailer. Kick-off your managerial career early or compete against your mates in an Online Career or Fantasy Draft with cross-compatibility between Steam and Epic. As in previous years, any progress made in Career Mode can be carried forwards when your game updates to full release on Tuesday 9th November. If you have any questions specific to the Beta, please read our Getting Started FAQ.
FM22 is still available to pre-purchase, with 10% off and Early Access, at any point before full release. A full list of participating retailers can be found on the SEGA website.
How to Install
Purchases from Steam
Simply quit and restart Steam and you’ll see that Football Manager 2022 is available to install.
Purchases from Epic
Quit and restart the Epic Games Launcher and you’ll see that Football Manager 2022 is available to install.
Purchases from any other participating digital retailer
Your retailer should have sent you a confirmation email with a code, or a link to redeem your code which can be activated on Steam by following the instructions below:
1. Launch the Steam client software and log into your Steam account or create a new, free account
2. Click the Games Menu
3. Choose Activate a Product on Steam
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the activation process
* The Store, Steam Workshop and both the Pre and In-Game Editor are not available in the Beta.
You should be able to use the graphics on this site without any issues at all in FM22. The real name fix will be released shortly, while you'll need the full game to be released to use editor data files.
@mons will we have to wait for the full game to be released in order to use a new skin? Or if one is made up before Nov 9th will it work? cheers!
Bit hard for a skin to be created without being able to have a look behind the curtain to see how the new skins are built and what changes there are, so I doubt it. But you never know what skinners can manage to do 🙂
Greg Butzek
Can't get my facepack or logos to work. Did they change something. I have them in a graphics folder.
Hi Greg, you shouldn't be having many issues with FM2022. The facepacks, logos, kits, and balls work fine for me. I haven't tried adboards or backgrounds yet but that's because we need a skin that allows backgrounds to show and a backlight adjustment. The setup is the same as FM21. Mine are in the "graphics/pictures folder. Try that setup.
Greg Butzek
Yeah, thanks bartdude, no go. What's driving me mad is that I have the exact same setup as FM21, where it all works.
For some reason, photos, logos and skins don't show up. So it's got to be something with FM22, a setting or something that
I'm missing. I've cleared cache, unticked load images etc so I'm at a loss. Ready to jump off a bridge.
Is your Sports Interactive folder being recognised ? Check in preferences that your graphics folder location is correct.
Bielsa is a legend
I can confirm that ads (static) kits, faces, backgrounds, mini stadium, balls, logos etc all work with 22
cant get press conference backgrounds or podiums to work
we just need fluts superb skin now
happy gaming everybody
Mick the Miller
Anyone else having issues with the league table not showing full names? For example rotherham showing as rothi and sheff wed showing as sheffi? Probably just cos its the beta version but just wondered.
I know it is a silly question but do you have the screen resolution set up properly?
Mick the Miller
Yes, same as in all previous years.
whats your display settings in game[zoomed etc] and in windows generally do you have text size increased? check that post a pic to assist
Mick the Miller
game or windows display settings?
Mick the Miller
Full screen. 2560 x 1440 Same as always
no mate as said earlier what is your text setting in windows display settings- this
Mick the Miller
Sorry mate. Yes, the same.
Mick the Miller
Its weird cos rotherham were rothi earlier today and now its the full name. But some others are still short.
Mick the Miller
On the division overview there are some short names. But if I got to the stage screen, they are all full names.
ask over at SI mate
Mick the Miller
Will do. It is just on the league overview page.