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luke carson
my files won’t show in game can someone tell me how I can change this?
This is your installation path FM22 / editor data / FM22 / editor data
You need to place the files directly in the bolded folder, and not in any subfolders contained therein.
luke carson
tried that and there still not showing in game the only one showing is the updated changes
Can you make a screenshot of the editor data folder again? You may also need to restart Steam in order for it to load properly
luke carson
yeah sure
luke carson
I don't see that you've changed anything? Like mons said, copy all the files from there into this editor data folder. Otherwise the game can't read them
luke carson
Ok could you show me what’s in that folder you have underlined there please?
Everything that you already have there in that screenshot. I have different files so it won't look the same. The most important thing is that the path looks exactly like what I've underlined here,