Updated to patch 22.4



In FM22, Argentina is stuck in 2021. This patch activates 5 levels (1119 playable clubs) and updates the formats and promotions of all competitions, as well as much more depth because the rules that SIgames configured are terrible.


Sorry for not explaining the whole format, but it is too complex, it has many changes over the years and my english isn't good at all. The original post (in spanish) has more details: https://www.fmsite.net/forums/topic/91947-fm22-estructura-argentina-2022-ap-y-cl-5-niveles-1119-clubes-jugables/



– How to install:

As always Download the file and paste it in Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2022\editor data folder. If there isn't an editor data folder create one [using lower case do not use caps ]


Recommendation for 4th level or lower: Set "Add players to playable teams" when starting a new game if you don't want to play with "gray" players in lower leagues.

Start date: January 2022

2 years ago
5 months ago

Hola, por casualidad está en tus planes hacer una estructura así con la nueva reglamentación de la AFA de ir bajando hasta 22 equipos en 2028 paulatinamente y la regla de 5 de 12 sustituciones en forma permanente para el fm23? Estoy buscando por todos lados y no encuentro nada así, lo más parecido fue esto para el 2022, la misma duda también respecto al parche de medios y prensa argentina

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