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Number 1
Demichelis maybe the one that gets the kicking most often (albeit sometimes deservedly) but why on earth has Dzeko suddenly become so talented at elaborately missing sitters?
Telegram Sam
Slashman X
What else could Dzeko have done yesterday? Dummied it and waited for Boyce to slide on by?
Injured I believe.
If you watch the replay im not sure it was going in anyway has he hardly got any contact on it and just glanced it onto Boyce. It may well have gone wide to the left of the goal.
Aye he was terrible - as was Clichy at times - I have to say I think his City career is over. He's regressed so much since we won the title, it's almost unbelievable. Even on the rare occasions that he is fit to play, he looks like a shadow of the player he used to be.
To be honest he's always been good at missing sitters, he just didn't use to do them quite as often (or as close together) and generally made up for them.
Combination of injury and poor form, arguably as a result of the change in system under Pellegrini.
Yeah, I've watched that replay a few times now and impressive though it is that Boyce got into that position, I still can't see where he makes contact with the ball. To me it looks like it takes a bobble and then Dzeko shins it over the bar.
Slashman X
Nah, there's an angle which shows Dzeko hitting it as he should and it just hitting Boyce's foot as he wraps his leg round
Telegram Sam
Eric Portapotty
Won't be able to watch it though, for better or worse.
Telegram Sam
I'm scared.
Telegram Sam
Poor bloke had one unfairly chalked off last week as well.
Eric Portapotty
If Rosler sets up his team based on what Martinez did then we might have trouble.
Telegram Sam
Eric Portapotty
Telegram Sam
When did we become such a negative team?
Playing not to lose rather than playing to win. Wigan have barely broken a sweat.
King Luis
Getting Arteta out of it would be a good start.
Eric Portapotty
Telegram Sam
Cannot move his feet quick enough when under pressure, always looks to pass backwards and sideways and also cannot run for fuck.