2 years ago
2 months ago


I have a quite problem. I would like to play on 03/04 CM version in FM2023. I have founded one already. There is a problem with contract. For example, in Liverpool, Gerrard contract is 23k euro per week, Kirkland has 110k euro per week. After 2-3 months, Gerrard and others stars want to get more paid, like 250-300k euro per week. This is very uncomfortable. Also player like Ronaldinho, Raul etc… cost 250-300 million. Even bad player cost 50-60 million, it's very hard to buy someone. Of course I download original CM 03/04, but to be honest, one “space” load 2 minutes, not 5 sec like in FM23. What I should to do? I very want to play with legends, feel like 20 years ago. Any advice?

1 year ago
45 minutes ago

It depends how much free time and patience you have on your hands. You could use a site like and cross reference it with to get the appearance stats and transfer values from the 2003/04 season but it will be quite time consuming.


The only other thing to do is maybe look for a different database from that time period.

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