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Wait until you get set upon by a crocodile, I possibly whimpered
I encountered a crocodile for the first time. I was swimming with one had and taking a quick drink of my brew with the other... lets just say my brew went fucking everywhere.
I didn't even realise they were in the game till one was chewing on me
Telegram Sam
That only happens on the easiest difficulty, Ive only just managed completed it on Normal and its not as easy as that video makes out.
Phoenix Arrow
That king of Chinatown kill is awesome though. Either incredibly luck or he knew exactly where he was going to go and planned that out. It does look dodgy but notice how noone other than the guy he kills sees him with the knife. Other people get suspicious as you can see from the minimap. Oh, and the ice cream truck in the desert is an easter egg.
Really though, the gameplay isn't the problem with the game at all. There are small bugs and some things which are seem gamey when you watch it like that, but you don't notice it when you're playing it. The problem is that the second act (from part in the hotel to I don't know where because I got this and Farcry at the same time and Farcry is better) is like the opposite of a Hitman game. Most of the time you're trying to avoid getting caught rather than plotting a hit. It's a solid game but I stick the thing I've said the whole time, it feels more like Splinter Cell than Hitman. A good Splinter Cell game to be fair, but still. It's decent enough thoough.
If you're interested in getting it, wait to see if it pops up as one of the daily deals on the Steam sale. If it does, then get it.. If not, then the generic sale price of £22 of it is probably a fair price but I wouldn't go for it at full whack.
But yeah, every game has its bugs too.
Phoenix Arrow
Just Cause 2 ftw.
The Platypus
The flamethrower's a gift.
King Luis
Love that game, hope they make a 3rd and its just as awesome but with multiplayer on console
Phoenix Arrow
I've played Fuel with a friend btw, I don't know how many people bothered to get it. The world is ridiculous. I mean really, we decided go on a drive somewhere and it took us about... I don't know 40 minutes to get about a 6th of the way across the map pretty much just going north. Plus you can offroad it and you have to scale mountains and shit. It would've been really fun if the cars weren't complete shit.
I had that. The game was okay
Must get a new Power Supply though, these random reboots are annoying me now.
Phoenix Arrow
King Luis
They announced that the other day, is your inside source the internet?
Phoenix Arrow
Fuck you.
I don't know how anyone can define a game such as this "crap" like, what did you expect? Its a Formula One game, your going to get nothing but a Formula One game, with excellent graphics and real features such as kers/drs/penalties, if you've ever played F1 2010/2011 then 2012 is a major improvement on both joined together.
Its not a crap game , if your an F1 fan.
Not my words! Just said it wasn't as good as F1 2011.
Yeah, F1 2012 has been improved LOADS, so if you liked 2011 you'll love 2012.
Mr Willy
Argh, that kind of shit would drive me mental.
The recent patch fixed most of that, i don't really have a problem with Penalties, not like i did when the game first came out.
And Deano, haven't played it but can't you get loads of mods for the PC for minecraft?