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King Luis
It's not really a stupid point though is it?
Rafa Benitez has been fairly lucky that the last two jobs he's got have given him a chance to win a competition based solely on the work of the previous manager.
Baring in mind how few managers have left or been sacked after winning the CL (I literally can only think of the two examples) it is fairly fortuitous that Rafa has been given the chance both times.
I guess you're defending him because your perceiving it as an attack on Liverpool/Rafa in some way, but I don't think there's really much to it.
King Luis
If it isn't an attack on Rafa then what the hell is it?
Also it implies that Rafa hasn't had any other sort of success and hes been given this job based on his performance in a competition few people value really.
Interesting that he didn't say something simular about RDM, he took over midway through the season and won the Champions League after taking over in the Quarter Finals.
The reality of the situation that, after all the jobs Rafa hasn't been offered since being sacked by Liverpool he's been fortuitous that the two he has have both offered him a chance at winning a competition where the most difficult thing about it is qualifying for it.
And do you honestly believe that comparison yourself?
King Luis
Yes but no one really looks at the competitions Rafa has won and picks the one World Club Championship out as hes best achievement, would he say the same of a manager who comes in a year after a FA Cup win or Premiership win and has the chance to win the community shield? Course he wouldn't, just seems to have some sort of grudge against Rafa.
There's a world of difference between the Community Shield and the Club World Cup though. Ferguson, I know, rates it as a top tier competition but the prestige of it only comes from the fact that you have to qualify for it by winning the Champion's League. The Community Shield is nothing more than a friendly.
King Luis
It doesn't change the fact that if a manager wins the Community Shield after taking over in the summer they had no involvement in the teams involvement in qualifying for said competition, regardless of the perceived importance. You cant seriously think if any other manager would have come in as caretaker manager he wouldn't have bothered saying anything, its just because its Rafa hes getting on his high horse.
And i know this is the second time Rafa's had the chance to win the CWC but again its hardly his fault what clubs decide to do, what would SAF prefer, if Rafa just turned down the job because he'd be in a competition because of a previous managers work?
I'd imagine if another manager had been given two chances out of two to win a competition based off other peoples work that Ferguson rates as important he'd describe them as lucky as well.
I don't see why you're taking it as such a personal jibe, of course Rafa should take the job but it doesn't change the fact that it's lucky that both jobs he's been offered in the past 2 years have had this nice little bonus attached to it.
Do you have some kind of perception filter set up around your computer though? Because to me 'lucky' is fairly innocuous. You're acting as if Ferguson has said that Rafa is an 'overweight waste of space who couldn't manage his way out of a paper bag and he can't wait until the day the stupid Spanish cunt drops down dead'. That would be an attack, I just think you're being overly sensitive.
King Luis
No just all these little digs at Rafa over the years get abit boring really, guess were just going to have to put up with it again now Rafas back in England.
Slashman X
Carroll, I'm not being funny, but can you actually read?
Rafa is lucky. From what I read here or elsewhere Rafa was being spoken to days before RDM was sacked so in fact he may have been involved
Telegram Sam
Eric Portapotty
It really doesn't take the media long does it. They do anything for a reaction at times.
Anyone who's followed either player situation at the club over the last few months will know that both could potentially leave, that is nothing new. Both players will be out of contract, both will have to accept lesser deals and 1 year contacts, due to the over 30 policy the club now has. So obviously if neither player signs, they'll leave. This is all common knowledge for most.
Rafa has no input in the matter, he's made this point that he's only a short-term appointment (for the moment, at least) and is simply the head coach for now. He's said if he was a more permanent appointment he might be able to influence the situations of the players involved. He told the truth instead of pussy-footing around the issue.
Simply the media looking to stir the pot.
Slashman X
Slashman X
Slashman X
Number 1
I think Cleverley must have killed Fergusons cat or something