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Telegram Sam
Here's a few quotes directly advocating rape and murder. Enjoy.
The Platypus
Telegram Sam
This depends entirely on which Christian denomination one belongs to and how one as an individual wish to interpret the Bible.
Mainline protestants tend to focus more on the word of Christ while the more fundamentalist factions of protestantism will give more importance to the Old Testament.
But yes, the Old Testament is indeed very violent, as you'd expect from something written at the time that it was.
Eric Portapotty
I won't pretend to know of a site which offers a better explanation, but there should be sites with a more well-rounded perspective on the Bible.
While it is true that the website has its own agenda, the quotes it cites are straight out of the Old Testament.
Eric Portapotty
The quotes are open to interpretation, and the guys over at evilbible.com might have interpreted the verses to show that the Bible is, well, evil.
There's probably other verses that the guys have neglected to quote, in order to achieve their purpose.
Are you seriously trying to argue that the quotes Telegram Sam has in his opening post could be interpreted as anything other than direct instructions calling for certain sinners to be killed?
The Old Testament is violent and filled with all kinds of cruelty, that is an absolute fact that cannot be argued against. Whether that makes it "evil" is up for interpretation, but you cannot seriously claim that the passages that TS has quoted are anything other than direct calls for violence.
Eric Portapotty
Good point that. :/
Yeah... no that's not how it goes.
Slashman X
Zinedine Zaiddin
I believe if you want to take interpretation of Bible or Koran verses, you need to refer the whole surah or chapter. Only then you get why it written like that.
If you're going to be like that, you may as well say that in order to interpret the Bible, you need to read the Old Testament in the original ancient Hebrew and Aramaic and the New Testament in the original ancient Greek because some words may be translated in more than one way.
Slashman X
And I believe that's bollocks.
Telegram Sam
Then you're a massive cunt.
Didn't quite see I was joking there, did you?
*edit* - Not the first time I've been called that though, so maybe there is some truth to that statement.
But do I believe God created the Universe? Yes, I believe He did. But I don't believe He did it in seven days and created woman as an afterthought. I know that evolution is an absolute fact. I support gay marriage - despite what it says in the Bible - because I believe I know why the Bible bans homosexuality, and I believe I know why it's utterly irrelevant. Other radical things I think include that it's OK to eat pork or touch the skin of a pig with my bare hands (look them up), or to wear garments of more than one cloth.
Phoenix Arrow
When you say you're a Christian and that you believe in God, do you believe in him/her as an entity or as some kind of driving force behind life?
I don't believe in a God, but there are certainly forces in the universe which are godlike. Take the big bang. What happened there is largely fantastically and it's highly unlikely we will ever have an enough evidence to suggest this is what definately happened before it. It's possible to look at things like that and to look at things like the origins of life and to say it's godlike... to say there's a god in nature or something like that.
But those godlike forces are ultimately determined by chaos and to put faith in chaos is retarded. It's also retarded to believe in Noah and Moses. The Bible is largely a collection of fables and morals. If you look at it as anything more than that then I don't know.
Yeah they should have seen it coming.
Entity. Of the omnipotent (He started the universe - pretty good case for being omnipotent, that, so far as I'm concerned), omniscient variety.
To look at the Bible solely as history is wrong. But to look at it as largely a collection of fables and morals is equally wrong. There's an equilibrium to be found between the two, which makes reading and understanding it a pain in the backside. Hence fundamentalists who don't like engaging their brain and just take the literal truth and tell anyone who doesn't accept their point of view that they're spending an eternity in Hell.
And just before anyone asks me why there's pain and suffering in the world if God loves us so, I've struggled with that one enough over the years myself. I've always identified as Christian - even if I'm a million miles from perfect in following the teachings - but it's only been the last few months that I've really started trying to understand my faith. And I do think of it as a faith, and not a religion; to my mind, religions are mainly lists of dos and don'ts, whereas a faith is putting your faith into something - in my case, my faith is in Christ my Saviour.
And I now look like a religious nutter. Brilliant.
Does that go some way to explaining my understanding of the Bible? Feel free to call me a hypocrite if you want - this is the sort of thing you can ask a dozen Christians about and get a dozen different responses. I personally feel that faith is more important than following the word of Biblical law.
I mean the only tangible 'proof' we have of any kind of Christian god existing (and I use proof loosely) is the bible, and if you live your life by the commandments of the bible, conventional wisdom holds that you're going to heaven.
If you ignore the bible as an antiquated, outdated book whose moral teachings are, in many cases, harmful. Then you're not living your life along the Christian line surely?
I mean, I get what you're saying. But surely if you don't believe in the bible as a guiding light then your way of achieving salvation is just going to be that of just being a good person, then in which case surely your salvation would be achieved without the constant praise of an intangible Deity?
I certainly feel somewhat uneasy with the idea that the Christian religion, without any moral compass because the bible is pretty much useless, effectively comes down to 'if you don't worship this god that gave you free will, you're going to hell no matter what good you do. It all just seems very narcissist to me, if there indeed is a Christian god.